The adventures of Ao continues in Eureka Seven: Jungfrau no Hanabanatachi. The disc contains an OVA anime movie and an action shooter.
In the movie, we see team Pied Piper reaching another level of popularity. Naturing TV is making a documentary film on them. To escape from the filming crew, the Ao, Elena and Fleur design a small escape. Leaving Generation Bleu behind, they explore the world by themselves. From comedy to danger, this OVA episode has everything fans know and love about the Eureka Seven series.
The game contains three modes. Experience the secret battles from Eureka Seven Ao in the Situation mode. Clear missions and unlock new mecha from the Mission Mode. There are single missions and tag missions, clear all twenty four of them to win the whole stable. And in the Challenge Mode, the veteran pilots strike down powerful foes for high scores.
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