The story of Disgaea 7 is set in a Japanese style netherworld called "Hinomoto Netherworld Cluster," which has been taken away its "Bushido" and is in shambles by the hands of demon admiral Opener.
The odd duo of lone samurai named Fuji and a Hinomoto otaku girl named Piririka set out on a journey spanning all of Hinomoto to obtain the legendary weapons known as the "Seven Blades of Origin" in order to defeat the corrupt Oedo Shogunate.
Can Fuji, Pirika, and the odd balls they meet along the way regain the honorable Hinomoto once more...?
Disgaea is a Strategy RPG set in a netherworld where anything goes.
The story progresses by forming an army with the unique allies you meet on your journey, training them, and going on quests to various locations in the netherworld.
Enjoy creating characters and armies of your own concept, and battles where the damage numbers will go into the tens of millions!
Coming soon...
This game also exists on:
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Nintendo Switch
Coming soon...
Coming soon...