The first game in the The Legendary Starfy series released for the GBA only in Japan. In the beginning, the protagonist, Stafy, known as Starfy in Western regions, was moving things around his home (Pufftop Palace) until he tripped and dropped some things he was moving. One of them fell into the ocean, which was the Magic Jar, an object that seals the antagonist of the game known as Ogura. Meanwhile, a very severe thunderstorm with two tornadoes shook Starfy out of his home into the ocean.
Later, Old Man Lobber encountered Starfy and told him about the Magic Jar and Ogura, while he helped Starfy get back home, by making him do some swimming lessons as well as giving directions. While Starfy was heading back home, he encountered someone he didn't know before, such as Moe the clam and decided to help them with their problems, like finding their missing items, defeating enemies, and so on. Starfy and his friends fought and brought back Ogura into the Magic Jar to restore peace.
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