In NES Remix, a collection of Nintendo games — classics as well as less renowned ones — are re-presented with their stages and main characters variously remixed. For instance, a Donkey Kong level may be played by the 8-bit Link from The Legend of Zelda (who is unable to jump, unlike the original game character); Mario has to go through a Super Mario Bros. level with graphics in black and white, or advancing from the right end (the goal) to left (the level start).
Or the player may be assigned new brief tasks to accomplish in original stages (such clearing an area of The Legend of Zelda from all enemies without being hit). For each game, there are some levels, each with its challenges to be cleared in order to either get to next challenge or level or access to a new game. New content accessibility is related with stars, that are achieved in quantity from 1 to 3 on completing levels.
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