Digimon World DS is a role-playing game and the first Digimon game for the Nintendo DS. The game features 300 Digimon, and uses the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to trade Digimon and create Digi-Eggs. It was followed in its mini-series by Digimon World Dawn and Dusk.
In the game, the player assumes the role of a Digimon tamer and embarks on a journey to tame and command more than 230 unique Digimon. Unlike most of the character collection-driven games in the series, Digimon World DS's gameplay continues after the character collection is completed. The player can build Digi-Farms to raise, evolve and communicate with the Digimon. Using Wi-Fi and local DS wireless connection, players can interact by exchanging Digimon, engaging in battles, and pooling resources to create rare types of Digimon.
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