
Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life

The year is 2018 and science has progressed at an alarming rate under the Tantauls system. Dinosaurs, clones, and mecha are no longer figments of fantasy and can be constructed into reality. They regulate society to the finest detail, creating automated and technologically advanced cities on land and in sea. Yet through this government agency lies a dark conspiracy, one which mysteriously surrounds the brain waves of the school girl, Athena Asamiya. Although she believes herself to be a normal girl, her life changes dramatically once her Psycho Powers awaken. Now, it is up to her to find the truth behind her powers as well as the secrets behind Tantauls.

A spin-off of SNK's successful King of Fighters series, "Awakening" casts you as Athena Asamiya (of Athena fame) as she discovers her latent psychic powers and uses them to aid her friends and unravel a conspiracy that threatens all of Japan, if not the world.

The game plays as a 3D RPG'adventure game with polygonal characters over pre-rendered backgrounds, and the main gameplay mechanics involve conversing with NPC's and gaining clues as well as using your powers to solve several puzzles which involves following some audiovisual clues and repeating them. Do it right and you can use your power effectively, do it wrong and you'll give Athena a psychic backlash and drain her health. "Action" sequences play the same but involve tighter time limits and a turn-based system in which you must avoid enemy attacks in order to successfully use your powers. A majority of the game's story is presented through lengthy FMV sequences with acting that commonly resembles modern Japanese drama.


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Game Information

Sony PSP
SNK Playmore
Adventure, RPG
JP Release Date
August 30, 2007
CERO Rating
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
Added by
1 User(s)

This game also exists on:
PlayStation 3 PlayStation 1

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