You are Takamine Yuuto, an orphan who lives only to care for his sister and ensure they make it through their ordinary everyday lives (with a little help from their friends). One day he is suddenly interrupted by a call from beyond this Earth - he has been summoned through a mystical portal to the distant land of Phantasmagoria! With his sister Kaori held hostage, Yuuto must fight as an Etranger - a warrior of power - and take up the sword to fight alongside the beautiful female Spirits who protect the land from the evil that threatens to consume it. With these new comrades, a tale of desperate heroism, newfound purpose and tender romance unfolds...
●Over 50 Hours of RPG Gameplay ●21 Playable Characters ● 9 Unique Endings ● 23 Tactical Missions ● 99 Character Levels, 3 Difficulty Levels ● 38 Towns and Villages to Conquer ● Hundreds of Skill Upgrades ● Secret Items and "Easter Eggs" ● Massive Replay Value
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