Following the events of Double Dealing Character, Seija Kijin has become a wanted amanojaku in Gensokyo. There have been signs saying that whoever captures her wins a reward. Since Seija has become a rebel, youkai have decided to use spell cards that are considered impossible to dodge, but Seija is determined to not give up and decides to cheat using the said items.
Later on, however, the tengu have taken notice and have written up a newspaper about her mischief, which causes stronger youkai and humans to try and capture her. Shinmyoumaru Sukuna confronts Seija and declares that she ought to return the remainder of the Mallet's magic and that they've lost the war that occurred during Double Dealing Character. Seija, believing that using her cheating magic to conquer Gensokyo, Shinmyoumaru states that they ought to surrender because she has had enough. Since Seija goes against her will, Shinmyoumaru goes against Seija and gets others to capture her.
In the end, it's revealed that Seija has lost all of her allies, but it's nothing to worry about because the amanojaku can never really make friends anyway. However, the story extends onto the mini game Gold Rush. Somehow acquiring the ultimate rule-breaking item, the Miracle Mallet (Real), Seija sets about robbing the Hakurei Shrine of its assets before the Miracle Mallet's power runs out.
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