It is five years since the events of 1999's "The Silver Case," set in the new 25th Ward that arose in the bayside area of Kanto. In a room of the "Bayside Tower Land" apartment complex, a woman is found murdered under mysterious circumstances. This sets off a series of...
You wake up with an aching head and the world out of focus. In front of you is a man accusing you of being “fake”. He looks exactly like you, down to the last scar and pimple, has the same memories, the same voice and the same personality. But who...
Become a god and help change the fate of people, even the world! In WILL: A Wonderful World, you will receive letters written by characters living in urban cities. By rearranging the order and combinations of sentences in these letters, you are going to alter the destiny of whomever that...
The Coma is back, recut and remastered. Explore this horror-fest of the Korea indie cult classic with an all new visual upgrade and mechanics. "Where is everybody?" You were just another normal high school student in Korea. You had just sat down for your final exam, exhausted from an all-night...
"Where is everybody?" You were just another normal high school student in Korea. You had just sat down for your final exam, exhausted from an all-night cramming session. The result of all your preparation, and those grueling hours spent studying was dozing off in the middle of the test. You...
A Kick-Ass Blast of 16-Bit Sword-and-Sorcery Action! Steel yourself for a relentless display of might and muscle…of brawn and bravery…of magic and mayhem! Can you cleave your enemies’ skulls, plunder all the booty and flex to impress the barbarienne of your dreams? Inspired by heroic fantasy fiction, Tiny Barbarian DX...
After having defeated the evil Grand Vizier Jaffar, the brave Prince claimed just one reward: the hand of the beautiful daughter of the Persian Sultan. However, as the Prince approached the palace, his appearance suddenly turned into that of a beggar. Someone who looked just like the Prince ordered to...
Necrosphere is a (really difficult) bite-sized metroidvania game you control WITH ONLY TWO BUTTONS! Necrosphere is where you go when you die, regardless of being good or bad. You don’t see other people around there. You don’t have anything to do, except waiting for eternity As soon as Agent Terry...
Headlander is a a retro-futuristic, side-scrolling, action-adventure game set in a world inspired by 70s science fiction. It is a world of automation, a utopia gone wrong in which all of humanity have transferred their minds into robotic imposter bodies and are ruled by a deranged computer. You are the...
Following the events of Legion, the wounded Azeroth is bleeding a substance called "Azerite," which has great magical potential. The Horde Warchief, Sylvanas Windrunner, attempts to consolidate Horde power on Kalimdor and gain a monopoly on Azerite (which is primarily found at the southern end of the continent). Her campaign...
The Duke is back! And he's packin' more power than ever! But getting him out of his brand new jam ain't just a no-brainer! As Duke's being interviewed on TV about his best-selling book, Why I'm So Great, aliens suddenly abduct him! His creepy captors plan to drain his brain...
Shishimai Rinka was a high schooler who ran a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother. She lived her life much like any other person her age, but one day, she was caught up in an explosion while returning home on the train alongside her friend, Hitsuji...
Death Squared is a cooperative puzzle game for 1, 2 or 4 players, best enjoyed with loved ones who don't mind a little arguing for the greater good. Prove your teamwork skills in Death Squared as you solve puzzles together or die trying! Each player needs to guide a robot...
--「The more we learn, the more ignorant we get.」This is an era of discovery. The industrial revolution has just demonstrated its power. With the increasingly emerged new technologies, human beings are free from natural sensory limitations, and the frontier of the cognitive world is expanding at an unprecedented speed. “Yan”...
A trio of large, bearded fishermen who step away from the ordinary to seek adventure One of TIME's top ten games of the year, Burly Men at Sea is a folktale about a trio of large, bearded fishermen who step away from the ordinary to seek adventure. Set in the...
End the world with your tongue and boulders! The King swings a boulder back and forth with his tongue and YOU ARE responsible for releasing it! Time the release accurately and crush as many targets as possible with each boulder. Simple but mouth-watering addictive! Master the game by anticipating how...
Dead Cells puts you in control of a failed alchemic experiment trying to figure out what's happening on a sprawling, ever-changing and seemingly cursed Island. Tough but fair combat, responsive controls, challenging foes, permadeath and of course, the emergency panic roll to get you out of trouble, make for a...
Camp W puts you in the role of a young Witch experiencing their first ever summer away from home at sleepaway camp. But there’s a twist! (Isn’t there always?) Though you’re from the Witching Realm, where magic is commonplace, you’ll be enrolling at a summer camp for Humans who have...
Deponia is a fast-paced comedy of errors and one of the most unusual love stories in gaming history. The twist-filled story takes its off-beat characters all over trash planet Deponia, a unique game world in the style of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening. From Kuvaq, an improvised village...
This DLC has 4 more characters, with better animation, more CGs and more enchanting stories which includes 4 more girls. This DLC only support English, Japanese and Traditional Chinese FOR NOW. After purchasing this DLC, you need to complete all 8 characters in Mirror to proceed to characters in the...
Enter the world of Rising Dusk. A land permanently in the hours of twilight and inhabited by an assortment of ghouls. The only way out may be to avoid every coin. As the day shines the last of its golden light over the land an eerie realm begins to form...
You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, or framing innocent people. You use the money you earn to upgrade your computer systems, and to...
A demon possessed you one year ago. Since that day, you unwillingly tore a trail of bloodshed through New York City. Your salvation comes in the form of the Unavowed – an ancient society dedicated to stopping evil. You are free, but your world is in tatters. You have no...
In Space We Brawl is a frantic couch twin-stick shooter in which you challenge friends in fast-paced space battles for up to 4 players. Choose a spaceship and a weapon: there are more than 100 available combinations! Will you humiliate your friends with a fast ship? Or will you choose...
Stubbs the Zombie has been disturbed from his eternal rest 50 years after his death, and you can help him get revenge on those that woke him. Roam the city of Punchbowl while using your zombie powers to take control of its inhabitants. You can turn citizens into zombies, possess...