The beloved Flash RPG series played by millions lives again in an all-new adventure that's not a sequel or a simple remake. When Sonny returns from the dead without his memories, he finds himself caught between the conflict of a seemingly endless horde of mutated monstrosities and a mysterious paramilitary...
Welcome to the Wild West like you’ve never seen it before. When a tragic turn of events sets one man down a path of supernatural chaos and revenge, he must brutally hunt down all those who wronged him. Follow Warren on his descent into the darkest recesses of the human...
Detective Grimoire has been called to investigate a murder. The owner of a small tourist attraction, found deep within the heart of the marshes, seemingly killed by the very mythical creature his attraction is based around... Explore the surrounding area, inspect the scene of the crime, grill the suspects, solve...
Icebound is a steampunk fantasy visual novel and puzzle game in a world that has fallen into the depths of a thousand-year ice age. Alchemy is a very real ability to manipulate the forces of nature and machines run using clockworks and steam. Humans have united under the Empire, a...
Join a small team of elite hackers pulling off a complex series of data heists in Hacknet Labyrinths, a major expansion for critically acclaimed terminal-based hacking simulator, Hacknet. Adding a new 3-4 hour chapter to the game, Hacknet Labyrinths sees you recruited by the mysterious Kaguya to join a small...
Hacknet is an immersive, terminal-based hacking simulator for PC. Dive down a rabbit hoIe as you follow the instructions of a recently deceased hacker, whose death may not have been the accident the media reports. Using old school command prompts and real hacking processes, you’ll solve the mystery with minimal...
Regalia: Of Men And Monarchs is an RPG full of challenging combat and exciting adventures. Create your party of distinct individuals and get to work! There's a lot to be done if you are to rebuild your kingdom. Enjoy the beautiful hand-drawn graphics, lose yourself in the original orchestral soundtrack...
Escape Goat 2 is a puzzle platformer where you use the environment, your agility, and mighty horns to overcome obstacles and explore a mysterious tower. Venture into the mysterious Stronghold of Toragos. The fate of your friends is at stake! And fear not, for your companion, the friendly Mouse, will...
Life Goes On is a comically morbid puzzle platformer game, where you send a series of dauntless medieval knights through a trap-ridden gauntlet, sacrificing them one by one to make progress. Impale knights on spikes to create a safe path. Catch a knight on a saw blade (ouch!) to strategically...
It is the dawn of the 20th century, and London has taken to the stars! As the captain of a spacefaring locomotive you'll behold wonders and battle cosmic abominations in the furthest heavens. Stake your claim. Fight to survive. Speak to storms. Murder a sun. Face judgement. Ten years have...
You’re the Private Investigator on a string of grisly murders, scouring for clues in a 3D side-scrolling world. Grab your fedora and revolver - in Hot Tin Roof you’re on the case! Dive into a noir mystery and become Emma Jones, the only PI partnered to a cat named Franky.
The year is 1848. Paris is on the brink of yet another revolution, and the prisons are overflowing with guilty and innocent alike. One man stands for justice amid society's chaos. No. One bird... Play the role of Monsieur Jayjay Falcon, a bird of prey with a good heart and...
Enter a beautiful world haunted by its fateful past and join a party of unlikely heroes on their journey to rescue Amon's uncle from an ancient cult and uncover the secret of EARTHLOCK. EARTHLOCK is an adventure RPG inspired by the classic 3D RPGs of the late 90's, with a...
Mold an amorphous organism into any shape by pruning its cells. New cells will immediately grow, allowing you to traverse a mysterious world across brain-twisting obstacles, overcome swarms of bizarre mutated creatures, and understand the true nature of the devastation from which you emerged. The eerily beautiful visuals are complemented...
Alone With You is a sci-fi game for people who love adventure, exploring and maybe even a little romance. You're the last survivor of a doomed space colony, trying to escape a planet before it implodes around you. Along with your troubled AI companion, you'll scan for clues, solve puzzles,...
The End Is Nigh is a sprawling adventure platformer where the player takes control over Ash, one of few "things" that have "survived" the "end of the world". Follow Ash as he flops his way through a future of pain and suffering. Feel his stress levels rise as you throw...
Fishing Planet is a unique and highly realistic online first-person multiplayer fishing simulator developed by avid fishing enthusiasts for anglers to bring you the full thrill of actual angling! Choose your lures, make your trophy catches, discover new possibilities and sharpen your real angling skills anywhere, anytime with your friends!...
A finalist for "Best Indie Game" at the Canadian Videogame Awards, Planet of the Eyes tells the tale of a service robot stranded on a mysterious planet. With a stunning visual mix of puzzle and platforming challenges, an original musical score and fully voiced audio logs, Planet of the Eyes...
Lead the revolution with an army of flamethrowing Boars, mustard gas-lobbing Skunks, and paratrooper-puking Owls. From the designers of Monaco: What's Yours is Mine, Tooth and Tail is a Real-Time-Strategy game featuring Single Player, Online Competitive Play, Split Screen, Replays, and more. Build a base, lead your army, eat your...
As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, you must hunt, harvest resources, craft items, grow crops, research technologies, and build shelters to withstand the elements. Use your cunning and resources to kill or tame and breed the leviathan...
In Absolute Drift, you will master the art of drifting. Practice your skills in Free-Roam and compete in drift events such as Driftkhana and Mountain Drifting. • Drive and customize up to 6 drift cars • 3 Game Modes: Driftkhana, Drifting, & Mountain Drifting with 24+ levels • 5 Free-Roaming...
Minerva's Den offers a brand-new, self-contained BioShock story, presenting a side of Rapture you've never seen before. Seek out the tools you'll need to unlock new goals and spaces in the order you choose. Face Rapture's full range of opposition as you increase in power---a new challenge is always right...
In a gloomy not-so-distant future, mankind have finally made it to Mars. The colonization of the red planet is vital for humanity's survival, as the heavily polluted Earth's resources are nearly depleted. At the same time, the Taar, a mysterious alien race that lost their homeworld many centuries ago, has...
Dark times are imminent: the king’s abduction throws a once peaceful land into turmoil. Being the chosen one elected by the king himself through one of your dreams, you embark on an adventurous journey to free him from the hands of the evil duke and go down in history as...
This marks the end of a very long journey, but the wait was more than worth it. The Final Cut adds an in-game map, character library, playable deleted scenes, and a concept art gallery but also several things that both newcomers and veterans will appreciate, like: - Improved art and...