The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries stars the iconic, blade-wielding character from Robert Kirkman's best-selling comic books, portrayed in-game by award-winning actress Samira Wiley. Haunted by her past, and coping with unimaginable loss and regret, the story explores Michonne's absence between issues #126 and #139 of the comic...
The Walking Dead is an episodic video game series based on Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic books. Season One of The Walking Dead won over 90 Game of the Year Awards. Season Two continues the Season One story. You are Clementine, a young survivor in a world gone to hell. The...
Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and Zoya the Thief have slowly come to the conclusion that having their lives commandeered by a powerful magical artifact is not a desirable state of existence on a permanent basis. The heroes try to return their extraordinary gifts to the Artifact called Trine,...
Anima: Gate of Memories is a third person action RPG that focuses on combat and exploration, and backs up that gameplay with huge role-playing elements. While it is story driven, it doesn’t force you to ride along rails to complete it. The game gives players freedom to explore a rich...
The award-winning adventure continues in Banner Saga 2! This epic, story-based, role-playing game continues its emotional journey across a breaking world. Bold leadership decisions, wise use of resources, and skillful battle tactics are vital to ensure your viking clans make it through alive. Experience what took the indie gaming world...
Lumino City is a puzzle adventure game, and the sequel to Lume. Three years in the making, it's handmade entirely out of paper, card, miniature lights and motors. Lumino City continues where we left Lume. As Lumi welcomes Grandad back at the end of Lume, she is swiftly catapulted into...
In Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, players will take on multiple roles within the ragtag band of heroes, and take the pilot's seat in directing their escapades around the universe. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series delivers a brand new story of the universe's unlikeliest...
In Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, players will take on multiple roles within the ragtag band of heroes, and take the pilot's seat in directing their escapades around the universe. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series delivers a brand new story of the universe's unlikeliest...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Borderlands 2 furthers the distinct blending of First Person Shooter and Role Playing genres to create the true evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. Team up with up to three other players for four-player online goodness or go old-school with two-player split-screen couch sharing mayhem as you spend hours leveling...
The newest chapter in the famous A Kiss For The Petals franchise, Remembering How We Met takes a long look back at Risa and Miya’s relationship, telling the tale of how they first met and came to be lovers. For those who are new to the franchise, this series is...
Blurring the lines between cautious strategy and unbridled mayhem, SUPERHOT is the FPS in which time moves only when you move. No regenerating health bars. No conveniently placed ammo drops. It's just you, outnumbered and outgunned, grabbing the weapons of fallen enemies to shoot, slice, and maneuver through a hurricane...
World class platforming, music, storytelling, and art all return in Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows, available now to all owners of Shovel Knight! Pick up the FREE DLC on your platform of choice – Wii U, 3DS, Xbox One, PS4, PS Vita, PS3, Windows/Mac/Linux (Steam, GOG, Humble)! Extract the potion’s...
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment is a stand alone campaign or a free expansion for Shovel Knight:Treasure Trove. It features Specter Knight's campaign which is set as a prequel to Shovel of Hope, The expansion also includes challenges for Specter Knight, Body Swap Mode and the Co-op Mode. Notably, unlike...
This Is the Police is a strategy/adventure game set in a city spiraling the drain. Youll come face to face with the ugly underbelly of Freeburg, taking the role of gritty Police Chief Jack Boyd (portrayed by Jon St. John, the voice of Duke Nukem). Dive into a deep story...
An alchemist’s apprentice returns home from university to finish her training under a great master. Things go awry when she revisits her family home, where dark secrets and the mystery of her parents’ disappearance lie buried. She will embark on a quest that can potentially change the faith of the...
Gnog is a puzzle-adventure game with a focus on discovery and wonder in a universe made up of monster heads. Explore a myriad of unique interconnected heads and the worlds they carry within, as you try to decipher each one's quirks and advance to the next. Interact with the outside...
Deathstate is a roguelike bullet hell adventure set in a bizarre world of dimensional exploration. Play as a number of unique characters trying to discover the fate of Professor Elinberg who opened a portal to the void. Are you ready to venture deep into the abyss?
A small seed heads up a mountain to save his home in this physics-based game. Roll up a procedurally generated mountain avoiding holes and killing corrupted creatures in this dual-stick action balance game. TumbleSeed is easy to pickup but difficult to master. Balance the seed, grow powerful with upgrades, and...
From the folks behind the BIT.TRIP series comes the frantic insanity that is Woah Dave! Help our hero, Dave Lonuts, survive an insane alien invasion and line his pockets with shiny pennies. Hurl alien eggs, skull bombs, and explosive WOAH blocks to stay alive and sky rocket yourself to high...
Get ready to take a nostalgia trip back beyond the 80s, to the 1800s! In this all new widescreen version of Rock Boshers DX! A young Queen Victoria, tired of her dull Royal duties sneaks away incognito - in search of adventure on the recently colonised planet of Mars. Upon...