Anka is a modest boy living a secluded life with his parents in the countryside. One day, his mother disappears after going to the city, and soon his father also vanishes mysteriously, leaving the young man by himself. Anka decides to search for his missing parents, traveling through the land...
Defy the god of the dead as you hack and slash out of the Underworld in this rogue-like dungeon crawler from the creators of Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre. Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant's critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of...
Gladiator, it is time to go underground! For the first time ever, you shall step beyond the arena sands and into the dark dungeons of the world. Swords and Sandals V Redux: Grail of Antares, the latest thrilling installment in the world's greatest gladiator game series, has arrived! A unique...
Brandor is at war! Gladiator,step out of the arena and defend the realm from Emperor Antares! Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux is a strategic wargame about raising armies, fighting battles and conquering lands in a fantasy world. For the first time since 2007, the beloved Swords and Sandals Crusader returns...
You have been a knight. You have been a gladiator. Now, for the first time in Swords and Sandals, you are a PIRATE! Join us on the grandest adventure of all in Swords and Sandals Pirates the latest epic chapter in the hugely popular game series! The Four Oceans War...
Gladiator, you are now a knight! Yes, that's right -- the greatest gladiator series in the world, Swords and Sandals, has just gone medieval! Swords and Sandals moves into the middle ages in this action packed, turn-based combat RPG. In Swords and Sandals Medieval you start as a peasant and...
You are Spartacus, the gladiator who defied the corrupt tyrants of Rome! One man who broke free from a brutal gladiator arena. One man who took on the most powerful legions in Ancient Rome. This is the story of the legendary ... SPARTACUS! Now for the first time, take up...
The king is not a nice gent. He’s given you an ultimatum. Surrender your castle or be throne out. (See what I did there? Because the king sits on a throne. . .yeah? . . . never mind.) With an army of misfits at his beck and call, you’d better...
Princess adventures in Zephyr Kingdom Or One grown-up divorced princess CHCHP is going through existential crisis. Runaway from reality leads her to the childhood where one sweet memory is waiting, and this is her childhood friend, Teddy bear. But in childhood near the toys there had always been lava and...
Inspired by the 1983 cult classic film, Wargames, DEFCON superbly evokes the tension, paranoia and suspicion of the Cold War era, playing on the fascinating aspects of psychological gameplay that occur during strategic nuclear warfare. You play a General hidden deep within an underground bunker. Your mission is to successfully...
Chex Quest HD is a modern, multiplayer remake of the classic 1996 FPS advergame of the same name. The Intergalactic Federation of Snacks' outpost on the remote planet of Bazoik has been overrun by evil cereal-eating creatures from another dimension! These slimy "Flemoids" have taken the citizens of Bazoik captive...
Travel alongside four companions and a cat in a fantasy RPG featuring stunning animated turn-based battles! One year ago, the world of Asdivine was enveloped by a brilliant flash of light. Since that time, the influence of shadow has only continued to grow ever more powerful across the face of...
A new chapter of charming 3D platformer about the little rusty robot C4N who unwittingly finds himself in the midst of momentous events in Robo Land. In order to solve the new riddle, Canny will once again need to run and jump a lot, solve puzzles, and fight against enemies...
Scrap Garden is a charming puzzle platformer about the adventures of Canny, a lonely robot, who awakens in a post-apocalyptic world to find all other robots shut down and seized up. What happened to the City? Why did all robots stop moving? Did anyone survive except him? Little rusty Canny...
THE DESCENDANT is a five part episodic adventure game series where the end of the world is only the start. After climate change wrecked the planet, a man-made extinction event wiped humankind off the face of the Earth. Only a few thousand ‘descendants of humanity’ were hand-picked to survive the...
Soulless is a 2D side-scrolling puzzle platformer. Set out on your adventure to save your childhood friend by traveling through a colorful world using mechanics and items to complete both relaxing and rushed puzzles. How far would you go to save a friend?
Conquer the world, one bite at a time! Infectonator 3: Apocalypse is a fast-paced simulation-strategy game where your goal is to destroy humanity with your growing army of mutating zombies. Drop your virus into an unsuspecting population and watch the chaos unfold. Upgrade your virus, splice DNA, and unlock dozens...
Save your daughter from an evil ghost in Psycho Train! Your journey began peacefully, with you and your child boarding a sleek locomotive on a beautiful day, the two of you excited to be taking a trip together. As the train chugged across the charming landscape that surrounds your hometown,...
Welcome to The Great War, General! Choose your nation and assume the highest office in your desired empire. Balance the production of materials, troops and weaponry with the rare resources your land has to offer. Forge alliances with your competitors, do important trade deals or fight yourself through the 1st...
Rage in Peace is a side-scrolling adventure game that tells the story of Timmy Malinu, an emotionally numb 27 years old actuary who only has one dream that sets him apart from most people: to die asleep in his pajamas, in the warmth of home, in peace, and with no...
Europe is in turmoil. The lands are fragmented into petty fiefs and the Emperor struggles with the Pope. At this very moment the Pope has declared that those who go to liberate the Holy Land will be freed of all sins. Gather prestige and piety and the world will whisper...
Nina Aquila: Legal Eagle is an anime-themed VN/graphic adventure game, in which you step into the shoes of a rookie defense attorney. Fledge City is in crisis, and it's up to Nina Aquila and her friends to make sure justice prevails! - A fully-SFW graphic adventure - Take the role...
Super Fancy Pants Adventure is a wild free-running adventure with buttery smooth platforming and a slick fountain pen! The Fancy Pants Adventures series started over ten years ago by Brad Borne, an indie developer who wanted to redefine video game platforming by making speed and tight controls feel compatible. Over...
An unusual mix of adventure and idle game. In utter loneliness deep below the surface, it's your task to wait for the awakening of your king... for 400 days. Play as a lonely Shade, the last servant of a king who once ruled an underground kingdom. The king's powers have...
A mysterious tower has risen! It emits plumes of noxious green smoke from its summit making people sick. Strange creatures infest the tower but if nobody tries to ascend it we will all be doomed! Are you that hero?.....