Journey forth, brave traveler, whether warrior, valkyrie, elf or wizard ye be. Gauntlet lets up to four adventurers explore together as Thor, Thrya, Merlin and Questor, each with unique traits. Thor possesses unmatched strength, while Questor relies on swiftness and agility. Resilient Thyra excels at close-range combat, and Merlin's magic...
Tomoyo After's story revolves around Okazaki Tomoya and Sakagami Tomoyo. Tomoya has graduated from high school and is now employed as a garbage collector. He and Tomoyo are now seeing each other in a romantic relationship, though Tomoya lives alone in his apartment. One day it is discovered that Tomoyo...
The sequel to Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished, it takes place immediately following the end of the first game. It was released along with its predecessor as part of the enhanced compilation, Ys I & II, for the TurboGrafx-CD in 1989. It was later adapted into the anime Ys II:...
Control a tiny ball of grey goo with the ability to eat anything smaller than itself. The more it eats, the bigger it gets! Soon you'll be able to eat the entire planet! The story begins with the goo eating a time machine, causing him to be sent back in...
The game takes place in a fictional land called Soma, three years after a massive war known as the Great Shinra War devastated the land and killed most of its plant life. Humanity is forced to pull their efforts together for the sake of survival and reforestation. Using new found...
Enter the world of Gilverado, a kingdom plagued by hideous monsters and tortured souls. Choose from four angels with unique demonic familiars and battle against a storm of enemies pouring out of Hell’s gates! Fight your way out of tight spots as you are surrounded by enemy units and bullets...
The King of Fighters XIII is the 13th game from the fighting series and it is based on version 1.1 from the arcade version with some bug corrections. It includes 31 characters, 2 characters never seen in the arcade version like Billy Kane and Saiki, 3 downloadable characters like Mr....
TOP SECRET: FOR YOUR WHEELS ONLY! Join Lightning McQueen, Mater and two new characters from Disney Pixar's feature film in a fun platform racing game. Your mission in Cars 2 is to complete each race, unlock new levels, and get the high score! PLATFORM RACING - Timing is everything. Tap...
Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Simulator. You control and manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit weird people, argue with each other, and face gigantic swarms of slow zombies. Death Road is built for replay value. Everything is randomized: locations, events,...
A project that crossovers with the original anime and following the events that happen between Symphogear GX and Symphogear AXZ. The game features characters from all three seasons of Symphogear. Players will have a chance to play as any of the gear users from the series and battle enemies from...
Corpse Party: Blood Drive is the final instalment of the story that began with Corpse Party and continued in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows. You take direct control of different characters and explore the ruins of Heavenly Host Elementary and other locations from a top-down 3D perspective. Along the way,...
Ricochet Infinity introduces a new way to play the game by putting the player in direct control of the ball. Instead of waiting for the ball to return to the paddle, with 'Recall' players can at any time, change the ball's direction, giving full control during every second of the...
Fans are raving in anticipation of Milky's celestial concert! But Milky must first harness COSMIC IDOL energy… while secretly charging up her MAGICAL GIRL alter-ego to defend the planet! Rapidly switch between modes to catch energy data, but don't mix them up or Milky will malfunction! The object of Veecaloid...
MX vs. ATV Unleashed lets you drive off-road in different vehicles, including ATVs, monster trucks, and sand rails, in an effort to conquer all-new racing challenges. You can compete in new racing events, minigames, or challenges, such as hill climbs, freestyle, gap jumps, and short-track races. Begin a career in...
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is a free-to-play game for the iOS and Android platforms, co-developed by Square Enix and Team Ninja of Koei Tecmo, and published by Square Enix. The game released in Japan on February 1, 2017. While the battle system is more similar to a traditional JRPG...
Tales of the Rays is a mobile game with an original story, led by veteran scenario writer Takumi Yajima, who has worked on Mothership Titles such as Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss. The game incorporates characters and aspects from others in the series, including Tales of Destiny,...
Tales of Link is a spinoff mobile game available for iOS and Android containing many characters from the popular Tales Of game series. Many elements from the main series return in Tales of Link such as artes, skills, mystic artes, gald, costumes, boss battles, and much more! There are two...
Deus Ex Machina was a computer game designed and created by Mel Croucher and published by Automata UK for the ZX Spectrum in October 1984 and later converted to other popular 8-bit formats. The game was the first to be accompanied by a fully synchronised soundtrack which featured narration, celebrity...
Marble Madness, one of the biggest ever hits in the arcade now comes home! The objective is simple - roll your marbles to the goal line. But add spectacular 3D runways, breathtaking cliffs, deadly enemies and non-stop craziness - and Marble Madness becomes one of the most exciting, challenging and...
QWOP is the local sporting hero of a prosperous country in the scandinavian alps. Unfortunately, it is too cold there for an outdoor track, and QWOP has come to the championships without completing his training! You can help QWOP achieve his sporting dreams! You just need to show him how...
Aliens have destroyed your planet, setting you and the humans aboard the galactic cruiser ARKANOID adrift and searching for a new home. You are the only hope. Climbing into your vaus, you realize you must act quickly. You have some weapons, but against the certain danger that lurks ahead, sheer...
You are Da Vinci’s most promising apprentice. Your master, Leonardo, has disappeared. You have no idea where he’s gone or what has happened. So you begin your quest, your search for the truth. However, Leonardo's workshop is full of puzzles, inventions, escape mechanisms and objects hidden in all corners of...
Too busy playing an elf-related game on his myPad (parody of iPad) at work, Homer neglects his workstation and accidentally causes a meltdown at the nuclear power plant, leading to a complete destruction of Springfield. Left stranded, he is solely responsible for rebuilding Springfield and bringing back its town members....
Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow is a freemium mobile game for iOS and Android, based on the American animated series Futurama. After the Hypnotoad mesmerizes Professor Farnsworth into ordering the Planet Express crew to make a "delivery" to the amphibian homeworld Amphibios 9, the Hypnotoad tears through timespace to an alternate...
After another epic battle with the giant chicken, Peter Griffin has accidentally destroyed Quahog! Play for FREE and rally your favorite FG characters (even Meg) to save the city in a hilarious new adventure from the writers of Family Guy. Or dont, and regret it forever! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON...