The makers of Tales from the Borderlands and The Walking Dead now bring a new take on the Dark Knight with the Batman Telltale Games adventure series. An episodic game series rendered to look like a living, breathing comic book, Batman: A Telltale Game Series features an award-winning cast of...
In Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, players will take on multiple roles within the ragtag band of heroes, and take the pilot's seat in directing their escapades around the universe. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series delivers a brand new story of the universe's unlikeliest...
In Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, players will take on multiple roles within the ragtag band of heroes, and take the pilot's seat in directing their escapades around the universe. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series delivers a brand new story of the universe's unlikeliest...
Sonic Jump (ソニックジャンプ Sonikku Janpu) is a vertical platformer video game developed by Hardlight and published by Sega for iOS and Android. On its original release, the app was released in Japan on 21 February 2005, and then worldwide in April. It was then remade and released worldwide 18 October...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Based on HBO's award-winning television drama, Game of Thrones and the epic work of George RR Martin, Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where...
Hanahira! is an all-ages title and focuses more on being cute and just making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The story revolves around four girls who attend Saint Michael Girls’ School and highlights all their cute dokidoki yuriyuri love for one another during and after school. Kaori and...
The story follows the conclusion of Risa and Miya’s storyline from Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Shirayuki no Kishi. The season is fall… as the uniforms transition from summer to winter garments, Risa suddenly has a pang of nostalgia. It was this very uniform she was wearing on her first...
Adventures of Mana is a remake of the classic action-RPG Game Boy title known as Final Fantasy Gaiden, which was also the first game in the franchise that eventually became better known as the World of Mana with the sequel, Secret of Mana.
Breath of Fire 6: Hakuryū no Shugosha-tachi (Japanese: ブレスオブファイア6 白竜の守護者たち Hepburn: Breath of Fire 6: Guardians of the White Dragon) is a free-to-play online, web-based role-playing video game with microtransactions developed and published by Capcom as the sixth main installment of its Breath of Fire series. Breath of Fire 6...
From the folks behind the BIT.TRIP series comes the frantic insanity that is Woah Dave! Help our hero, Dave Lonuts, survive an insane alien invasion and line his pockets with shiny pennies. Hurl alien eggs, skull bombs, and explosive WOAH blocks to stay alive and sky rocket yourself to high...
-Will you be my owner?- There stands a horse with a handsome human face. Before you know it, you agree to start training him... Is this a dream or a nightmare? Life on this strange ranch awaits... Play the game that revolutionizes the bond between a girl and her horse!...
Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure comedy video game similar to Telltale's other games. It was released in five episodes. The player is able to move their player-character around the world's environment, interacting with objects and initiating conversation trees with non-player characters. Choices made by the...
Space Invaders is an arcade video game created by Tomohiro Nishikado and released in 1978. It was originally manufactured and sold by Taito in Japan, and was later licensed for production in the United States by the Midway division of Bally. Space Invaders is one of the earliest shooting games...
Robot Unicorn Attack 2 is an endless runner, even though the map layout is consistent. A 'game' consists of three wishes which are basically lives. You can upgrade your Robot Unicorn with various upgrades purchased with the games' currency: Teardrops.
It's tough to be a frog! Life isn't all lazy days and lily pads--it abounds with dangers. Can you help Frogger survive some perils and spring him home to safety? First hop your frogs across a busy highway. Then cross a raging river to reach the safety of home. But...
Candy Crush Saga is a free-to-play mobile match-three puzzle video game released by King on April 12, 2012, for Facebook; other versions for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 10 followed. It is a variation on their browser game Candy Crush. In the game, players complete levels by swapping colored...
Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. BUILD THE PERFECT VAULT Create a brighter futureunderground! Select from a variety of modern-day rooms to turn an excavation beneath...
Hop on your bike for a free-wheeling ride up the avenues of not-so-typical suburbia. There are papers to be delivered, robbers to be foiled, and fame and fortune to be won as you brave the mean streets. Avoid motorcycles, tricycles, traffic, tires, gratings, curbs, dogs, skateboarders, breakdancers, bad guys, and...
Final Fight is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up video game produced by Capcom. Originally released as an arcade game in 1989, it was the seventh title released for the CP System hardware. Set in the fictional Metro City, the player controls one of three characters: former pro wrestler and mayor Mike Haggar,...
YOU ARE AMONG LEGENDS One in a million is born with the spark to become a Planeswalker. Even fewer realize their potential. That puts you in an elite and powerful group of friends … and enemies. In Magic: The Gathering, you are counted among the elite spellcasters of the Multiverse—the...
Splatterhouse is a sidescrolling beat 'em up game in which the player controls Rick, a parapsychology student who is trapped inside West Mansion. After his resurrection by the Terror Mask, Rick makes his way through the mansion, fighting off hordes of creatures in a vain attempt to save his girlfriend...