

Shin Megami Tensei If...

A side-story/follow-up to the original, breakthrough first entry in the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Shin Megami Tensei: if... follows the story of Hazama, a poor and abused boy who goes to Karukozaka High School. In order to get vengeance on his peers he performs a ceremony in the gym that...

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

The Shinobi master is back, bigger, and deadlier than ever!… Joe Musashi’s sworn enemies, the Neo Zeed, have returned! Controlled by Shadow Master, a formidable ninja cloned from Joe’s own bloodline, the syndicate holds the city captive with its vicious crime ring. Utilize deadly weapons and lethal ninja arts in...

Wreck-It Ralph

Disney Mobile's Wreck-It Ralph re-imagines the classic arcade universe to include both nostalgic players and new audiences discovering these types of games for the first time. Experience Ralph's adventures, hopping through three mini-game worlds ramped up with renewed graphics, gameplay and animation. Players launch from the Game Central Station and...

Swords & Soldiers

The funniest action-strategy game you’ll ever play! Swipe, poke and tap to command an army of Vikings in their quest to create the ultimate BBQ sauce, lead the Aztecs in defense of the Holy Pepper and build an array of explosive Chinese toys! Build your own forces and defeat your...

Swords & Soldiers HD

The funniest action-strategy game you’ll ever play! Swipe, poke and tap to command an army of Vikings in their quest to create the ultimate BBQ sauce, lead the Aztecs in defense of the Holy Pepper and build an array of explosive Chinese toys! Build your own forces and defeat your...

Alien Shooter

Legendary PC Alien Shooter is now available on your Android device! Deserted military complex. Hordes of merciless creatures. Here you are. Your mission is simple – clear the base so there are just dead monsters' corpses left around. • Burst through 10 missions and find out the reason of alien...

Titan Souls

Between our world and the world beyond lie the Titan Souls, the spiritual source and sum of all living things. Now scattered among the ruins and guarded by the idle titans charged with their care, a solitary hero armed with but a single arrow is once again assembling shards of...

Game of Thrones: Episode Two - The Lost Lords

Second part of a six part episodic game series set in the world of HBO's groundbreaking TV show. House Forrester is in disarray. Their liege lord and his heir are dead, Ironrath is occupied by Whitehill soldiers, and the youngest member of the family has been taken from them. The...

Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 2 - Atlas Mugged

Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series from the creators of The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands’ trademark humor,...

Guitar Hero Live

The game serves as a reboot of the Guitar Hero franchise, being the first new entry in the series since Warriors of Rock in 2010. Guitar Hero Live introduces major changes to the core gameplay and experience of the Guitar Hero franchise, including a revamped guitar controller with a new,...

The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us is a point-and-click adventure game and is set in the year 1986, decades before the events of the first issue of Fables. For years, many of the magical and mystical lands described in myth, legend, and folklore (known colloquially as "the homelands") have been occupied by...


Limbo is a puzzle-platform video game and the premiere title of independent Danish game developer Playdead Studios. Limbo is a 2D sidescroller, incorporating a physics system that governs environmental objects and the player character. The player guides an unnamed boy through dangerous environments and traps as the boy searches for...

Scribblenauts Unlimited

Venture into a wide-open world where the most powerful tool is your imagination. Help Maxwell solve robust puzzles in seamless, free-roaming levels by summoning any object you can think of. Create your own original objects, assign unique properties, and share them with friends online – to be used in game...

Alphadia Genesis

Alphadia Genesis boasts a rich multifaceted story that revolves around Fray, an Archleign's guild member and Corone, a knight in the Ghalzabine Army. As their journey progresses and conflicting national interests come to the forefront, it becomes apparent that it will take more than a little work on both their...

Whispering Willows

Whispering Willows is an adventure, horror themed game that features a dark and rich narrative, beautiful 2-D visuals, and haunting melodies that will leave you yearning for more. In Whispering Willows, the player takes on the role of Elena, a determined young girl with the extraordinary ability to project her...

Love Live! School Idol Festival

Love Live! School Idol Festival is a free to play music/rhythm game that lets users experience two modes—Story and Live—as all nine members of the idol group μ's. Players acquire a score in Live Mode, in which players tap circles at the proper time in order to receive a high...

Beatbuddy Alternative Titles: Beatbuddy HD

The best-selling PC game is now on iOS! Play the all new HD version of Beatbuddy with fantastic graphics and sound, only available for latest iOS devices. Beatbuddy is an action-adventure where players solve puzzles and vanquish enemies in six beautiful hand-drawn worlds, each with their own amazing soundtrack composed...

XCOM: Enemy Within

XCOM: Enemy Within is the expansion to the 2012 Game of the Year award-winning strategy game XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Enemy Within adds an incredible array of new abilities, upgrades and weapons to combat new enemy and alien threats. This expansion pack also introduces new maps, new tactical and strategic gameplay,...

Zombie Driver HD

Fight your way through the streets of a zombie infested city to save the survivors of a disastrous chemical accident that changed most of the city's population into mindless brain hungry monsters. Time is the enemy and your car is a weapon as you race through the streets smashing everything...

Tap Titans

In a world overrun by evil Titans, it is up to you to slay them and restore peace and order. How do you do it? You must tap! Tap to attack, tap to slay, tap to collect gold, tap to hire heroes. Tap to activate devastating skills, tap to unlock...

Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden HD

The utopian city of Eden, located at the bottom of the sea, was once a haven of peace, harmony and beauty. Constructed in secret by a group of enlightened people who treasured noble ideals, knowledge and new discoveries, it blossomed into a harmonious, peaceful society. However, their insatiable curiosity led...

Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden

The utopian city of Eden, located at the bottom of the sea, was once a haven of peace, harmony and beauty. Constructed in secret by a group of enlightened people who treasured noble ideals, knowledge and new discoveries, it blossomed into a harmonious, peaceful society. However, their insatiable curiosity led...

Frozen Synapse Prime

Take on the role of Tactics, leading a small rebel faction to overthrow a powerful corporation controlling the city of Markov Geist. Control an elite strike team of futuristic soldiers; from shotgunners and snipers, to grenadiers and machine-gunners in the ultimate turn-based strategy game. Plot paths and issue orders to...

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team

Play beautiful with a newer, better, and faster FIFA experience on mobile! FIFA 16 Ultimate Team lets you celebrate every awesome attack, nail-biting goal, and powerful win like never before with console-like graphics. Experience the most realistic set of football features on your phone! ● ALL-NEW ENGINE Get ready for...

Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Organ Trail is a retro zombie survival game. Travel westward in a station wagon with 4 of your friends, scavenging for supplies and fending off the undead; Faithfully recreated it as if it were on the Apple 2. Packed full of zombie mechanics, themes and references; this is a must...

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