The city was once a happy, peaceful place...until one day, a powerful secret criminal organization took over. This vicious syndicate soon had control of the government and even the police force. The city has become a center of violence and crime where no one is safe. Amid this turmoil, a...
The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II with the return of a beloved side kick and fan-favorite villains! Following the events of Episode I, Metal Sonic has returned to form a formidable alliance with Dr. Eggman! To face this new evil, Sonic will have to call upon an old...
Caravan Stories is an anime inspired cross platform MMORPG by the same Japanese studio behind the mobile MMORPG Logres which launched in the West on May 2017. Unlike its predecessor, Caravan Stories allows PC users to join the action. The game promises to combine the best elements of PC and...
N-Fusion Interactive's award winning flight-adventure game, Air Mail, has arrived on Nintendo Switch! Get ready for an incredible ride through a fantasy world filled with exotic lands to explore. Your adventure begins in the picturesque kingdom of Domeeka, where air mail pilots fly from island to island carrying out tasks...
The long-awaited sequel to the award-winning hit action puzzle! A long time ago, five keys were created. These enchanted keys are supposed to open a lock which guards something valuable. The keys were scattered across these lands forever locked between night and day. Many have tried to search for the...
Donut County is a story-based physics puzzle game where you play as an ever-growing hole in the ground. Meet cute characters, steal their trash, and throw them in a hole. Where Trash is Treasure Raccoons have taken over Donut County with remote-controlled trash-stealing holes. You play as BK, a hole-driving...
BlazBlue RR - Real Action Game is a revolutionary 2D side-scrolling fighting game on mobile platform. With its exquisite 2D graphics, orthodox fighting experience and character voices contributed by famous Japanese voice actors, this game is truly a work of art and will leave players awestruck. Another remarkable feature of...
Guided by strange power, magical girls gather in this town. There is a place where a magical girl can stay as she is. They're fighting with a new power from witches. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record is a smartphone-exclusive role-playing game. It follows the story of Iroha...
Weekly Shonen Jump 50th anniversary celebrations are here! Save Jumputi Island, together with characters from throughout Shonen Jump’s history! Jumputi Heroes is a Bubble-Popping RPG based on friendship, hard work, and victory, celebrating 50 years since the first issue of Weekly Shonen Jump went on sale. The simple, one-tap controls...
The official adaptation of Days of Wonder's best-selling train board game, Ticket to Ride takes less than one minute to learn but a lifetime to master. Over 48 million games played online and a new game starting every 4 seconds on average! In addition to the exciting cross-platform asynchronous multiplayer...
Prepare yourself for a Ninja adventure like you have never seen before! Join Hiro, the smallest hero on the biggest adventure, as he embarks on an epic and electrifying quest to restore harmony to a world on the brink of chaos. Use your skills and mighty Ninja training to battle...
"Listen! The end is nigh!! Hear my words and prepare! An ancient cult has set foot in our lands! They call themselves -The Sons of Dawn- and pray to some dark elder god. They have started recruiting people for their cause all over the country. I fear that they want...
This classic, award-winning platformer is the first game in the Rayman series. The original Rayman, a critically -acclaimed platforming adventure, is now available on Nintendo 3DS Known for its groundbreaking animation and music, Rayman is a game that stands the test of time. One fateful day in the Glade of...
The Dead Space experience is all about surviving in its sci-fi world through strategic dismemberment, so experience the horror before the Necromorphs dismember you. After all, you are never truly safe in Dead Space. When an immense mining ship, the USG Ishimura, comes into contact with a mysterious alien artifact...
Calling all Sentinels! Do you have what it takes to defend the Multiverse? Compose a team of comic book heroes, each with their own playstyles, backstories, and grudges. Pit them against a variety of maniacal and formidable villains. Defeat your enemies and save the Multiverse! Sentinels of the Multiverse is...
Skyhill is a roguelike story about staying alive when there is no reason to. You are a resident of Skyhill hotel,who survived biological catastrophe. Goal - is to get out of your penthouse in search of other people and salvation. But all elevators in the building are off and floors...
The official adaptation of the famous board game Mysterium! Mysterium is a cooperative deduction game set in the 1920s in which a ghost guides a group of psychics to uncover a murderer, as well as the weapon and location of the murder, using only visual clues. Choose your way to...
As the '80s were drawing to a close, the developers at Capcom began work on a top-secret project that aimed to set new standards for the platformer genre. That game was called Dark Void. Alas, Capcom suspended development on Dark Void as it began to evaluate the SNES. Before long,...
Burnout Crash (branded Burnout CRASH!) is a downloadable action driving title in the Burnout video game series. It is developed by Criterion Games and published by Electronic Arts for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and iOS via PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and iTunes App Store. In Burnout Crash, players drive...
The popular characters of Weekly Shonen Jump appear recreated in the form of cute-looking “Janjan Characters” by Konami. In addition to lovely visuals, each character’s special techniques will reappear how they do in their original works. Use strong special techniques (SP moves) with simple one-button controls. Blow away the enemy...
Welcome to Full Service! You play as Tomoki Nakamoto, a workaholic young adult who works at Schwarz Bank. Average in every way and bordering on anti-social, Tomoki isn't that great with people... However, after a chance encounter and getting a bonus at work he finds himself entangled in the lives...
IDOLiSH7, or i7, is a multimedia franchise that started out as a combination Japanese rhythm and visual novel mobile game which was released on August 20, 2015 on both Android and iOS by Bandai Namco Entertainment which has surpassed over 2.5 million downloads.
See your favorite characters from the series, such as The Dark Lord, Hades, Odin Seiya, and all 12 God Cloths! You can also encounter warriors from the all-new series "The God Libra and the 12 Weapons"! Enjoy epic battles with the over 100 characters available! Enjoy the opening theme song...
A rural landscape that quietly unfurls. With unproportionally large radishes and the high school girl clinging to them superimposed on that landscape. The high school girl is single-mindedly determined to climb the towering radishes. But, why does she climb? No one knows. Even today, the high school girl is still...
Guide a group of gullible guineas through a gauntlet of gizmos! Use the power of physics to propel, fling, and bounce them to safety! Featuring an original soundtrack by Parry Gripp, Guinea Pig Bridge! is a whimsical puzzle game that will send you into cute overload. Each level is a...