Kunio no Oden is a 1994 puzzle game from Technos Japan featuring their Kunio-Kun characters. Unlike the usual Kunio-Kun street brawlers and dodgeball sims, the game is far more lighthearted and concerns the combining of oden food items to remove them from the playing field. The player can choose between...
Battle Pinball is a multi-table pinball game exclusive for the Super Famicom and part of Banpresto's "Compati Hero Series" that brings together the licenses for Ultraman, Kamen Rider and Gundam. As with other games in the series, all the characters have been super-deformed to normalize the heights of the differently-sized...
Battle Robot Retsuden is an isometric turn-based strategy game that features a number of mecha from popular manga and anime series. While not officially part of the Super Robot Taisen/Wars series, it was developed by the same team of Winkysoft and Banpresto and could be seen as a spin-off or...
Janyuuki Gokuu Randa is a 1995 Super Famicom mahjong game based on the Chinese novel Journey to the West. Son Goku/Sun Wukong and companions move around the world competing in mahjong games with various demons and other opponents who block their progress. The game offers a story mode with matches...
Shin Seikoku: La Wares is a turn-based RPG for the Super Famicom and a video game adaptation of the Wares Blade Japanese pen and paper RPG. Wares Blade is set in a pseudo-medieval fantasy universe which features large mechs as remnants of an advanced ancient civilization that certain characters are...
A sci-fi themed RPG from Pandora Box and Yutaka. The protagonist joins a special army division that regularly employs giant robot dragons in battle. The game is mission-based, and each mission has different directives. This also means that the player will be expected to perform different activities to successfully conclude...
Fune Tarou is a fishing game for the Super Famicom that follows from 1994's Tsuri Tarou from the same developers, and once again follows a boy named Tarou as he tries to catch a whopper. The game moves from rivers to the ocean, and the player fishes off the deck...
Go Go Ackman 2 is the second installment in the Go Go Ackman series, concerning a young demon and his cherubic nemesis who tries to rein in the destruction he causes. Ackman is now pitted against the Metal Angels, a rock band of Angels inspired by the voice of God,...
Ackman is not what one would call a good person. His job is to murder and steal souls for the Demon Lord. The angel Tenshi has taken it upon himself to put an end to Ackman's nefarious ways, and sends an army of angels and hired assassins to take out...
Kishin Korinden ONI is the fifth game in Pandora Box/Banpresto's ONI series of RPGs based around Japanese folklore, specifically focusing on malevolent spirits (youkai) and demons (oni). Like its predecessors, all of which were Game Boy originals, Onigami Korinden Oni follows the story of a demon-hunting samurai in historical Japan...
Ryu is the captain of a spaceship, who left Earth to explore far away planets. But one day something goes wrong with the ship, and Ryu has to perform an emergency landing. He finds himself in a middle of a forest on a planet he knows nothing about. It is...
Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan: Sekai Manyuu Dai Kakutou no Maki is a 1994 platformer based on the Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan manga and anime, featuring a comedic take on Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan character. It was released in the middle of the manga's anime TV series adaptation. The player, as...
Bishin Densetsu Zoku: The Legend of Bishin, or simply Zoku: The Legend of Bishin, is a combination brawler/vehicular combat game from Magifact. The player can choose between two characters, male or female, and must rescue the one they didn't choose. The antagonists are the all-female Bishin (meaning "beautiful" or "graceful")...
Farland Story 2 is a Super Famicom exclusive strategy RPG in the long-running Farland Saga series. Rather than being the second game in the series, the game follows on from Farland Story: Yottsu no Fuuin - the 1995 remake of the first two games on the Super Famicom. The game...
Farland Story: Yottsu no Fuuin is a fantasy-themed turn-based strategy RPG and a graphically remastered remake of the first Farland Story, which debuted on the PC-9801 in 1992, combined with its sequel Farland Story Denki: Arc Ou no Ensei. The player, as Arc (unrelated to Arc the Lad, another strategy...
America Oudan Ultra Quiz is a quiz game developed by Genki and published by Tomy. It is the fourth game in the America Oudan Ultra Quiz video game franchise and the first to be released on the Super Famicom. The game was never released outside of Japan and requires fluency...
American Battle Dome is a competitive multiplayer pinball game for four players. Each player has a pair of pinball flippers and a goal area and must ensure that any balls that fall near are deflected away or sent towards a points-scoring target on the table. The balls will change to...
Edo no Kiba is a sci-fi action game in which the player, as an unnamed policeman, is chasing down various gangs and terrorists across a futuristic Tokyo in fast-moving action stages. It was developed by Riot, which had previously created the SNES action game Psycho Dream as well as Genesis...
Ace o Nerae! ("Aim for the Ace!") is a tennis game that uses the Super Famicom's Mode 7 capabilities. It is based on the Ace o Nerae! anime and manga about a female tennis athlete-in-training and her travails with becoming better at tennis and being a more confident person. The...
Zig Zag Cat (also known as Zig Zag Cat: Ostrich Club mo Oosawagi da) is a puzzle-action game from Opera House and Den'Z featuring a young hero and his shapeshifting cat. The gameplay is a mixture of a vertical-scrolling shoot 'em up and Breakout. The player can collect money, which...
Verne World is a turn-based RPG for the Super Famicom. The game is set in the near future of 2028, and involves a pair of brothers who enter a theme park based on Jules Verne and end up trapped there. While looking for a way out and avoiding the various...
Gon is a side-scrolling platformer starring the tiny dinosaur Gon. Like the manga the little dino hails from, the game is completely devoid of narration or dialogue. The story is told through contextual scenes - such as Gon getting annoyed by an ape that steals his fruit and chases after...
The Heian Fuuunden (the Heian period being a medieval era of Japan) is a strategy RPG from Natsume and KSS and based on legendary figures in the titular period of Japanese history, with a few supernatural embellishments. The game is set specifically in the 10th century. The game operates like...
Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter is a versus fighting game. The game features only female characters: Marin Aoki, Jyuri Akasaka, Minami Midorikawa, Kris Shiratori, Ryouko Kiori (Oryou), Keiko Konno (Kei), Ai Momoyama and Yawara Yamabuki. Players fight in a best two out of three round match. Controls are similar to Street...
Super Mad Champ is a motorcycle racing game for the Super Famicom. Unlike many others for the system, Super Mad Champ has a lot of combat: the player fights both on and off their motorcycle, often having to take out opponents on the ground than in the race. When the...