After decades of peace, the Earth was decimated by an invasion from an alien race known to humans as E.B.E. The E.B.E. moved across the planet like a plague of locusts, consuming anything in their path and wiping out most of humanity. All attempts to fight back were futile, as...
Neon Chrome is a ruthless top-down cyberpunk shooter with rogue-like elements. The game takes place inside an arcology – a massive sci-fi mega structure. Every gaming session is different as large parts are randomly generated. Blast your way through walls with guns and cybernetic abilities and try alternate approaches with...
Passing the Shaper trials to become a Master of Anima is one of the biggest honors in the life of a Shaper – one with the ability to control the Anima and summon Guardians. But Otto, Shaper apprentice, doesn't really care about this prestige. Pushing him to study is his...
In Don't Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition, You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Enter a bizarre and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Learn to exploit the environment and its inhabitants to...
Welcome to PixARK, a vast, wild world filled with vicious dinosaurs, magical creatures and endless adventure! To survive in this mysterious land, you must tame creatures both ferocious and cuddly, craft high tech and magical tools, and build your own base out of cubes. With a robust character creator, an...
The galaxy’s greatest bounty hunter Samus Aran will embark on a new mission. Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, a new entry in the Metroid Prime series, is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025.
The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle is a hilarious tongue-in-cheek point and click adventure game that mixes the classic formula up with riveting action elements all weaved together lovingly by Rumpus Animation. In a quirky take on a Victorian London inhabited by strange characters, with even stranger noses, self proclaimed leading...
Set sail on this grand One Piece adventure. A unique One Piece adventure to be enjoyed in co-op, with characters designed by Eiichiro Oda and a game-exclusive scenario. The Straw Hat Pirates encounter and befriend a cheerful yet mysterious raccoon named Pato who possesses a shadowy power to create anything...
Zero Zero Zero Zero is a unique 1-bit low-fi platformer that sets to challenge players in a plethora of levels that will require skill and careful maneuvering. Dodge, shoot, and jump your way through randomly selected levels as you progress or die. Featuring a smooth, spectacular soundtrack to groove to...
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs is a tactical RPG about the restoration of a fallen kingdom to its former glory. Embark on an adventure that will remind you of your best jRPG experiences - assemble a party of valiant individuals, manage your realms, forge alliances, and vanquish your foes in...
In the seas of the distant future, humans have all but disappeared. Now fish and crustaceans fight great wars, shooting deadly rays of light at each other. In your current, newly awakened state, you are no more than a piece of seafood. But you have also been blessed with talent...
This time Midnight's friends lost of their Star Fragments! Your task is to find them, and take them back, but it won't be easy. In this procedurally generated platform game, you have to avoid deadly lasers, circular saws and spikes to collect all the Fragments, to get their greatest gift....
12 orbits doesn’t require any prior knowledge, preparation time or additional controllers. The only limit is how close you’d like to be together. 12 orbits is colorful, friendly, fun, and sometimes a little chaotic. You will score goals, color spheres, defend your territory and try to grow as long as...
Reach the finish line in 10 seconds! The legendary action game, "10 Second Run" is back! The rules (and controls) are simple: "Move Sideways" and "Jump & Dash" to get to the finish line in under 10 seconds! Unlock different types of stick figures as you clear the stages! Run...
Cat Quest is an open world RPG set in the pawsome world of cats! In search of your catnapped sister you pounce into the massive continent of Felingard -- a world crafted in the style of overworld maps of yore and purrrring with cat-tastic characters, stories, and puns! Leap into...
Discover the Truth Behind the Labyrinth of Refrain From Nippon Ichi Software, creators of the Disgaea series, comes Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk. In this dungeon RPG, you play as the Tractatus de Monstrum, a living book owned by the conniving Dusk Witch Dronya, and confront the dangers lurking...
Abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series "Attack on Titan." Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human...
Ōkami comes alive through beautiful scenic 3D levels that have the appearance and texture of paper scrolls brushed with watercolor-like calligraphy art. Playing as Amatarasu, the sun goddess who takes on the form of a wolf, your goal is to bring life back to the world. Bringing life back to...
Originally announced alongside Gundam Breaker 3, SD Gundam G Generation Genesiswas part of the commemoration for the Gundam30th anniversary event; it was only when Namco Bandai Asia posted in March on their Facebook page when things got really exciting - the reveal and continuation of a trend pushing for another...
From an old magic book, Inside the Magical Drop is a wonderful magical land. The mysterious Magical Drop will give you anything you wish. This year, many competitors are going to a great Magical Drop Meet to win the Drop. Who will win? Let's start the fight! Magical Drop III...
Magical Drop II is the second installment of the Magical Drop Series. It includes a variety of gameplay changes, as well as new characters. The core gameplay is similar to that of the first game, though with a few additions and modifications. In Magical Drop II, you control a clown...
Super Meat Boy Forever expands on Super Meat Boy challenging gameplay, as well as main villain Dr. Fetus. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl's child Nugget has been kidnapped by Dr. Fetus and the couple must work together to rescue her. Both characters can kick and punch enemies and must avoid...
The legacy continues with Mega Man Legacy Collection 2! Bringing together four of the Blue Bomber’s adventures in one package with loads of bonus content and challenges, this collection spans the evolution -- and retro revolution -- of the classic side-scrolling series. Included in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 are...
Mega Man Legacy Collection is a celebration of the 8-bit history of Capcoms iconic Blue Bomber. Featuring faithful reproductions of the series origins with the original six Mega Man games, the Legacy Collection will remind long-time fans and introduce newcomers to what made Mega Man such a popular and iconic...
Mega Man Legacy Collection is a celebration of the 8-bit history of Capcoms iconic Blue Bomber. Featuring faithful reproductions of the series origins with the original six Mega Man games, the Legacy Collection will remind long-time fans and introduce newcomers to what made Mega Man such a popular and iconic...