The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Are you clever enough to unravel the mystery of Clu Clu Land? The evil Sea Urchin has hidden all the gold in Clu Clu Land in an underground mystery maze. It's up to you to find the gold before time runs out! But beware. The Sea...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Slam a serve, fire a blazing backhand, smash a forehand volley... you call the shots in Nintendo TENNIS! Nintendo lets you choose an opponent from five different skill levels, so as your game improves, so does your playing partner! Plus, you can actually gauge the speed...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Donkey Kong is at it again! This time he's loose in the greenhouse. And he's got company: a swarm of very pesky bees! It's up to you to get Donkey Kong out of the greenhouse and exterminate the bees... without hurting the flowers. But that's easier...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Ninja Action! The stage is set for conspiracy, mystery and evil in America. Come with Ninja Ryu as he takes you on his fateful journey. Tecmo's unique cinema display system develops the story stage by stage. You piece together the puzzle, while watching the movie-like graphics....
Nintendo Switch Online title. If you can break through 8 levels of treacherous arctic ice, you'll reach the top of the mountain! But watch out. The Nitpickers, Condors, and Ploar Bears don't want you up there. And they've got a bag of tricks that will test every ounce of your...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Double Dragon is the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, twin brothers who learned to fight on the cold, tough streets of the city. Their expert knowledge of the martial arts combined with their street smarts, has made them both formidable fighting machines. But now Billy...
Nintendo Switch online title. Mario and Luigi are doing some underground plumbing when all sorts of weird creatures come flying out of the pipes. Turtles, crabs - even fighterflies - attack the helpless Mario Bros. It's up to you to kick, punch, and knock out these sewer pests before time...
Nintendo Switch Online title. Can you save Mario's girl from the clutches of Donkey Kong? Donkey Kong has kidnapped Mario's girlfriend Pauline and taken her to the top of a construction site. It's up to you to help Mario save Pauline before time runs out. But it won't be easy....
Nintendo Switch Online title. Mario has kidnapped Junior's Papa! Donkey Kong Jr. was originally released in the arcades in 1982 as a sequel to Donkey Kong. In this game, Mario plays the antagonist, finally having captured Donkey Kong, and has put the ape in a locked cage. As Donkey Kong...
Alice Gear AEGiS CS: Concerto of Simulatrix, is an exciting 3D battle arena game filled with action and loveable characters! Gear up, strap in, and get battling! Vice has taken your world and only you can take it back! As an actress with an aptitude for wielding this special gear,...
It has been about a century since mankind began awakening to the supernatural powers known as "superpowers." While some people used their powers to contribute to society, others abused them or ran wild without control. In response to these incidents, the state established the Anti Abnormal Unusual Talent Team (AUT),...
The year is 1947. Lora and Walter Harris move to a farm, which used to belong to his parents. Walter is a writer and Lora is a housewife. Both are quite unsuccessful. The family is going through financial difficulties. The situation is also complicated by the fact that Walter owes...
After receiving a distress call from the space station, the crew went to investigate the explosion and search for survivors. There, they encounter an unidentified creature that preys on humans. Can you solve the mystery of the unidentified creature and escape safely? Stealth sci-fi horror, winner of the User Grand...
At the Royal Academy of Magic (the Academy for short), Marie is failing in her attempts to study alchemy. One day, she is given an atelier by her professor as part of a special graduation exam. In order to graduate, Marie must complete an item that will impress her professor....
NARUTO X BORUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS is a unique game experience that combines key gameplay moments from the series that highlight select scenes from across Naruto and Sasuke’s deeply emotional story arcs. The experience immerses both new and long-time fans in an exciting NARUTO action game, where they can...
From an early age, Scarlett Everitt displayed a gift for the paranormal, as ghosts and spirits accompanied her every step. Desperate to protect her from an encroaching darkness, her father, Johnathan, placed her in an orphanage run by nuns. Years later, Scarlett finds that her father is missing and the...
At the school you attend, there are four extremely beautiful girls known as princesses. Your purpose is to become even cuter than those princesses. To help out your dear older sister, you must master the art of cross-dressing. So then, let us begin the great Bokuhime Project plan to surpass...
Grim Guardians: Demon Purge centers around two demon hunters who return to their school after a mission only to find a demonic castle where it once stood. Players control both of the demon hunting sisters in this 2D side-scrolling action game. Players must master each of the sisters' unique abilities...
Eight months after hope for humanity was destroyed... Nini, the protagonist who lost his home and family to the ancient calamity known as the "Kegai," arrives at the peaceful countryside town of Ashiharanakatsu to stay with his mother's relatives. In this town where everyday life and the extraordinary intertwine, Nini's...
This isn't your standard game of soccer. This is Guts 'N Goals, where soccer balls can be spiky, and you use a weapons instead of your feet to score goals. Choose from over 30 unique heroes and get ready to play the world's game like never before! During each game,...
In a village far, far away, a dull peasant named Rufus was living an ordinary life. Life was nice and happy in the village, until one day, awakened by some magical mistake, the Evil One started to spread his minions around town, performing hideous acts against the people. The worst...
Harness the power of dark energy as you, jump, slash, shoot and bombard your way through an army of alien soldiers and killer robots in an arcade style, action platformer with a slick 80's synthwave soundtrack. Gunborg: Dark Matters is an arcade-style action platformer with smooth gameplay and a slick...
The past and future cannot be explored alone! Team up with a friend and piece together the mysteries surrounding Albert Vanderboom. Communicate what you see around you to help one another solve various puzzles and explore the worlds from different perspectives! The Past Within is a multiplayer point-and-click adventure by...
Take Control of Kyle in this Text-Based Adventure. . . Make decisions for Kyle that will affect every part of his day. Take Kyle's hand through 21 unique endings, each determined by what Kyle has done and who he has interacted with. He needs you. Be kind. Kyle just woke...