In Shinjuku, Tokyo, a young man appears as a transfer student at Kamiyoshi Academy. While he seems like a normal student, he is actually a treasure hunter. His mission is to discover a mysterious ruin hidden deep beneath the school. Accompanied by his new friends from school, he sets out...
METALLIC CHILD is a rogue-lite, core-action game, featuring Rona, an android known as "Metallic Child," taking place in a space laboratory in the latter part of the 20th century. A large-scale rebellion has taken place in the space laboratory Life Stream. All robots aboard, with the exception of Rona and...
The holy sword that sealed away an ominous power has been drawn out and darkness starts to spill out across the land, mutating people into monsters. The four Tetrarch heroes of ancient times will meet a new band of brave warriors to slash through the darkness with the light of...
The Chronus Fragments are needed to prepare for the Time Rewinding, which only takes place once every 10 years. On their way to the Chronus Shrine to get the Fragments, Loka and his teacher Teth are surrounded by a mysterious man named Geppel and his gang. They demand the Fragments....
The Sword of Amal, a legendary treasure said to grant any wish. Ryser is traveling around the world as a seeker with his buddy, Cougar, from the Leopard clan, in search of this artifact of legend. Their journey will lead them into fateful encounters with both allies and rivals only...
Revenant Dogma: Caine enters a ruins site in search of a feral relic said to be left behind by the gods and meets a mysterious girl in a mask. This strange encounter becomes the catalyst of a grand scheme that will change the worlds of humans and therians. Will this...
Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, the latest chapter in the Phantasy Star Online 2 series, is here at last! It's time to jump into adventures beyond imagination! This new adventure takes place on a vast open field! Up to 32 people can enjoy the adventure in a new world...
The legendary RPG comes to Nintendo Switch with updated controls in the Dragon Quest I + II + III Collection from Square Enix. Whether you're a veteran fan in need of a nostalgia trip, or a newcomer to the series looking for a fresh take on an old classic, there's...
Ruled by a wicked Queen, the kingdom of Random is divided into 6 shadowy realms where life is dictated by a cursed black dice. In this story from the award-winning Swedish game studio Zoink and penned by Eisner Award-winning Adventure Time and Marvel Comics The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl author Ryan...
Kitaria Fables is a delightfully cute action adventure RPG with farming and crafting! Enter the cute world of Kitaria and take on the quests of your animal neighbours as they face a rising tide of darkness. Real time combat, exploration and dungeoneering sit alongside farming for provisions and the crafting...
A hundred thousand years ago, an ancient civilization prospered on our Earth, their product being GAMP (General Artificial Matrix Producer). In order to survive the Ice Age, most of the Earth's inhabitants have decided to leave it, finally settling on a planet called Xevious. A group of humans remained, becoming...
Break the rules and take full-contact racing to the limit with Wreckfest! Expect epic crashes, neck-to-neck fights over the finish line and brand-new ways for metal to bend – These are the once-in-a-lifetime moments that can only be achieved in Wreckfest, with its true-to-life physics simulation crafted by legendary developer...
The end of the world is just the beginning Survive and thrive in a post-apocalyptic future — resources are scarce but opportunity calls. Build the ultimate disaster proof colony, protect your colonists, and restore civilization to a devastated world. Go beyond the colony and explore the wastelands to gather resources,...
Heaven, earth and mankind - Create and destroy everything according to your will! Experience the revival of the 90's classic hit "Actraiser". ABOUT Actraiser Renaissance combines 2D platforming action (Realm Acts) with a City-building simulation (Realm Management) in the ultimate battle between good and evil! Featuring the soundtrack that sent...
A trilogy of alchemy themed titles from the "Atelier" series, characteristic for its gradually dilapidating Dusk world and the fascinating characters that inhabit it. With character designs by Hidari, the Dusk world is richly depicted. "Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX" "Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk...
Included in Castlevania Advance Collection. Rising up from his eternal sleep, Count Dracula is back again to battle the descendants of the great vampire-stalking Belmont family of the Castlevania series. He has summoned his dark minions - Cerberus, Minaurus, and the Salamander - to bring a reign of terror on...
Included in Castlevania Advance Collection. Normally a solar eclipse isn't a dangerous event, but for Soma Cruz being sucked through a portal and into Dracula's castle during one will turn his day into a total nightmare. As Soma you must venture through the castle and find a way out. As...
Included in Castlevania Advance Collection. Nearly fifty years has past since Simon Belmont rescued the land from the curse of Dracula. Now, Simon's descendant Juste Belmont, must acquire the relics of Dracula to unravel the disappearance of his childhood friend Lydie. The castle's enchanting mysteries and danger await all those...
Take on the roles of Nadeshiko Kagamihara and Rin Shima, and enjoy a branching story where the camp contents change in a big way based on your choices. With “what if” scenarios not depicted in the TV anime, this is a game Laid-Back Camp fans will not want to miss.
Included in Castlevania Advance Collection Count Dracula has been resurrected and evil will reign supreme unless he is stopped. As Nathan Graves, you'll hunt down the count and use your whip and a variety of special items to destroy his minions. Battle your way through Dracula's castle and rid the...
Count Dracula is once more back from the dead... Join the fight against Evil in the Castlevania Advance Collection, a compilation of timeless action-exploration masterpieces! In addition to the three legendary Castlevania games that were first released on Game Boy Advance, this collection also includes Castlevania: Dracula X and some...
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition is the definitive version of Shadowrun: Hong Kong, the third standalone game in Harebrained Schemes’ critically-acclaimed Shadowrun cRPG series. The Extended Edition adds 6+ hr Shadows of Hong Kong Bonus Campaign, audio commentary to the game, and a long list of improvements since the...
MAN MEETS MAGIC & MACHINE The year is 2054. Magic has returned to the world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend. Technology merges with flesh and consciousness. Elves, trolls, orks and dwarves walk among us, while ruthless corporations bleed the world dry. You are a shadowrunner - a mercenary...
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut is a standalone release of Harebrained Schemes' critically-acclaimed Dragonfall campaign, which first premiered as a major expansion for Shadowrun Returns. The Director's Cut adds a host of new content and enhancements to the original game making it the definitive version on consoles of this one-of-a-kind...
The Shadowrun Trilogy comprises 3 cult tactical RPG games taking place in a dystopian cyberpunk future in which magic has re-awakened, bringing back to life creatures of high fantasy. Initially created as a tabletop RPG over 30 years ago, this one-of-a-kind setting that has gained a huge cult following during...