The complete collection of the SAMURAI SHODOWN series, containing 6 games: Samurai Shodown, I, II, III, IV, V, and VI Celebrate the history of SAMURAI SHODOWN by battling as one of the greatest Samurai of all time. Six separate adventures that span across the life of the franchise in this...
Wii Virtual Console Title. In Gomoku Narabe Renju, players take turns attempting to connect 5 of their pieces in a straight or diagonal line without being blocked by their opponent. Each individual game won gives the player a point. The player with the most amount of points after a set...
It's Friendship Day: a celebration invented by the roguish Zebedee. On this special day, Zebedee has promised Dougal a great reward if they succeed in helping all the other villagers. Join their adventures and meet the famous cult TV show characters! With the original cast of voices from the TV...
Fasten your seat belts for the exciting new action racing game, M&M's Kart Racing! M&M's Kart Racing breathes new life into the arcade racing by combining the adventure elements-collecting items on the race track and high speed racing with the funny and parodic style of candy competition. Compete against other...
In Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition, players take on the role of a wildlife photographer exploring the exotic and diverse wildlife of Animal Island. Each day, they'll be tasked with completing specific assignments, such as taking pictures of particular animals, groups of animals, or animals engaged in certain actions. Players will...
Racquet Sports is a multisport game that includes tennis, ping pong, badminton, squash and beach tennis. The game engages players in 40 rich graphical environments in worldwide locations including an underwater reef, a Moroccan palace, a New York loft, and a fan-filled stadium.
This over-the-top baseball action title puts an entirely new spin on Major League Baseball as it blends outrageous visuals and intuitive gameplay mechanics to bring fans a brand new MLB video game experience. Fans redefine the baseball highlight reel by performing dramatic wall grabs, spectacular diving plays, and epic homeruns....
Vii Virtual Console title. Fighter's History Dynamite is a 2D versus fighting game similar to Street Fighter II. It takes place one year after what happened in Fighter's History. After being defeated in The "Great Grapple", a martial arts tournament organized by himself, the mysterious K invites fighters from all...
Pick up your weapons and fight until you drop. Beautifully drawn characters and unique weapons, this game will have even the most pacifists of you itching with the desire to unleash a few combos on your opponents.Each fighter have their reasons to participate in the tournament, some wants to protect...
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is based on the wildly popular and Emmy-awarding winning TV game show of the same name that debuted in 1999 and has been in U.S. daily syndication since September 2002. "Is that your final answer?" has become a popular catch phrase in popular vocabulary....
Gameplay remains relatively unchanged from the original game. New modes on Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 3 include Tournament Mode, Relaxed Mode, DDR School, Hypermove Mode, and Wii Balance Board Modes. Returning modes include Free Play Mode and Training Mode. Dropped modes include the "Groove Circuit/Arena" Mode. It has been...
Gameplay remains relatively unchanged from the original game, as players must step on the marked arrows on a dance pad controller, or wave their Wii Remote or Nunchuck when the corresponding arrow or hand marker passes through a set of static arrows on-screen to the beat of a song. When...
The Gameplay is largely unchanged from other Dance Dance Revolution games. However, the game features additional modes taking advantage of the hardware of the Wii. The game allows the integration of the Wii Remote into gameplay, where steps can be replaced by markers requiring a hand motion with the remote....
Wii Virtual Console Title. Roy Heart has been asked by the CIA to wipe out terrorists who have taken over a large skyscraper of a major auto-maker in Japan. Using your fists, knife, or gun, you must use the elevators to travel between floors and wipe out terrorists that try...
Wii Virtual Console title. Kizuna Encounter is the sequel to Savage Reign and pits the masters of Fuun-Ken (a new martial art that blends hand-to-hand with ranged combat) against each other once again in a fighting tournament. As the original, the game plays as a 2D side-scrolling fighting game, in...
Wii Virtual Console title. The evil King Lion has crowned himself as the master of Fuun-Ken, a new style of martial arts that includes throwing weapons in addition to hand-to-hand combat. This does not sit well with the rest of the Fuun-Ken fighters around the world, so they all decide...
Your favorite colorful candy characters are back in their first free-roaming adventure! It's the end of the day at the MandM's Candy Factory, but one packet of candy is missing from the delivery truck! It's your mission to explore each sector of the factory and discover all of the scattered...
Big Beach Sports drops players into a seaside resort setting where up to four players can compete in sports including volleyball, soccer, American football, bocce, disc golf, and cricket. The single-player tournament structure encourages players to master each sport through the use of creative control combinations and real-life sport motions....
Big Beach Sports 2 returns with five entirely new entertaining and energetic outdoor game offerings, including more traditional sports such as rugby, cricket, disk golf and football. Players are also invited to participate in competitions featuring surfing, canoe, water rocket and dune buggy races in either single player mode or...
Big Beach Sports drops players into a seaside resort setting where up to four players can compete in sports including volleyball, soccer, American football, bocce, disc golf, and cricket. The single-player tournament structure encourages players to master each sport through the use of creative control combinations and real-life sport motions.
Sing your hearts out with this year's newest twist on the ultimate karaoke party experience! Karaoke Joysound lets you showcase your performance skills with an array of popular hits, and tests your vocal skills against your friends.
Use a set of lettered tiles to create words and clear the board in both single-player and intense four-player modes. WordJong Party boasts several new features exclusive to the Wii System.
Wonder World Amusement Park includes 30 different mini-games that mirror real carnival games but are re-imagined in the park's five stylized fantasy areas. Players immerse themselves in this fantastical world of fun by creating and customizing their own unique character with outfits and accessories purchased with mini-game winnings. As an...
Veggy World, an action game in which you control a strawberry-shaped spaceship that flies through broccoli-covered landscapes and turnip tree houses. Fire lasers and blue pellets at a steady wave of fruit and vegetable creatures, causing the personified food to explode in a bright burst. The depiction is mostly whimsical,...
Step into the world of high fashion! As young designer Grace Styles, you'll lead the team at the Satisfashion Design House on a journey to the top of the fashion industry. Create trends with the latest fashions, hippest models and funkiest makeup. Show off your hot new looks on runways...