In a world full of mystical creatures and magic, the ruthless army of the Ogre invaded the land of the Garuda race. The Garuda army was defeated and the capital city was eventually fallen. Upon the destruction and despair, a badly wounded warrior found himself on a mysterious enchanted island...
A brand new entry to the Zombotron series! Blaze Rush is a mercenary desperate for a job. In search of an easy payday he follows a distress beacon to the surface of a dangerous planet and the remains of an ancient crash site. There he finds a mystery that will...
"On the night of the deep purple moon, a girl who appears to be an ordinary teenager goes out for another devil hunt. While chasing her prey, she comes across a crack that leads to another world, and the adventure of her destiny begins." HunterX is an action-adventure game full...
The universe is under a terrible threat again. An unknown powerful entity from another dimension entered our reality and started to wipe out all sentient life! The divided nations of the galaxy are unable to take action. It's up to you, the bravest and finest pilot in the galaxy, to...
After a global catastrophe, the remains of human civilization built a new religious society among the ruins of the desolated underground. They have forgotten the light of the sun and now are blindly following the New God -- The Great Hand. Once every few years, The Hand comes down to...
Awaken from slumber and explore a surreal retrotech world as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost partner and her lost dreams. Discover terrifying secrets, challenging puzzles, and nightmarish creatures in a tense and melancholic experience of cosmic dread and classic psychological survival horror.
From the developer of In Other Waters, and featuring the stunning character art of Guillaume Singelin, Citizen Sleeper is a narrative RPG set on Erlin's Eye, a ruined space station that is home to thousands of people trying to survive on the edges of an interstellar capitalist society. You are...
Experience the most exciting and immersive beat-em-up combat system ever – become a kickass ninja and slice some demons in style! Join a band of wisecracking warriors in a bloody adventure through the land of mythical monsters and mysterious machines.
The evil energy of darkness spread around the world, resulting in many lives in the kingdom losing their memories or being turned into monsters. On the night of the fall of the kingdom, the princess, who fought the darkness, had to hide a lamp of light, which was the treasure...
TALENT x LOOKS x INDIVIDUALITY ÷ PERSONALITY = FAILURE Those with individuality, good looks which help to bring this out, as well as talent — however, despite having all these things, none of them think about the other people around them, and are all ‘blackish’ personalities. The agency they work...
In The Flintstones: Bedrock Bowling, Fred Flintstone is toiling away as usual at his thankless construction job. When it's quitting time, his boss threatens him with summary termination if he does not finish his trench-digging assignment by the next morning. The biggest dilemma for Fred is that he needs to...
"Dee Dee! Get out of my laboratory!" Oh no! Dee Dee has done it again. She's tinkered with one of Dexter's experiments shrinking him to only 3 inches tall and destroying our hero's chances of winning the annual science fair. Help Dexter use his skill and mental agility to return...
You're invited by Garfield, Odie, Arlene and Nermal's to their new purr-fect celebration: a huge Lasagna Party! And guess what's on the menu? A dynamic party game filled with crazy (and tasty!) mini games: pizza square slicing challenge, snowballs throwing competition, obstacle race and more! Be ready to give your...
This expansion brings three playable civilizations of India to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition for the first time, with three fully voiced campaigns and new achievements. The Indian civilizations provide a broad range of added content, including nine new units, 15 exciting new single player missions, new buildings and...
The Knights of the Mediterranean brings a wealth of new content to Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, including the addition of the Italy and Malta Civilizations, the brand new casual friendly Tycoon Game Mode, and the first ever set of Historical Maps, which bring endless replayability with a historical...
From the creators of the award-winning Age of Empires franchise, Age of Mythology: Retold goes beyond history to a mythical age where gods, monsters, and humans collide.
Hello, traveller, welcome to Hoppity Town! A town where frogs and other animals have evolved to be as intelligent as humans. Unfortunately, developing human-like intelligence also means they have adopted their tendency to get into trouble... But, fear not, traveller! For when things get tricky and bewildering, Detective Gidget's there...
Taboo from bygone days that is alive for many years in Tunghu University. A lingering female ghost has been long-lived on the campus bridge for several decades. Six college kids challenged the urban legend and accidentally came across the terrifying curse. Who will survive and how the curse is fixed...
Bucky and his gang are in danger and they need your help!! With this brand new 3D platformer, Bucky and his friends are going to be taken on a wild ride through an island they had crashed upon. Help out your pals and get the ship back up and running...
Germany, 26th of April, 1998. The hardened detective Jonas Stark is on a hunt for a brutal killer whos ordered by a secret organization called "the Circle". Yet no matter how close his investigations get, the Circle always seems to be one step ahead and even the killer is much...
A recreational healing Mini-plot game explored at home. Players will play and wander around the house from the perspective of a little girl. What will she do when she is alone? What strange stories will happen in the process? And in the process of exploration, you may find some strange...
Xuan-Yuan Sword VII is an ARPG rooted in Chinese history and mythology. Players take on the role of Taishi Zhao, a calm and reliable swordsman who was accidentally involved in a tragic fate. To protect his beloved family, he starts a journey in this chaotic realm to find the truth....
This original story, based on the mythology of the massively popular PARANORMAL ACTIVITY film franchise, features our proprietary scare engine allowing a different experience every time you dare to play. Armed with a battery hungry flashlight, you find yourself exploring what appears to be a quiet average looking home in...
Take on the role of one of the notorious Slaughter family, or their victims, in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a third-person asymmetrical horror experience based on the groundbreaking and iconic 1974 horror film. As a victim you must use your wits and stealth to stay out of the Family's...
The Axis Unseen is a heavy metal horror game created by one of the developers of Skyrim and Fallout. Hunt nightmarish monsters from ancient folklore in a mysterious open world, collecting their enhanced sense powers and discovering elemental arrows. Beware, the hunter is also the hunted.