The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna follows the narrative of Uriel, Elohim's messenger, as he explores a strange, hidden part of the simulation on a mission of mercy and redemption in an attempt to free the souls of the damned at all costs. This substantial expansion consists of four episodes...
In an ultimately frozen world, people develop steam-powered technology to oppose the overwhelming cold. The city ruler has to manage both the inhabitants and the infrastracture the citizens live in. Leader’s tactical skills face challenges, frequently questioning morality and the basic foundation of what we consider an organized society. Here...
Arcane Saga Online, originally known as Prius Online was a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from CJ Internet and NetMarble. While it relaunched in 2013, it was short lived and was shutdown by NetMarble on September 16th. The game was focused on a 3C System that consisted of players characters, their Anima...
Humanity is on the verge of extinction. It’s up to you to infiltrate the AI core and win the war against the machines. Start your journey with a simple ship, outfitted with only basic machine guns and air-to-ground missiles. As you take down more and more of the enemy's fighters...
Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death combines weapon management, fast-paced combat, and intense multiplayer action. Based on the comic book, the game puts you in the shoes of Judge Dredd, a no-holds-barred judge who is determined to clean up the streets of the futuristic Mega-City One. Armed with an all-purpose LawGiver...
Cain Blanchard is a fifteen year old boy who wants nothing more than to be left to his own devices. When a cute girl said to be a "phoenix" suddenly drops from the sky before him, Cain is thrust into the world of magic. He inadvertently finds himself caught in...
After visiting a friend’s home, you find that her house is now the scene of a mysterious and bloody crime. A bloody crime with no body or victim to be found. Playing as John Bishop, you possess an otherworldly gift. By channelling sequences of words, you can make ethereal connections...
The ruins of any village are the silent testament to its final moments. The ruins of Oakmarsh are no different. Their telling silence, the dust blanketing what was once a quiet village near Coventry. The name of a manor and the family that lived within. A perverted and mad lineage,...
A little girl was sleeping peacefully with her Teddy bear, when suddenly, a monster popped out from her cupboard then stole her favorite plush. When closing the door, the little girl awoke then got inside the cupboard. and was projected into a magical world, full of monsters and oddities. She...
A mysterious figure known only as the Wanderer travels across the distant planet of Zircon V, a once prosperous mining colony that is now on the brink of destruction in the face of its dying star. By using the Passive Fist technique, the Wanderer can outlast any foe by deflecting...
Reigns: Her Majesty is the revolutionary follow-up to the smash swipe ‘em up hit Reigns. A cultural renaissance has bestowed the world with a new era of knowledge and enlightenment but greed and jealousy still conspire against the benevolent queen. Outwit and outlast those that would seek to depose you...
The world of Terra is slowly falling into chaos. A great war is coming and It's time to take up arms against a corrupt royal family. You must travel across this huge world and unite the nations of Terra, recruiting comrades along the way. At the beginning of the game...
Humans have built colonies outside the solar system and the wars that once ravaged the earth have almost ended. Traveling between different planet systems is done through warp gates. Humans established contact with an alien race over 10 years ago and have now managed to meet them through these warp...
Year 2305, human activity on earth awakes Cthulhu from his depth sleep! Human race is obligated to leave the earth! 200 Years later on the mother-ship, two innovative prototypes of starships are built by humans! 2 heroes, the destiny of humanity and earth in their hands! It's time for the...
Clone Drone in the Danger Zone is a third person sword fighter where any part of your body can be sliced off. With your mind downloaded into a robot gladiator, you must survive the sinister trials of the arena. ● Epic Voxel Dismemberment: In addition to looking cool, the ability...
Ever wondered what one quadrillion damage per second feels like? Wonder no more! Embark on your quest to attain it today! Start out by clicking on the monster to kill them, and get their gold. Spend that gold on hiring new heroes and get more damage. The more damage you...
Zenge is a peculiar puzzle game, telling the story of Eon - a lonely journeyman who's stuck between the worlds and time. Game is intended to be a relaxing experience, thus there are no points, stars, tutorials, move counters, in game shops or any other distractors. Just pure, immersive journey...
After a long journey, Dusk Witch Dronya and her young apprentice, Luca, arrive in the far-off town of Refrain. Masquerading as a simple traveling puppet show, Dronya's true goal lies at the town's center: the Well of Khalaza. It is said that this well leads to a sprawling labyrinth deep...
On the island of Zig-Zag-Zog, in the sea of Ooberdeedoo, Are some amazing creatures, that you would never see in a zoo! They walk upright on two legs, like some kind of aliens from Mars, But the strangest thing, (you would not believe!) is that these animals are driving cars!...
Abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series "Attack on Titan." Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human...
Take charge of a ludus, acquire, train and upgrade gladiators, and pit them against your opponents in bloody arena battles. Use strategic political wranglings to win favor from powerful Romans to increase the odds of victory in the arena and elevate your family name, all while trying to keep a...
Extinct for eons, the most awesome creatures ever to walk the earth have been brought back to life by astounding biotech advances. These breathtaking behemoths have been unleashed to roam the most incredible animal preserve of all time... man and dinosaur together... JURASSIC PARK. Now, you've been cast in a...
Montaro is a casual runner game that was created to heal your heart. - Random generated street levels. - Lift up highschool girl's skirts, protect your doge by panties. - Collect Doge coins to unlock over 8 Doge costumes. - Doge's emoticons and background.
Pixel Z - Gun Day - is a mix of action and survival game. Here you can create your own things move on cars to play in cooperative mode with friends. Players should look for supplies, build fortifications, and also have the opportunity to shoot not only a zombie, but...
How far can the worlds fastest hedgehog run? Play as Sonic the Hedgehog as you dash, jump and spin your way across stunning 3D environments. Swipe your way over and under challenging obstacles in this fast and frenzied endless running game for iOS, Android and PC. Choose to play as...