Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun: Firestorm is Westwood Studios' expansion pack to Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, released in 2000. The expansion's plot follows the Firestorm Crisis, an attempted rebellion against humanity by the Nod AI CABAL that occurred following the Second Tiberium War. Unlike previous C&C expansion packs, both...
In the near future, androids have become the way of the norm. Emotionless husks of metal have become a part of human society, much to the dismay of the boy. The robot he found at the dumpsite though, this one was different. It laughed, it cried, it smiled, it has...
Delve further into the world of CLANNAD and experience the stories beyond the original visual novel adventure. Known as CLANNAD Hikari Mimamoru Sakamichi de in Japan, this collection of linear side stories allows you to explore and experience new sides and twists to your favorite characters from the little town...
Switch Galaxy Ultra is a fast-paced arcade challenge where players must weave their way past obstacles and enemies traveling across the galaxy collecting Tantalum for Dakur Technology. Reach the research base on the other side of the Galaxy and you will be rewarded with their latest technology. Collect credits to...
Super Motherload challenges players to dig deep into the substrata of Mars as they collect increasingly rare and valuable minerals. Players can purchase powerful upgrades and supplies for their mining pods as they progress through the storyline and prosper, encountering hidden dangers, quakes, and more than a few other surprises.
In PixelJunk Shooter, players pilot a subterranean vehicle to explore the interior of diverse cave-like complexes. The player must affect the surrounding and dynamic terrain to progress. The goal is to safely navigate through each vivid stage and rescue survivors scattered about the cavernous environment. Each stage is in-effect a...
Content warning: cartoon violence, gore, suicide, tax work. Numbers. What do they mean? The modern field of Accountancy is a serious and honorable profession. Many human beings have spent their lives toiling over the hard science of numbers. Thousands have died so that we may get to the level of...
It’s finally here! Surgeon Simulator is taking the ER to VR! Experience the most critically acclaimed and infamous surgery simulation game as you have never seen it before! Built from the ground up for VR and featuring all of the surgeries and twisted humour of the original favourite. This is...
Final Fantasy X-2 is the first direct sequel in the renowned RPG series. X-2 highlights a cast of returning characters and features mission-based gameplay, an all-female lead cast, unique job classes and a dynamic battle system. The story takes place two years after Yuna defeated Sin in Final Fantasy X,...
Enter a fantasy world where humans are on the brink of extinction. In this all-new Final Fantasy RPG, you must stop a powerful force called "Sin" that destroys cities and lives. Along your journey, you will meet Tidus--a star blitzball player--and Yuna--a young woman with who is skilled in summoning...
Space Hulk: Deathwing is a First-Person Shooter experience based on Games Workshop's classic Space Hulk boardgame set in the universe of Warhammer 40,000. Space Hulk: Deathwing was developed on Unreal Engine 4, and offers you and up to three of your friends the chance to experience a desperate battle against...
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk is an arcade style air combat, set in a futuristic universe. The game is designed to quickly immerse players in scenarios of non stop combat. Pilot a wide variety of aircraft and earn points for a chance to fly top secret planes equipped with devastating weapons....
Are you ready to adventure like it’s 2001? Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island is a passionate revival of the legendary 3D platformer genre with classic gameplay, playful gadgets, and a lighthearted story set in a gorgeous, colorful world reminiscent of our childhood adventures. Go on an action-packed adventure,...
The ninth main-series entry in the Dynasty Warriors franchise is a whole new take on war -- for the first time in the series, fight your battles and prepare your strategy in an open-world representation of China. The expansive land of China is shown on a single map with the...
Experience the epic journey of Nuna and Fox as they search for the source of an eternal blizzard that threatens the survival of everything they have ever known. Never Alone is an atmospheric puzzle platformer developed in collaboration with the Inupiat, an Alaska Native people, drawn from a traditional story...
Among the nations on the Zemurian continent, the mighty Erebonian Empire has been quick to outwardly stake its claim militarily; yet politically, ugly bouts of internal conflict between the upper class and commoners attempting to rise to power have been steadily intensifying day by day. The Noble and Reformist Factions...
Elemental is a fantasy strategy game set on a world filled with magic and ancient lore. Rule a fledgling kingdom and expand it across the world through a combination of magical power, military might, diplomatic skill, technological advancement and bold adventuring. ● Take control as the magical Sovereign, expanding your...
You're 17 again, the rod's righteous, and it's yours! Hit the gas and blow their doors off. This is Street Rods big brother, with even more brilliant graphics, realistic race scenes, and authentic challengers. With the expanded construction set, you can put together a screamin' muscle machine. Trick out that...
Who's the geek in the '55 Chevy? He wants to race, huh? Sure thing. What does he wanna bet? ...$10... $50... pink slips? Put up or shut up punk! I'm gonna blow the doors off that heap... You've got the summer, 12 weeks, to beat the toughest hot rodder in...
The New World lies before you with all its peril, promise and infinite possibility. Your colonists anxiously follow you to shore. The treasures of an entire continent await you. Finally, the much-anticipated follow-up to Civilization is here! Sid Meier's Colonization takes you into the Colonial Era to discover, explore and...
In this game you play as Chuck D. Head, the product of a mad, but benevolent, scientist. Chuck looks a lot like a mummy, except he is missing an important part: a head. Fortunately, he is equipped with a set of eyes and a weird punching appendage in the middle...
You are a nameless dreamer, trying to make sense of the mystery that is the Common Dream. You know that deliverance lies within the lost pages of the Necronomicon and in the enigmatic Abyss deep within the Dream. To reach these, however, you must fight through hordes of insane dreamers...
Welcome to Springfield, home of Moe's Tavern, Krustylu Studios, and oh yes, The Simpsons. Run loose in the streets and explore every corner of the town in a navigable 3D universe with over 30 interactive locations. With hundreds of action sequences, an original cast recording and more than 35,000 frames...
Metal Gear Survive picks up from the ending of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES, to an alternate timeline caused by unexplained wormholes forming in the sky. Players find themselves on distorted desert landscapes full of massive half-formed structures, living biological threats, and the remains of a once strong military...
Dark Souls is a third-person action role-playing game. The core mechanic of the game is exploration. Players are encouraged by the game to proceed with caution, learn from past mistakes, or find alternate areas to explore. Dark Souls takes place in a large and continuous open world environment, connected through...