

Escape Dead Island

Explore the quarantined island of Narapela and get to the bottom of the sinister zombie virus plaguing humanity in Escape Dead Island, a survival mystery game set in the Dead Island universe. In this action-packed single-player game, fans will take on the role of ambitious Cliff Calo, son of a...

Lifeless Planet

While seeking life on a distant planet, an astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon... Lifeless Planet is a third-person action-adventure that features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments in...


Crimsonland is an intense, addictive and immensely gratifying top-down dual stick shooter where your screen is filled with literally hundreds of aliens, giant spiders, mutant lizards, and more. Complete sixty quests to unlock an array of weapons and abilities, then unleash your arsenal in five survival modes with leaderboards. All...

Dragon Ball Xenoverse Alternative Titles: ドラゴンボールゼノバース

Goku And Friends' Fierce Battles Will Be Reborn! DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE revisits famous battles from the series through your custom Avatar, who fights alongside Trunks and many other characters. Will the strength of this partnership be enough to intervene in fights and restore the Dragon Ball timeline we know? New...


In-between Balance and Chaos stands one man, whose efforts will either bridge the ancient divide or doom the world to destruction. Outland is an ambitious 2D-platformer with mind-blowing graphics and a unique, polarity-switching gameplay system. Your adventure will shift between light and darkness as you struggle to adapt in an...

Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

The Secret Armory of General Knoxx is the third in the series of downloadable content packs for Borderlands. The plot of this DLC revolves around Athena, a rogue agent for Atlas who is self-described as the best, a woman sick of Atlas's lies who wants to bring them to their...

Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot

Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot is the second downloadable content pack for Borderlands. Mad Moxxi is a thrill-seeking woman in search of a new husband. Having gone through three husbands already, her search has led to her becoming the Ring Master/Hostess and Commentator of the Underdome. She equates the excitement and...


StepMania is a cross-platform rhythm video game and engine. It was originally developed as a simulator of Konami's arcade game series Dance Dance Revolution, and has since evolved into an extensible rhythm game engine capable of supporting a variety of rhythm-based game types. The primary game type features the following...

Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines focuses on city-building simulation through urban planning. Players control zoning, road placement, taxation, public services, and public transportation of an area. Gameplay is open-ended, touted as "endless sandbox gameplay across massive maps." Player-determined civic policies can affect the development of the entire city or individual districts thereof. Roads...

Bratz: Rock Angelz

Bratz Rock Angelz will empower fans of the wildly popular line of fashion dolls to explore their own "passion for fashion" in a unique interactive adventure game. Fans will be immersed in the Bratz World as they embark on a series of voyages in search of intriguing stories to inspire...


Unepic is a combination of platforming and role playing games. There are many hilarious references throughout the game. The game takes place in Harnakon, a huge medieval castle. It is set in the hardcore NES Style, yet refined with the latest features. This makes Unepic a very unique game.

SimCity 4

In SimCity 4, you get to create, build, and run the city of your dreams. With your godly powers, you shape the landscape and summon disasters at will. You also play the role of a big-city mayor, managing every last detail of your bustling metropolis. Deploy emergency vehicles and join...

Avatar: The Game Alternative Titles: James Cameron's Avatar: The Game

James Cameron's Avatar: The Game is the official videogame based on the highly anticipated film James Cameron's Avatar. The videogame will take you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers will encounter the Na'vi, Pandora's indigenous people and discover other life forms the...

Long Live the Queen

Being a Princess is not an easy job. Being a Queen is even harder. Especially when you're only fourteen years old, and the reason you've inherited the throne is that your royal mother has just met an untimely end. Now power is up for grabs. You may be the official...

Arcania: Gothic 4

Arcania is a Fantasy Action game set in a rich world where an entire kingdom’s future is at stake Build your strength and learn the skills needed to become a hero as you challenge a mighty king and uncover his dark secrets. Travel through a land of different climate zones,...


Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle platformer with action elements, where magnetism and other electromagnetic powers are the key to go throughout the game, and thereby discover the secrets kept in the long abandoned Tesla Tower. Gain new abilities to explore a non-linear world with more than 100 beautiful hand-drawn environments,...

Secret Ponchos

Secret Ponchos creates a new compelling format of combat. It's quick-twitch action gaming; it's fast paced, fun and competitively addictive. Presenting combat from an overhead isometric view dramatically changes the feel of the Fighting Game and Team Shooter genres. You have a 360 degree view of the action unfolding around...


The Gods of Olympus have abandoned humanity, leaving you to perish without their benevolence. Take up arms against the Gods, climb Mount Olympus, and take their divine powers for yourself to ensure mankind’s survival! Apotheon is a fast and brutal 2D action game with a striking art style and heroic...

Never Alone

Gather close and I will tell you an unipkaaq, a story that has been passed to me from generations past. I learned this tale from Nasruk many years ago. He told me that there is great wisdom in listening for those who are willing to hear. Remember, when you are...

Costume Quest 2

Trick, treat and pick a fight with villainous dental soldiers in Costume Quest 2, the sweet sequel to Double Fine’s hit original, Costume Quest, that turned fans of all ages into candy obsessed crusaders. This inspired RPG adventure includes a range of new features and gameplay improvements to double the...

Hyper Light Drifter

Echoes of a dark and violent past resonate throughout a savage land, steeped in treasure and blood. Hyper Light Drifter is an action adventure RPG in the vein of the best 16­bit classics, with modernized mechanics and designs on a much grander scale. Drifters of this world are the collectors...

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is an upcoming 2D top-down action video game, developed by Dennaton Games and published by Devolver Digital. A sequel to Hotline Miami, Wrong Number takes place before and after the events of Hotline Miami, and focuses on the aftermath of the protagonist Jacket after killing...

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

The world of Gran Pulse is sinking into the sea and what remains is now called Nova Chrysalia. With only thirteen days remaining until the end of the world, Chaos reigns in a world that never ages. New life cannot be born. People need salvation. As Lightning, it is your...

Mercenary Kings

In this frantic 2D action game, you are part of the Mercenary Kings, the most skilled team of warriors-for-hire on Earth, but when your comrades have fallen and the fearsome forces of CLAW have seized an island-wide top secret Laboratory Base, you must do what it takes to stop them....

Road Not Taken

Road Not Taken is a roguelike puzzle game about surviving life’s surprises. You play as a ranger adventuring through a vast, unforgiving forest in the aftermath of a brutal winter storm, rescuing children who have lost their way. Randomly generated levels deliver a limitless supply of possibilities to explore and...

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