

Angel Beats! 1st Beat Alternative Titles: Angel Beats! -1st beat-

The story of the visual novel is be based on the Angel Beats! anime series and retains the role of Yuzuru Otonashi as the main character and protagonist. The player takes on the role of Otonashi, a newcomer to the Afterlife who finds himself in the middle of a struggle...


Kunisaki Yukito's deceased mother left him with the doll and her last wish that Yukito look for the "girl in the skies" because it is his destiny to save her. Only half-understanding what his mother meant, Yukito has been traveling across Japan, vainly searching for this myth-like girl his mother...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an action adventure game which follows the story of the fourth movie and book of the same name. In addition to the usual challenges and dangers that Harry, Ron, and Hermione need to face, the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts...

Second Sight

After waking up in a high security medical facility with no recollection of how he got there, John Vattic's memory slowly returns through a series of playable flashbacks to his days as a civilian advisor to a military operation in Siberia. In the past, he worked with a group of...

Need for Speed: The Run

It's called The Run. An illicit, high-stakes race across the country. The only way to get your life back is to be the first from San Francisco to New York. No speed limits. No rules. No allies. All you have are your driving skills and sheer determination as you battle...

Prison Break: The Conspiracy

Prison Break: The Conspiracy is an action-adventure video game based on the first season of the Fox television series Prison Break, released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was released on March 19, 2010 in Germany, March 26, 2010 in the United Kingdom and Europe, and March...

WWF Raw (2002) Alternative Titles: WWF Raw, WWE Raw

WWF Raw is a wrestling game based on the television show of the same name, the flagship program of the World Wrestling Federation. The player can control any of the forty-five WWF superstars, including The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Triple H, and others. The game features a...

Oregon Trail II

Oregon Trail II is a sequel to Oregon Trail. The game follows the basic structure of the predecessor, which is a simulation of traveling through towns and wilderness in the state of Oregon, with adventure-like gameplay elements and educational material. The sequel changes, enhances, and adds many gameplay features. In...

Runes of Magic

The game has very few differences from World of Warcraft, one of the differences being the "multi-class" feature, which allows the player to choose up to three classes. At Level 10, the player may choose a second class. At Level 20, the player may choose a third class. Each 66...

Heroes of the Storm

Powerful warriors from Azeroth, Sanctuary, the Koprulu sector and beyond have been sucked into the Nexus, a transdimensional storm. Stranded in a strange limbo of clashing universes, these heroes have but one fate — endless battle for glory, survival and just plain fun. Blizzard's aim with Heroes of the Storm...

Silent Hill 4: The Room

Henry Townshend finds himself trapped in an apartment cursed by a deeply rooted evil. Only by exploring mysterious portals leading to disturbing alternate worlds will Henry begin to uncover the truth. However, mysterious new characters, horrendous creatures, and the undead, use any means necessary to impede his progress. It's up...

Jurassic Park: The Game

Security systems have failed and the creatures of the park roam free. Now, a rogue corporation will stop at nothing to acquire the dinosaur embryos stolen and lost by Dennis Nedry. Experience a brand new adventure set during the events of the first Jurassic Park movie and see new areas...


Cinders is a mature take on a classic fairytale with a heavy emphasis on player choices and role playing. Cinders is a witty young woman living with an overbearing stepmother and her two daughters, as if she was reenacting a certain well-known fairytale. But unlike its protagonist, Cinders is not...

Norse by Norse West: The Return Of Lost Vikings Alternative Titles: Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest

This sequel to the very popular Lost Vikings sees the return of those three troublesome vikings. Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce and Olaf the Stout are once again trying to find their way home. They once again are flung through different eras of time and to find their way...

The King of Fighters XIII

The King of Fighters XIII is the 13th game from the fighting series and it is based on version 1.1 from the arcade version with some bug corrections. It includes 31 characters, 2 characters never seen in the arcade version like Billy Kane and Saiki, 3 downloadable characters like Mr....

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 - Cry Wolf

Following a bloody trail of murder and corruption, Bigby Wolf faces a powerful enemy: a dark force that has been feeding on the desperation of Fabletown’s seedy underbelly. But when hidden truths are revealed, you must decide exactly what justice means in the gripping season finale of The Wolf Among...

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 4 - In Sheep's Clothing

The penultimate episode from The Wolf Among Us, a five episode series from developer Telltale Games where your every decision can have enormous consequences. As Bigby Wolf, the wolf in human form, you discover that the brutal, bloody murder of a Fable is just a taste of things to come.

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile

The Wolf Among Us is an episodic graphic adventure video game based on Bill Willingham's Fables comic book series. It is developed and published by Telltale Games and distributed by Vertigo and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It is canon with the comic book universe and is set as a prequel...

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is a video game featuring Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions blends together four universes from the Marvel Comics multiverse, allowing the player to play as four different Spider-Men. Known Spider-Man voice actors Neil Patrick Harris, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Dan Gilvezan, and Josh Keaton voice a...

Shovel Knight

In ancient medieval times, the land belonged to lords and heroes. In that day there was many a mighty warrior, but undoubtedly, the mightiest of all heroes were Shovel Knight and Shield Knight. Together, they made an unstoppable force of justice and shovelry ... but their journeys together came to...

Quake II

Shortly after landing on an alien surface, you learn that hundreds of your men have been reduced to just a few. Now you must fight your way through heavily fortified military installations, lower the city's defenses and shut down the enemy's war machine. Only then will the fate of humanity...


Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game independently developed by Reverge Labs and published by Marvelous AQL. The game was released through the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in North America, Europe, and Australia from April–May 2012, and later received a Japanese release by CyberFront for the PlayStation Network in...

World Soccer: Winning Eleven 8 International Alternative Titles: Pro Evolution Soccer 4

The new World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International ( Pro Evolution Soccer 4 ) has over 3000 licensed players, and Fully Licensed Leagues & teams from Serie A (Italy), Liga Espanola (Spain), & Eredivisie (Holland). So this new PES has definitely improved on the License front. There's also full leagues...

Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue

The lovable Sanrio character Hello Kitty has made her way onto the GameCube in a new adventure game. In Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue, you'll explore Hello Kitty's 3D world and encounter a variety of characters, villains, and puzzles. You'll interact with more than 20 Sanrio characters that can help you...

Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary

The game opens with the final scene from Resurrection; Jonathan Harker (voiced by David Gasman) rescuing his wife Mina (Gay Marshall) from Dracula's castle and vowing to defeat the Count once and for all upon returning to London. Harker has come to realise that Dracula called Mina to Transylvania precisely...

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