Butterfly Soup 2 is a name-your-own price visual novel that was developed and produced by Brianna Lei. The game is the sequel to Butterfly Soup and a direct continuation of the cast’s high school shenanigans. The sequel is said to further explore issues of cultural and sexual identity, as well...
From the students of the Animation Workshop, Postmouse is a third-person single-player puzzle platforming game about a timid mouse who has to go on their first adventure to deliver mail. Having always dreamt of the world beyond their little post-office, Postmouse is emboldened to enter the great unknown. Meet charming...
This isn't your standard game of soccer. This is Guts 'N Goals, where soccer balls can be spiky, and you use a weapons instead of your feet to score goals. Choose from over 30 unique heroes and get ready to play the world's game like never before! During each game,...
In a village far, far away, a dull peasant named Rufus was living an ordinary life. Life was nice and happy in the village, until one day, awakened by some magical mistake, the Evil One started to spread his minions around town, performing hideous acts against the people. The worst...
STALCRAFT is a game in the MMOFPS genre with Survival Horror elements. It combines an open world, RPG and a dynamic shooter component. Most of the time the player spends in the open world of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Locations are filled with all kinds of PvP and PvE-activities, beloved...
After going to bed one night you awaken to find yourself trapped in a manor infested with zombies, psychotic cultists, and a horde of other horrors. You must utilize an assortment of different weapons and limited resources in a brutal fight for survival as you try to escape from the...
Blair Witch Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale, is the final thriller in the mind-shattering, three-part mystery that explores the heart of the Blair Witch myth. The legend originates in 1785, when Elly Kedward is accused of witchcraft and is forever banished from the Blair Township. She withdraws into the...
Blair Witch Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock is the second installment in the three - game series devoted to unraveling the mystery of the Blair Witch mythos. A mysterious soldier, stricken by amnesia, is found in Burkettesville by a strange young girl named Robin Weaver. A man without...
Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr is the first in a series of three games that delve into the rumors and unanswered questions surrounding the mythos of The Blair Witch. Set in 1941, the first adventure in the Blair Witch series pits government special investigator Doc Holliday against the ancient...
Harness the power of dark energy as you, jump, slash, shoot and bombard your way through an army of alien soldiers and killer robots in an arcade style, action platformer with a slick 80's synthwave soundtrack. Gunborg: Dark Matters is an arcade-style action platformer with smooth gameplay and a slick...
The student council president Shiori Kousaka joins the weak competitive cycling club in order to increase the number of members. Around that time, she spots a student heading to the back of the school building. Thinking they might be suspicious, she follows them.However, it turns out to be a girl...
In Japan's Warring States period demons known as "warlords" run rampant as they feed on the malice of humanity. The people cower in fear at the warlords' oppression and impotently accept their subjugation. But there is one ray of light that strikes through the darkness. The only people with the...
Sakura parents used to give her only a little money for her living costs. Now they don' give her money anymore, so Sakura has no choice but to find a part-time job. She has to work part-time to earn money and meanwhile goes to school. All of her classmates think...
Town of Passion is an adventure styled RPG, where you play as a common villager living in the small town of Valencia- a town full of many secrets and populated only by beautiful women. After stumbling into an unknown realm, the villager learns that there's an important role for him...
In Lessons in Love, you assume the position of teacher for some students… Yes you do because for some reason you assume the body of “Sensei”, it is not explained why that happened, you know that that is not your body , but has no memory of his “past” life,...
The Kingdom of Golden Kine has just won a great battle against a great horde of goblins. As the king proudly surveyed the aftermath of the battlefield with his beloved, they find a lone goblin survivor within one of the destroyed catapults. The Queen takes an interest in him and...
A Netorare story about an affair between a mother and her son's friend.
Welcome to the Blue Ocean Resort, an idyllic paradise on the beach within Paradise Cove. You find yourself at your grandmother Umi's beach resort. Looking forward to a great summer where they can finally put the past to rest and reconnect with this side of the family. But there is...
Short Adult-Only Visual Novel featuring 3 furry girls in another world with different personalities and fetishes.
This collection has 10 short horror games that you can freely choose which one you want to play. R.I.P is an "escape" style survival horror game, where you'll have to perform different tasks to get an ending. We Are Not Alone is an alien-themed game inspired by the trashy horror...
Welcome to a true 80's trash horror experience. This collection has 10 short horror games that you can freely choose which one you want to play.
Cultivation Story: Reincarnation is a top-down pixel art-style action roguelike game. The game's plot and settings are mainly based on Chinese mythology and Chinese cultivation. More than 200 upgrades consist of cultivation methods, techniques, weapons, skills, and Fabaos. Acquiring specific upgrades activates powerful combination effects, with up to 50 different...
The past and future cannot be explored alone! Team up with a friend and piece together the mysteries surrounding Albert Vanderboom. Communicate what you see around you to help one another solve various puzzles and explore the worlds from different perspectives! The Past Within is a multiplayer point-and-click adventure by...
Take Control of Kyle in this Text-Based Adventure. . . Make decisions for Kyle that will affect every part of his day. Take Kyle's hand through 21 unique endings, each determined by what Kyle has done and who he has interacted with. He needs you. Be kind. Kyle just woke...
Experience Rhapsody II & III for the first time in the West! Following the events of Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, join young Kururu, the daughter of Cornet and Ferdinand, on her quest to find true love in Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess! Then, gear up for another dose...