The sequel to Red Faction keeps the same exciting features from the original and introduces a new cast of characters and storyline. In Red Faction II's futuristic setting, humankind is under the rule of an evil dictatorship, and only a group of freedom fighters called Red Faction stands in its...
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose--a fugitive undercover cop framed for murder, and now hunted by the cops and the mob. As Payne, you'll uncover plot twists, engage in dramatic "bullet-time" firefights with thugs, and fight your way through an unforgiving New York blizzard. Max can wield...
This is your chance to experience the other side of an alien invasion. In Destroy All Humans!, you play as an alien who must use a UFO, advanced weaponry, and special abilities to take over all of humanity. You'll terrorize the people of Earth with a variety of alien weaponry--the...
It's in this time of conflict, that Star Wars Battlefront II: Resurrection takes place, Iden Versio is contacted when the Corvus is found abandoned on Pillio. She returns in search of answers. Her search unveils a First Order conspiracy leading into the timeline of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. All...
Open World Horror Welcome to Hanwell, once a safe haven from the horrors of the world, now a cesspit of anomalous scum. Explore a dense open world of terror, every building a unique location with it's own story to tell. Strung together by the remenants of Hanwell. Hanwell There is...
In July 2017, Telltale announced that season 2 of The Wolf Among Us would be coming in 2018. However by May 2018, Telltale announced that due to recent internal studio issues, they had to push back the release of the sequel until 2019. In September 2018, Telltale had a majority...
Thirty years ago, in 1987, a super robot named Mega Man was created. In 2018 after 30 years of unforgettable adventures the fight for everlasting peace continues! The tight action-platformer gameplay that made the series a success is alive and well. To save the day, the Blue Bomber must battle...
Choose your fate in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. From outcast to living legend, embark on an odyssey to uncover the secrets of your past and change the fate of Ancient Greece. TRAVEL TO ANCIENT GREECE From lush vibrant forests to volcanic islands and bustling cities, start a journey of exploration and...
Embark on a Journey to Own it All! With a colorful and 3D lively city animated by funny little sidekicks, Monopoly+ brings the classic franchise to a new level. You can play the way you want. Also includes the 2D classic Monopoly board. ● A Real Living Board - A...
Agony is a first-person, survival horror game set in hell. Players will begin their journey as tormented soul within the depths of hell without any memories about his past. The special ability to control people on their path, and even possess simple minded demons, gives the player the necessary measures...
Fallout 76 will be Bethesda Game Studios' first multiplayer game and will be set "entirely online", however it will also feature an ability to play solo if the player so desires. The game will not feature any human NPCs, with all surviving humans being other players. It will feature an...
Tacoma is the next game from Fullbright, the creators of Gone Home. What mysteries await, 200,000 miles from Earth? Tacoma is set in 2088. The mysterious space station immerses players in a different way, presenting a vision of the future filled with compelling (yet plausible) technology that add new angles...
You (implicitly) asked for it! We made it! It’s the Jackbox Party Pack 4! It’s the fourth collection of go-to party games from Jackbox Games! The biggest and fourthiest addition to this storied party game franchise features not five but FIVE AND A HALF crowd-slaying games!!! Fibbage 3 (2-8 players)...
Gal Gun is back for an adventure more outrageous than ever! A new army of girls has been overpowered by lust in THE FULL-FRONTAL SEQUEL to Japan's infamous shooter. Fend them off with your Pheromone Shot and use new gadgets to expel demons from their bodies in the most audacious...
You are the Harbinger, a skilled warrior who exists outside of time. You have foreseen the annihilation of the land known as Urralia and have been summoned to rewrite its fate. Serve as the eyes and the sword of Urralia as you identify characters who may have played a part...
Harec wants Loaht to join his Raiders but the Wardogs are out for his blood. Wardog leader General Marmalade wants all the Aleph and Loaht is a loose end. Loaht’s fury could win the war but who will get to him first? WARDOG FURY is a premium campaign for Raiders...
General Krausher pays his trusted lieutenants well. Lieutenants like Ayana Kwena. But let him down and you die! Paying the fee for Ayana to change sides and join the Raiders is not an option. That kind of money is hard to come by. Harec has one choice, he just hopes...
Harec's must find the legendary Protectors, but he needs old flame Shae in order to do it. She won't trust him after how things ended last time. Ironic that the future of the Broken Planet depends on two broken hearts... ALIEN MYTHS is a premium stand alone campaign for Raiders...
Choose Harec or 4 other Raiders and help them rescue the legendary Lycus Dion from the claws of the Hades Division, or switch sides and play as an Antagonist. Harec, doesn’t have many choices when it comes to finding Raiders to battle against the human invaders. Normally he wouldn’t rescue...
Long, long ago, there existed a holy island called Alfheim, said to be the domain of a divine force known as Deus. There, the high elves lived in harmony with dragons, using mystic Rune Songs to communicate with them. But the peace did not last. Deus sought to destroy the...
Seven years after defeating Carlos Calaca, Juan Aguacate is forced to don his luchador mask again to face a new threat -- this time to the very fabric of space and time. Punch your way through a whole new action exploration-style world and try to save the Mexiverse! Juan has...
Hayato Ibuki, a journalist for an occult magazine, is investigating mysterious suicides that have been happening at Shinjuku Station. While he's investigating, a black shadow pushes him onto the tracks. At the last moment, a beautiful girl named Balucia saves him and hands him a case. The case, like Pandora's...
Battle with swords and whips in this retro-style action game brought to you by game creator Koji Igarashi and Inti Creates! Play as Zangetsu, a demon slayer bearing a deep grudge, who must travel through perilous lands to defeat a powerful demon lurking in a dark castle. Zangetsu will meet...
Is it a nightmare or a dream come true? A new test of Vincent Brooks' morality is about to take the stage in Catherine: Full Body! This new twist on the original Catherine, a mature romantic action-adventure puzzle game from the makers of the Persona series, will include a new...
Dragon's Crown thrusts you into a fantastical medieval world packed with labyrinthine dungeons to explore, vile monstrosities to smite, and nearly endless online adventure. Your mission is to dive into the dank underworld, uncovering treasure and strengthening your mettle as you unlock the secret behind the ancient dragon threatening the...