The Girl and the Robot is a unique third person action/adventure game set in a fairy tale world. You take on the role of a young girl trying to escape from a castle ruled by an evil queen. On her way, she meets a mysterious robot that can be controlled...
Shell City is plunged into a state of emergency after coming under attack from the devastating forces of PHANTOM. Terrifying war machines, emblazoned with skulls, tear through the city leaving a trail of destruction in their wake! As the National Army struggle to contain PHANTOM, General Krenman sees the mammoth...
Your Choice is Heavier and Faster Than a Bullet Become the hero of Gun Gale Online in the latest game of the SAO franchise in Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. Step into the versatile landscapes and environments of Gun Gale Online with unique and realistic designs resembling something out of...
INK is a fast-paced platformer about using colorful paint to uncover your surroundings. INK has a similar feel to hardcore platformers like Super Meat Boy. The object of each level is to defeat all of the enemies in the room (if any) and reach the goal. However, the terrain is...
In ECHO everything has consequence: As you try to wield its magical technologies it becomes apparent that the Palace has a will of its own… It studies everything you do, everything you are – to use it against you. The Palace creates Echoes – exact copies of you in every...
As the last remaining survivor in a nuclear bunker, Johns daily routine is the one thing that keeps him sane. But when an alarm goes off, his mind starts to self-destruct. The Bunker is a live-action psychological horror game starring Adam Brown (The Hobbit) and Sarah Greene (Penny Dreadful) with...
Discover what it's like to be the Universe in this beautiful interactive nature simulation. Everything is an interactive experience where everything you see is a thing you can be, from animals to planets to galaxies and beyond. Travel between outer and inner space, and explore a vast, interconnected universe of...
Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is a graphic adventure played from a third-person view. The player assumes control of sixteen-year-old Chloe Price, three years prior to Life Is Strange. Unlike its predecessor, the game does not include time travel. Instead, Before the Storm features the ability "Backtalk", with which...
Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is a graphic adventure played from a third-person view. The player assumes control of sixteen-year-old Chloe Price, three years prior to Life Is Strange. Unlike its predecessor, the game does not include time travel. Instead, Before the Storm features the ability "Backtalk", with which...
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM LEGACY collects all 4 STORM games in one breathtaking collection. This series has established itself among the pinnacle of anime & manga adaptations to video games! This collection includes HD Remasters of: • NARUTO: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM • NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2 •...
N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure is a wonderful journey in a world of incredible beauty where a kid is the key to all locks and the night is not as frightening as we all could think. Immerse yourself in a story-driven first-person game featuring puzzles with intuitive controls. The environment...
RUINER is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2091 in the cyber metropolis Rengkok. A wired psychopath lashes out against a corrupt system to uncover the truth and retrieve his kidnapped brother under the guidance of a secretive hacker friend. Combine preternatural reflexes, augmented tools, and the arsenal...
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM TRILOGY collects 3 STORM games in one breathtaking collection. This series has established itself among the pinnacle of anime & manga adaptations to video games! This collection includes: HD Remasters of NARUTO: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM, NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2, and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: ULTIMATE...
DG2: Defense Grid 2, is the highly-anticipated sequel to Hidden Path Entertainments 2008 Defense Grid: The Awakening. Setting the bar as the definitive tower defense game, Defense Grid 2 introduces new worlds and threats to test your tower placement strategies. With a bold new look, a compelling single-player campaign, and...
RUN THE NEIGHBORHOOD The future of sports career modes has arrived, allowing you to play the game the way you like. Build your career in NBA games, hit the courts in The Playground, join the Pro-Am circuit, or explore an all-new open neighborhood setting. Road to 99 A unified badge...
I Expect You To Die is a virtual reality puzzle game that places you in the well-polished shoes of an elite secret agent. You must attempt to survive deadly situations in immersive and dangerous locales. Complete each operation using problem-solving skills and wits oh, and the power of telekinesis that...
Llamasoft's Polybius is a fast 3D shooting game with racing elements. The game's play was designed to minimize virtual reality sickness by the use of continuous forward motion with limited abrupt changes, and no interruptions to gameplay other than controlled breaks at the end of each level; however, the game...
After the collapse of civilization, Sam Bridges must journey across a ravaged landscape crawling with otherworldly threats to save mankind from the brink of extinction. From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all-new, genre-defying experience for the PlayStation®4 system. Starring Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Léa Seydoux, and Lindsay Wagner....
Black Desert Online takes place in a high fantasy setting and revolves around the conflict between two rival nations, the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Calpheon is very materialistic where as Valencia is very spiritual. Long before Black Desert Online starts, the four main areas, Calpheon, Serendia,...
SKYFORGE is an action MMORPG set in the world of Aelion. Surrounded by other planets, Aelion is under constant threat of invasion. These otherworldly conquerors have attempted to seize and enslave Aelion’s population,and eons of failed invasion attempts have left traces of strange alien technology and magic, transforming Aelion forever....
One year ago, Dr. Brown had created the World Heroes tournament in order to find out on who the strongest fighter of history is, but because of the unexpected arrival and interference of Geegus, Dr. Brown was unable to get his answer. Now Dr. Brown is prepared to hold the...
Eight fighters from across time have entered a tournament to discover who is the greatest of all. You can play as a ninja, magician, cyborg soldier, or five others. Once you have selected a warrior, enter the time machine to battle the others. If you want to settle a personal...
In Wuppo players will explore a handcrafted world full of secrets stories and history. Full of different cultures and creatures, the simple artstyle hides a far deeper plot. Players will explore the world and will have to fight and navigate numerous enemies and puzzles. All while a great mystery will...
We Happy Few is the tale of a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial in the city of Wellington Wells. Set in a drug-fuelled, retrofuturistic city in an alternative 1960s England, youll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who...
Night in the Woods is a single-player adventure game for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, and PlayStation 4. It is developed by Infinite Fall, a studio founded by game designer Alec Holowka, and animator/illustrator Scott Benson. It is an exploration game focused primarily on story in which players control a cat...