Kingdom Hearts II is the sequel to the action role-playing game featuring a host of familiar characters from movies and video games alike. Disney characters Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy are searching for their missing king, and it is up to you to help find him. The game also features...
Sora, Donald and Goofy travel down a long road that meanders through endless fields, and come to a crossroads. As Sora stands in the crossroads, he gazes up at the night sky and thinks of his lost friends. Just then, a mysterious man approaches from down one of the branching...
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days revolves around Roxas, the "other" hero from Kingdom Hearts II. Players follow Roxas through his days among Organization XIII's ranks, unraveling the events that took place during the year that Sora was asleep, and ultimately revealing one of the Kingdom Hearts saga's most shocking secrets. Players...
For the first time ever, Disney films come together in one game, but it's up to you make it their world the happiest place on Earth. Kingdom Hearts follows Sora in his quest to find his friends and Court Wizard Donald and Captain Goofy as they set out to find...
The Nonary Games is a double pack collection of Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (999) and Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (VLR). Nonary Game uninitiated who missed out on these two mind-shredding titles before now have the perfect chance to grab both in one collection. 999 -...
OlliOlli mixes addictive one-life gameplay with over 120 tricks and grinds across 50 deviously crafted levels, 250 Challenges, Spots Mode and Daily Grind. Not enough for you? Complete all challenges to unlock the super skillful RAD Mode! Rack up the biggest and coolest combos along the way then time your...
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - After saving the world from a terrorist attack the leader of the 3rd Street Saints is elected to become President of the United States. Things go reasonably well until an alien warlord named Zinyak attacks the white house and abducts his entire cabinet. Now stuck...
After saving the world from a terrorist attack the leader of the 3rd Street Saints is elected to become President of the United States. Things go reasonably well until an alien warlord named Zinyak attacks the white house and abducts his entire cabinet. Now stuck inside a reality bending simulation,...
DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 Empires is the latest installment of the "Empires" series, in which you aim to conquer ancient China using both strategy and the one warrior versus one thousand tactical action the WARRIORS series is known for. The player becomes a hero from Three Kingdoms era, with the goal...
Seasons After Fall is a 2D platform-puzzler game that will let you dive into a captivating universe and explore a land governed by magic and nature. As a wild fox you are sent on a perilous journey aided only by your ability to change the seasons at will, manipulating a...
Overcooked is a chaotic couch co-op cooking game for one to four players. Working as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a variety of tasty orders before the baying customers storm out in a huff. Sharpen your knives and dust off your chefs...
Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse experience of a lifetime - and now more beautiful than ever. Caught in the midst of an epic zombie outbreak on the tropical island of Banoi, your only thought is: Survival! The Dead Island Experience - Smash heads, crack skulls and slice 'em up with...
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse experience of a lifetime more beautiful than ever. Caught in an epic zombie outbreak on the tropical island of Banoi, your only thought is: Survive!
The game that re-defined the Zombie genre - fully remastered. Paradise meets Hell! Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse experience of a lifetime – and now more beautiful than ever. Caught in the midst of an epic zombie outbreak on the tropical island of Banoi, your only thought is: Survival!
MXGP is back! The third game in the motorbike racing series is rebuilt from the ground up to bring the gaming experience to a new level, thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 full power! The complete season of MXGP 2016, including MXoN, is just the tip of the iceberg: gameplay...
Prepare to live the motocross dream! Official license, motorbikes, roster and real tracks: this is the explosive mix that will launch you into the world of MXGP! Race on 18 official tracks of the 2015 season of the MXGP championship, experience the thrill of MXoN, show your worth on the...
Developed specifically for VR, Star Trek: Bridge Crew is the only game to offer a true-to-life level of immersion in the Star Trek universe, where- as officers of the Federation- every action and decision you make together will determine the fate of your ship and crew.
The shadow of the past are waiting for you inside these walls, drenched with fear, distress and tears. The light that blind the mind dissolves the line between reason and madness. Are you going to find the switch of the darkness? The Town of Light is a first-person psychological interactive...
A name synonymous with PlayStation, Wipeout is the rapid combat racer that defies gravity and defines generations. Known for its blistering speed, iconic music and pure multiplayer mayhem, Wipeout has starred on every PlayStation format since 1995 and is now set to rip through the air on PlayStation4 and PlayStation4...
DiRT 4 takes the passion and authenticity of off-road racing to the next level, whilst also re-introducing you all to white-knuckle truck and buggy racing in Landrush. Motorsport by its very nature is dangerous, and Dirt 4 is all about embracing that danger. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline...
The threequel to the party game phenomenon features FIVE new sense-shattering games! 1) The say-anything sequel Quiplash 2 (3-8 players). Play all new questions or make your own! 2) The deadly quiz show Trivia Murder Party (1-8 players). Match wits with a trivia-obsessed killer. 3) The surprising survey game Guesspionage...
Flinthook is a fast action-platformer with "roguelike" elements. Become space’s greatest pirate with your hookshot, pistol and slowmo powers! Zip around with your mighty hookshot! Aim freely and toss your giant anchor at golden rings to propel yourself around the levels at high speeds, giving you the agility and swiftness...
Enter the Deep Roads to battle monstrous darkspawn, bloodthirsty creatures that dwell beneath the surface of Thedas. Explore ancient ruins and cavernous dungeons to find the cause of worsening earthquakes. In this new adventure, you will fight new adversaries, gain epic weapons and armor, and solve one of Thedas’ greatest...
After saving the world of Thedas by closing the Breach, your next mission determines the future of the Inquisition itself. Win a race against time to defeat a great evil that could devastate Thedas. In this DLC, playable after the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, embark on a last adventure...
Make the hit Line up your cross hairs Enter a vicious world beyond nations, justice and ethics. A world which never sleeps and exists everywhere. Once you enter there is no going back. Welcome to the world of assassination and as Agent 47 youre the king of this bloodstained domain....