Fallen corporate shogun Lo Wang and his former employer turned nemesis turned sidekick Orochi Zilla embark on an improbable mission to recapture an ancient dragon they unwillingly unleashed from its eternal prison. Armed with a punishing mix of blades and bullets, Lo Wang must traverse uncharted parts of the world...
My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. The strategic use of split aiming, slow motion, and the ol’ stylish window breach create one sensational action sequence after another in an...
Soul Hackers 2 takes place in the 21st Century and is set during a war between the Yatagarasu and the Phantom Society, two opposing factions of Devil Summoners. The story follows two supernatural "Aion" beings named Ringo and Figue, who descend into the human world from their birthplace in the...
Yang Yumo, a college student with a daily part-time job. Her body had been suffering from the aftermath of the Youshanding incident a year back. In an ordinary day, Choas Beasts reappeared in the streets of Youshanding, and Yumo had to once again step onto the battlefield! A journey of...
Inspired by classic action JRPGs, Eternal Radiance is an action role-playing game about a squire named Celeste who begins a journey to prove herself worthy of becoming a true knight. Her quest takes her far from her home, across the continent in pursuit of a thief whose actions stem from...
Valkyrie Elysium is an action-RPG featuring an epic story, beautiful environments, and a new fast-paced combat system that combines strategy, action, and a unique combo system that will test your ability to think and react. The game takes place in the distant past, in a world where Ragnarok – the...
The era of myths gives way to an era of great turmoil… The world of men is mired by an age of war which rages for year on end. A band of elite mercenaries calling themselves Blue Fox arise amidst the flames and the chaos, their fates and valiant deeds...
As a vow to his dying Master, the young swordsman Hiroki is sworn to protect his town and the people he loves against all threats. Faced with tragedy and bound to duty, the lone samurai must voyage beyond life and death to confront himself and decide his path forward. Cinematic...
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is best known for its charismatic heroes who drop unforgettable catchphrases (“yare yare daze…”) and perform over-the-top moves as they pummel each other using martial arts and supernatural skills. Now you too can brawl with your favorite characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R! The...
This incredible collection of thirteen original classics gives chasing down Shredder, fighting the Foot, and tangling-up with Bebop and Rocksteady a fresh look at why KONAMI’s adaptations of the heroes in a half shell set the standard in beat ‘em up, action games. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection...
"Move Beyond Your Limits!" GUNDAM EVOLUTION is an online free-to-play FPS title in which players take control of Mobile Suits from the hit Gundam anime and challenge other players online in six-versus-six objective based battles. Featuring fast-paced action and immersive controls, players can switch between many different Mobile Suit Units...
Exoprimal is an online, team-based action game that pits humanity's cutting-edge exosuit technology against history's most ferocious beasts – dinosaurs. Exosuits are grouped into different roles, and players will pilot these exosuits to hold firm against overwhelming dinosaur swarms in online-only, team-based action game modes.Dino Survival, the main game mode,...
A next-generation robot SRPG set in a sci-fi alternate reality, in which Starchildren - humans who have been granted special abilities - take on an extraterrestrial threat known as the Relayers. Command a squadron of Stellar Gear, humanoid weapons developed from the technology of ancient alien civilizations, to defend Earth...
ELEX II is the sequel to ELEX, the vintage open-world role-playing experience from the award-winning creators of the Gothic and Risen series, Piranha Bytes. ELEX II returns to the post-apocalyptic Science Fantasy world of Magalan – with massive environments that can be explored with unrivaled freedom via jetpack, you will...
Embark on a journey to a realm overrun by demons in a new epic RPG from the creators of the critically acclaimed Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Explore the nature of good and evil, learn the true cost of power, and rise as a Mythic Hero capable of deeds beyond mortal expectations. Your...
Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive Edition is the ultimate single-player RPG experience based on the acclaimed Pathfinder series. Explore and conquer with your party the Stolen Lands of Golarion, a world rich with history, mystery and conflict featuring real-time combat or optional turn-based fights. The Definitive Edition includes the base game,...
A fantasy RPG with a story of friendship between humans and gods! Times are changing, and the existence of the Grimoas has become less relevant in everyday life. The young Eil is in the middle of his Coming-of-Age ceremony when suddenly his town is attacked by a demon and engulfed...
In the most ambitious expansion in franchise history, Eivor must embrace their destiny as Odin, the Norse god of Battle and Wisdom. Unleash new divine powers as you embark on a desperate quest through a breathtaking world. Complete a legendary Viking saga and save your son in the face of...
An Army of Shadows is attacking. Who could be the one behind it all? Named IGN's Best Overall Fighting Game of 2012, and made an official selection of the Evolution Championship Series in 2013, Persona 4 Arena was a roaring success. Now, the ultimate tag team returns to present another...
Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium - The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered Necron planet of Silva Tenebris. Customize your team, manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, and control your Tech-Priests’ every move. Your every...
Yomawari 3 focuses on a unnamed girl who had awoken in an unfamiliar dark forest. She has no recollection on how she got there, with her last memories being that she went to the school's rooftop at sunset when the school day was over. As she wanders around in the...
Dive into a reality-warping adventure from Persona scenario-writer Tadashi Satomi and director Takuya Yamanaka! A virtuadoll named Regret has created the world of Redo in order to save people from their past regrets by unknowingly imprisoning them in a simulation. However, this "Paradise" is shaken to the core when a...
Blast your way through the streets of Hong Kong in a fast-paced, top-down shooter. Inspired by classic action movies, The Hong Kong Massacre places you at the center of a hard-boiled revenge story, filled with brutal, cinematic shootouts and vivid underworld locations. Take on the role of a former police...
HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! It’s time to throw hands, drop gems, cast spells, and crush ‘bots! Capcom Fighting Collection features 10 iconic titles, including two Darkstalkers games never before released in North America! Take on all challengers in online play with rollback netcode for all ten games, and enjoy...
Genesis is an action-packed classic MOBA focusing on competitive 5v5 online play for control of the battlefield. Themed around a futuristic sci-fi setting, Genesis will offer a rich roster of 28 original heroes, as well as various skins, weapons and other cosmetics to choose from. Core game-play will include a...