Set in modern times but with a touch of medieval influences, Final Fantasy XV focuses on Noctis Lucis Caelum, the prince of a dynasty which rules a city state that has the last remaining crystal. After the crystal is stolen by an invading nation, Niflheim, a global conflict ensues with...
The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Powered by Unreal Engine 4 technology, stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for...
Take on wild beasts, ruthless soldiers, and ancient gods in this 2D Action-Platformer inspired by Tower-Defense combat. In a world where control over ancient technologies means power, a ruthless Empire has arisen. You play as a team of Ruinhunters searching for the one thing that can save their village -...
After losing to the enemy high commander Ravus, Gladiolus is forced to swallow a bitter pill and face the limitations of his own strength. In order to travel with the Chosen King, he realizes he must also possess a comparable level of power in order to protect him. In the...
With your brilliant robe and magic powers, it's time to build some Tricky Towers! Tricky Towers is a multiplayer physics-based tower building game. In a game of Tricky Towers you stack your bricks to create a stable tower and try to topple those of your opponents. To spice it up...
Shadow Blade is an action-platformer set in a visually striking world where the ancient teachings of ninjas and samurai clash upon a modern landscape. Sprint through stages littered with traps, slaying enemies along your path without hesitation as Kuro, the blade of shadow! Darkness and chaos are once again creeping...
Set in a post-apocalyptic New York, Double Dragon is the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, twin brothers trained in the fighting style of Sou-Setsu-Ken. Together, they manage a small martial arts training school, teaching their students in self-defense. One day, Billy's girlfriend, Marian, is kidnapped off the street by...
Welcome to Solis, a huge South American world home of conflict, oppression and extreme weather conditions. Just Cause 4 sees rogue agent Rico Rodriguez land in Solis to hunt down the truth about his past, at any cost. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get...
Rage 2: Rise of the Ghosts is DLC for Rage 2. It is part of Rage 2 (Deluxe Edition) or can be bought separately by accessing the in-game store through a Bethesda account in exchange for $15 or 1,500 Rage Coins. It includes an additional campaign with a new region...
Just you and your bike - take it on a thrilling ride down an unspoiled mountain landscape. Make your way through thick forests, narrow trails and wild rivers. Race, jump, slide and try not to crash - all the way from the peak to the valley! ● TRAVEL TO THE...
NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful machines. Humanity has been driven from the Earth by mechanical beings from another world. In a final effort to take back the planet, the human resistance sends a...
The epic role-playing series from BioWare takes a thrilling leap forward with the power of Frostbite 3. Beautiful vistas and incredible new possibilities await you. Ready yourself for Dragon Age: Inquisition. A cataclysmic event plunges the land of Thedas into turmoil. Dragons darken the sky, casting a shadow over lands...
ENGAGE YOUR PASSION AND FIGHT TO SAVE THE WORLD! A brand new adventure awaits in a fantasy world filled with magic, knights, dragons and mystery in Tales of Zestiria. Two nations fight for supremacy and the fate of the realm lies in the hands of Sorey, an inquisitive young adventurer...
Bridge Constructor puts you in the role of an engineer! Design and create bridges that span deep valleys, dangerous canyons, city streets or raging rivers. Sure you got it right? Send cars and trucks over your bridges and see what happens! Bridge Constructor features complex physics, realistic materials, and an...
Days Gone is an open-world action game set in the high-desert of the Pacific Northwest two years after a mysterious global pandemic has decimated the world, killing most but transforming millions into mindless, feral creatures. Survivors live in a world where resources are scarce, violence and murder are common and...
The world’s most irreverent co-op action adventure returns! In the next chapter of Magicka, players ascend from the ruins of Aldrheim to experience a Midgård almost wiped free of Wizards after the Wizard Wars, with the few that do remain having either gone mad or extremely hostile toward all others....
Something has gone terribly wrong. There aren't many people left these days. The ... things that showed up -- after the Experiment tore a hole through reality -- have seen to that. You're not sure how much time you, or humanity itself, has left. If you have enough bullets, and...
Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand...
Have you ever dreamt of being a superhero? Meet Chris, a creative and imaginative 10 year old boy who escapes reality with fantastical adventures, as his alter ego - the Awesome Captain Spirit! Return to your childhood and play a touching and heart-warming one-of-a-kind narrative experience from the directors and...
From the studio that brought you Dreamfall Chapters, and the creative team behind The Longest Journey and The Secret World, comes a first-person psychological mystery set in 1920s Norway. The year is 1923. You play Edward Charles Harden, an American traveller who's come to Norway to find his missing sister....
Experience the most complete Trine ever created! The Trine series returns to the magic of 2.5D with Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince! The three heroes of the best-selling adventure series are back, sent on a quest to retrieve the troubled young Prince Selius. Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and...
King Cake, the dessert-headed monarch, has decided it’s time for his daughter to get married, but she other plans! The King has devised “The Royal Games” in which the winner will marry Princess Bow. Since she can’t talk her father out of it, Bow decides to put on a disguise...
Your name is Rania. This is your first night working for Cloudpunk, the semi-legal delivery company based in the sprawling city of Nivalis. You go everywhere, from the Marrow below to the spires that pierce the grey clouds high above before scraping the edge of the troposphere. No delivery job...
Inspired by classic actions games like Metal Slug and Crash Bandicoot. Lead Eliosi, a wanna-be bounty hunter, into making his dream come true in this hardcore top-down shooter and platformer.
Explore a neon galaxy in your very own battleship in Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, a thrilling 1- to 4-player couch co-op adventure. Only through teamwork can you triumph over the evil forces of Anti-Love, rescue kidnapped space-bunnies, and avoid a vacuumy demise. Deep space is a dangerous place, but...