Aegis of Earth is set fifty years after a deadly event known as the "Silent Apocalypse". This catastrophic event brought forth various creatures hellbent on destroying humanity. Accompanying the arrival of the creatures was a new element called the altenite, which stands as earth's last hope at survival. In the...
Dishonored: Definitive Edition is the ultimate version of the breakthrough stealth action game, with enhancements that offer the game even more impact thanks to the power of next-generation gaming platforms. The Definitive Edition includes the original Dishonored as well as the original game's add-on content, including Dunwall City Trials, The...
Planet RIX-13 is а 2D adventure, in which you play as a space explorer engaged in searching for planets potentially suitable for life. While scanning the next target, you lost control of your ship and had to make an emergency landing. Besides, it quickly became clear that you are not...
In the seas of the distant future, humans have all but disappeared. Now fish and crustaceans fight great wars, shooting deadly rays of light at each other. In your current, newly awakened state, you are no more than a piece of seafood. But you have also been blessed with talent...
No gears, no glory! Control gigantic fighting robots and duke it out across fantastic cityscapes in this 3D mech-based brawler! Epic and explosive battles await with anime-inspired mechs in local and online versus game modes, party co-op with two to four players, and a single-player campaign. Pilot a diverse roster...
You’ve seen a slice of the game. NOW PLAY THE WHOLE LOAF! From the creators of Surgeon Simulator comes its prequel - an adventure with a hero like no other! ‘I am Bread’ is the epic story of a slice of bread’s journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby...
Take the wheel as Ryan and all your favorite Ryan’s World friends! Ryan’s World has come to life, and it’s every bit as colorful, fun and fast as you imagined. So pick a racer, head to one of six magical locations, and step on the gas to show your friends...
Switch up the fun with four games in one! As cybernetic peacekeeper Officer Patricia Wagon, you'll use your platforming skills, puzzle-solving abilities, and special level-altering Siren Helmet to protect the people of Planet Land and smash enemies into the screen! In Mighty Switch Force! and its HD remake, Mighty Switch...
One of the best-selling titles of 2015 has gone XL! Komplete The Mortal Kombat X Experience with new and existing content. Includes the main game, and new playable characters Alien, Leatherface, Triborg, and BoRai Cho. Previously released playable characters include Predator, Jason Voorhees, Tremor, Tanya, and Goro. Also includes the...
While out exploring the galaxy in MOM, BUD's parental spaceship, it explodes into pieces. Like, literally - MOM's all over the place. The positioning of that moon was terribly inconsiderate. Now her ship parts are scattered far and wide across an entire alien planet so rich in flora and fauna...
Explore the infinite world of Hatsune Miku through the most comprehensive Project DIVA game ever released! Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone Prelude comes with two songs and modules to customize. To unlock the full potential of Future Tone, purchase the two packs bursting with 220 songs: 'Hatsune Miku: Project...
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is an action-adventure stealth video game and is the third game in Dishonored series, following Dishonored 2. It follows former-assassin Billie Lurk as she finds her mentor Daud and aids in his quest to kill the Outsider, a supernatural being who bestows magical powers on...
Assemble the Seven Deadly Sins and fight to save the Kingdom of Lioness in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, coming to PS4! Based on the hit manga, The Seven Deadly Sins by Nabaka Suzuki, enjoy stories of adventure and experience all of the action and excitement from the...
Spectrum is a platform game set in an abstract world of stylized shapes and bright colors. Control a dark three-eyed entity attempting to reach portals while avoiding unforgiving obstacles and elements. Escape from 80 levels spread in 8 mysterious environments each with their own unique identities.
Become a Revenant and find the truth beyond revenge in this gothic fantasy RPG with stunning 3D battles! After being turned into an immortal being known as a 'Revenant' and learning of the existence of a demon within him, Albert sets out on a journey to make the person who...
Take part in the next saga of the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online with the next legendary expansion pack—SHADOWBRINGERS! Explore breathtaking new environments, encounter exotic new races, master exciting new jobs, and fight alongside prominent characters with the new Trust system as you embark on a new journey as...
INVERSUS Deluxe is a competitive and cooperative arcade shooter with a mind-bending twist. Player movement is constrained to opposite colors of a black and white grid. My walls are your paths and your walls are my paths. Each shot flips tile colors in an attempt to block, trap and close...
Included in Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth. Evilution: Far from earth, the UAC recommenced their experiments on on of the moons of Jupiter. A spaceship, mistaken for a supply vexxel on radar, hovered above the base. Hideous demons poured out, blanketing the base with death. All your comrades...
Included in the Mighty Switch Force! Collection. Its training day for new recruits at Planet Land Police Academy, and no one is more eager to earn their badge than Patricia Wagon. But when her training module goes haywire, Patty finds herself at the mercy of holographic endurance courses-gone-wrong! These deviously...
Winner of over 50 Best of 2014 Awards including Game of the Year, Best Action Game and Most Innovative Game. Experience the definitive version of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor which includes The Lord of the Hunt and The Bright Lord story missions, the Trials of War challenge series plus additional...
Being a great fighter takes more than strength and pain. You need wisdom and need to win at any cost. Ryo Sakazaki's sister has been kidnapped and it leads him and Robert, two of the greatest fighters of all time, on the most dangerous search of their lives. Their interrogations...
Get ready to eat my dust! From down in the mud all way up to the stars of the championship, Milestone's Motocross warriors hit the track on Current Gen. Dust, thrills, simulation, authenticity, spectacular jumps and a desperate struggle for first place. These are the key elements that make up...
This PlayStation classic has been remastered for PlayStation 4, with high-definition visuals and other enhancements. LocoRoco plunges you into a colourful world where jelly-like creatures (LocoRoco) sing, roll and bounce their way through levels to reach their goals. Guide your LocoRoco through the various worlds using a simple tilting and...
Join the Argonians of the Dark Brotherhood in their battle against a cadre of rogue assassins threatening to hurl all of Black Marsh into bloody chaos. Fight your way through the Cradle of Shadows to uncover the secrets of the twisted Silken Ring! Cradle of Shadows is a 4-player group...
Claim your fame in a sparkling PS4 exclusive game show quiz from the growing PlayLink range. Don’t worry about your DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller – simply grab your smart device, choose from one of eight characters and snap a selfie, then enter the Pyramid of Knowledge, where you and up...