Experience survival horror from a new perspective in The Evil Within: The Consequence. This is the final installment of a two-part, story driven experience where players take on the role of detective Juli Kidman, Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner, in a concurrent story that looks to answer some of the questions...
Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic interactive comedy-drama point-and-click graphic adventure video game similar to Telltale's other games, released as a number of episodes. The player will collect items, solve puzzles, and talk to non-player characters through conversation trees to learn about the story and determine what to do next....
Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two continues Jesse's saga in a five-part, narrative-driven, episodic game series developed by Telltale in collaboration with Mojang and members of the Minecraft community. Though players' choices from the first season will carry over into season two, this new season will be accessible to both...
"Listen! The end is nigh!! Hear my words and prepare! An ancient cult has set foot in our lands! They call themselves -The Sons of Dawn- and pray to some dark elder god. They have started recruiting people for their cause all over the country. I fear that they want...
Onimusha: Warlords is an epic saga of 16th century Japan inspired by the battle scenes of famed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. It takes place in a world of darkness and magic when power hungry warlords battle for control of Feudal Japan. One brave Samurai, Samanosuke Akechi, boldly volunteers to rescue...
Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package is a special delivery that will let PlayStation 4 players unwrap the Dead Rising 4 main game, in addition to all other previously released game content. The new bundle will also introduce a game mode called "Capcom Heroes," an all-new way to experience the...
Your darkest fears will awaken in these woods. It’s 1996. A young boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. As Ellis, a former police officer with a troubled past, you join the search. What starts as an ordinary investigation soon turns into an endless nightmare as you...
Welcome to Fujisawa Academy – an educational institution where nothing is as it seems and every pupil hides a secret. A high-school visual novel with a difference. While Fujisawa Academy may seem like a normal school, beneath the surface lie dark and sinister secrets. Puzzle-battle your fellow classmates with the...
Six years after the destruction of Raccoon City, Leon Kennedy, now an agent with the US Secret Service, is sent on a rescue mission in Europe. His target is Ashley Graham, the president's daughter. Leon locates a man in a remote house in the mountains and inquires about Ashley's whereabouts,...
Follow Faith, a daring free runner, as she fights for freedom in the city of Glass. What appears to be an elegant, high-tech city on the outside, has a terrible secret hidden within. Explore every corner from the highest beautifully lit rooftops to the dark and gritty tunnels below. The...
Egypt, 1930's. Erased from ancient history and buried in a nameless tomb for 4,000 years, Seteki the Witch Queen has risen once again. Only one troop of daring heroes can stand against the fearsome power of Seteki and her army of mummified monstrosities: The Strange Brigade! Explore remarkable ruins, solve...
Experience firsthand the powerful force that is The Keeper in The Evil Within: The Executioner. This third and final add-on for The Evil Within places players in a series of battle arenas all from the first-person perspective of The Keeper. Initially armed with The Keeper’s signature hammer, players will fight...
Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic interactive comedy-drama point-and-click graphic adventure video game similar to Telltale's other games, released as a number of episodes. The player will collect items, solve puzzles, and talk to non-player characters through conversation trees to learn about the story and determine what to do next....
Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two continues Jesse's saga in a five-part, narrative-driven, episodic game series developed by Telltale in collaboration with Mojang and members of the Minecraft community. Though players' choices from the first season will carry over into season two, this new season will be accessible to both...
The main protagonist of this story suffers a crash on his submarine. The great red octopus is the reason of this, his will of destroying every traveler that he encounters may seem unbeatable, but Diver isn't exactly as simple as he looks. He is encouraged to walk along the bottom...
LEFT ALIVE™ is a brand-new survival action shooter coming to STEAM® in 2018. Veteran developers, Toshifumi Nabeshima (director, Armored Core series), Yoji Shinkawa (character designer, METAL GEAR SOLID series), and Takayuki Yanase (mech designer, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Xenoblade Chronicles X) join forces to create...
Explore the Dark Heart of Skyrim The Dark Heart of Skyrim beats from the depths in The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. Explore the snow-swept region of Western Skyrim and face an ancient vampiric army as part of a year-long gothic adventure. Features: Part of a year-long gothic adventure - Stop...
From Frédérick Raynal, the creator of Alone in the Dark® and pioneer of survival-horror, 2Dark is a grim journey of stealth and courage into the heart of corruption. Use your cunning to infiltrate Gloomywood’s bastions of cruelty. Investigate to uncover the secrets of the deranged psychopaths within, seek retribution for...
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is a metroidvania style action-platformer. The game draws its inspiration from traditional Mexican culture and folklore. Guacamelee! builds upon the classic open-world metroidvania style of games, by adding a strong melee combat component, a new dimension switching mechanic, and cooperative same-screen multiplayer for the entire...
Encounter a never-ending masked ball turned murderous in The Sexy Brutale, an adventure/ puzzle game featuring intrigue, murder and the quite-possibly occult. Set during a single, endlessly-looping day within 'The Sexy Brutale' -- a stately English mansion converted into a bizarre casino and named by the enigmatic Marquis -- players...
Real Bout Fatal Fury is a fighting game released by SNK in 1995. Using the previous system as a base, isolating the Sweep Button, the inclusion of Combination Attacks, and other elements such as ring outs make for an even speedier and tempo-based play style. Sixteen fighters battle it out...
Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic interactive comedy-drama point-and-click graphic adventure video game similar to Telltale's other games, released as a number of episodes. The player will collect items, solve puzzles, and talk to non-player characters through conversation trees to learn about the story and determine what to do next....
Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two continues Jesse's saga in a five-part, narrative-driven, episodic game series developed by Telltale in collaboration with Mojang and members of the Minecraft community. Though players' choices from the first season will carry over into season two, this new season will be accessible to both...
Zero Zero Zero Zero is a unique 1-bit low-fi platformer that sets to challenge players in a plethora of levels that will require skill and careful maneuvering. Dodge, shoot, and jump your way through randomly selected levels as you progress or die. Featuring a smooth, spectacular soundtrack to groove to...
What's happened to the heroines? Our heroines suddenly awoke to find themselves in a strange mansion they'd never seen before... And that was only the first of their worries... They felt a shiver run down their spines. Or maybe it was just drafty...? "Wait, where'd this embarrassing costume come from!?"...