A Japanese light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. The series follows a boy who is sent to a fantasy world following his death, forming a dysfunctional party with a goddess, a wizard, and a crusader to fight against monsters. Aqua obtains a piece of a magic stone that holds...
NASCAR Heat 5, the official video game of the world’s most popular stockcar racing series, puts you behind the wheel of these incredible racing machines and challenges you to become the 2020 NASCAR Cup Series champion. Features all the official teams, drivers and cars from the three NASCAR National Series...
Secret Ponchos creates a new compelling format of combat. It's quick-twitch action gaming; it's fast paced, fun and competitively addictive. Presenting combat from an overhead isometric view dramatically changes the feel of the Fighting Game and Team Shooter genres. You have a 360 degree view of the action unfolding around...
A long time ago, a war wrecked the world, leaving only flying islands from the Earth thanks to the strength of their crystals. Life went back to its course, forgetting that bitter past. A millennium later, the strange woman attacked Scire putting an end to this fragile balance. Play as...
Thimbleweed Park is the curious story of two washed up detectives called in to investigate a dead body found in the river just outside of town. Lost along a dusty stretch of highway, Thimbleweed Park once boasted an opulent hotel, a vibrant business district, and the state's largest pillow factory....
The Patriarch of Colorado has promised help the Desert Rangers if you can rescue his land from his three bloodthirsty children. In this post-apocalyptic RPG you must travel north to build a new base, equip a vehicle, train recruits, explore Colorado's hostile frozen wastes, and deal with the locals—but remember,...
KOF series "Orochi Saga" Dream All Star Battle! "THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98" is a fighting game released by SNK in 1998. In the previous installment KOF '97, the story of the "Orochi Saga" reached its exciting conclusion. As a result, the next entry in the series THE KING OF...
Part of .hack//G.U. Last Recode. Continuing where the second installment left off, in .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption Haseo discovers that old enemies have returned and some friends have turned against him. And with the mysterious evil that once lurked only within the confines of the MMO now causing havoc in...
You've already been through the zombie apocalypze in GoatZ and made friends with NPCs in the computed world of Goat MMO Simulator. What on earth is there left for you to do? The answer is NOTHING! Thats why we leave earth behind and travel to space! Be a space goat...
The GEAR System was developed sometime in the middle of the 21st century, by the Atsuga Corporation, and allowed pilots unprecedented motor-control and maneuverability with their machines. Mankind developed the system further, to create man-operated mechs and robots, known as GEARs. In the year 2050, the world goes to war,...
The Bellefleurs Girls’ Academy has an extremely large and beautiful garden. There was a certain legend in this large garden. It is said that beautiful flowers will continue to bloom for eternity due to the miraculous power emitted by the holy flower “Flora” that blooms in its center. At this...
Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle platformer with action elements, where magnetism and other electromagnetic powers are the key to go throughout the game, and thereby discover the secrets kept in the long abandoned Tesla Tower. Gain new abilities to explore a non-linear world with more than 100 beautiful hand-drawn environments,...
Imagine a place where everything that is lost and forgotten goes; old toys, letters, single socks. The Forgotten Lands is a magical world inhabited by Forgotlings; creatures composed of mislaid objects longing to be remembered again. Forgotton Anne is a seamless cinematic adventure with a focus on meaningful storytelling and...
The Dwarves is a fantasy role-playing game with a strong story and tactically challenging real-time battles. 15 playable heroes, each with individual skills, are to be deployed cleverly. Take on superior numbers of orcs, ogres, älfs, bognilim, zombies, dark mages and many more foes, to give them the low-down. Based...
Hue is a vibrant, award-winning puzzle-adventure, where you alter the world by changing its background colour. You explore a dangerous grey land, unearthing coloured fragments on a journey to find your missing mother. As obstacles match the background, they disappear, creating new and exciting puzzles - full of peril, mystery…...
Are you ready to adventure like it’s 2001? Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island is a passionate revival of the legendary 3D platformer genre with classic gameplay, playful gadgets, and a lighthearted story set in a gorgeous, colorful world reminiscent of our childhood adventures. Go on an action-packed adventure,...
You've crashed into people's windows with a jetpack, you've hit level 101 in the Goat MMO Simulator, you've survived the zombie apocalypse. How do you even top that? Introducing Goat Simulator: PAYDAY, the latest in goat simulation technology. Being a goat has never been this realistic. Starring 4 new main...
The Ceaseless Dirge has attacked! Fight as the Legendary Heroes against tough-as-nails mechs and monsters. Every time you die, you leave behind an Echo who can be raised by the next player. The more heroes who die, the stronger we all become, until we win together. Are you a Hero?...
You’re broke, you’re hungry, and your only friends are a vintage hoverbike and a bowl of ramen noodles. In Desert Child, you are a young and talented hoverbike racer who needs to figure out how you can scrape enough cash together through racing and odd jobs to punch your one-way...
Sam, a US marine at the Moscow embassy before the bombs were dropped, has long dreamed of returning to his homeland, and maybe finding his family alive. The prospect seemed impossible in the darkened tunnels of the Metro, but when the Spartans discovered that Moscow was not the only city...
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a massively multiplayer online survival game developed and published by Bluehole for Microsoft Windows. The game is based on battle royal-style game mods previously developed by Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene for other games, but expanded into one standalone game under Greene's creative direction. In the game, up...
Goku And Friends' Fierce Battles Will Be Reborn! DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE revisits famous battles from the series through your custom Avatar, who fights alongside Trunks and many other characters. Will the strength of this partnership be enough to intervene in fights and restore the Dragon Ball timeline we know? New...
Share in the epic journey of two brothers, as they set out to find a cure for their dying father. Travel across beautiful vistas, through dark and foreboding forests, down perilous rivers, up hazardous mountain sides and experience the wonders of Nordic mythology along the way. Use the unique control...
Zenith is an action RPG with a classic approach to the genre: the protagonist is Argus Windell must explore the map, enter ruins and dungeons, kill enemies and complete quests in order to achieve experience and upgrade your equipment and your character abilities. It features a humour-oriented story and ambientation,...
SteamWorld Dig 2 takes you on a platform mining adventure forged in Metroidvania flames. When an old trading town is struck by mysterious earthquakes, it’s up to a lone steambot and her unlikely companion to uncover what trembling terrors lie beneath. ● Dig your way underground and explore vivid worlds...