Get ready for the next chapter in the legendary fighting game franchise, TEKKEN 8. Holding a record for the longest-running video game storyline, the TEKKEN series begins a new chapter as TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines, and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches starting...
From an early age, Scarlett Everitt displayed a gift for the paranormal, as ghosts and spirits accompanied her every step. Desperate to protect her from an encroaching darkness, her father, Johnathan, placed her in an orphanage run by nuns. Years later, Scarlett finds that her father is missing and the...
Experience the exciting universe of The Expanse like never before in Telltale’s latest adventure, The Expanse: A Telltale Series. Follow Cara Gee, who reprises her role as Camina Drummer, and explore the dangerous and uncharted edges of The Belt aboard the The Artemis. From scavenging wrecked ships in a zero-g...
Ubisoft's worlds collide in a free-to-play, first-person arena shooter where you compete to be the best in fast-paced online matches! Join an always-evolving experience with regular updates bringing new playable factions and a growing collection of maps, weapons, and game modes. With cross-play, you will be able to join your...
At the school you attend, there are four extremely beautiful girls known as princesses. Your purpose is to become even cuter than those princesses. To help out your dear older sister, you must master the art of cross-dressing. So then, let us begin the great Bokuhime Project plan to surpass...
Grim Guardians: Demon Purge centers around two demon hunters who return to their school after a mission only to find a demonic castle where it once stood. Players control both of the demon hunting sisters in this 2D side-scrolling action game. Players must master each of the sisters' unique abilities...
Eight months after hope for humanity was destroyed... Nini, the protagonist who lost his home and family to the ancient calamity known as the "Kegai," arrives at the peaceful countryside town of Ashiharanakatsu to stay with his mother's relatives. In this town where everyday life and the extraordinary intertwine, Nini's...
This isn't your standard game of soccer. This is Guts 'N Goals, where soccer balls can be spiky, and you use a weapons instead of your feet to score goals. Choose from over 30 unique heroes and get ready to play the world's game like never before! During each game,...
In a village far, far away, a dull peasant named Rufus was living an ordinary life. Life was nice and happy in the village, until one day, awakened by some magical mistake, the Evil One started to spread his minions around town, performing hideous acts against the people. The worst...
Harness the power of dark energy as you, jump, slash, shoot and bombard your way through an army of alien soldiers and killer robots in an arcade style, action platformer with a slick 80's synthwave soundtrack. Gunborg: Dark Matters is an arcade-style action platformer with smooth gameplay and a slick...
Experience Rhapsody II & III for the first time in the West! Following the events of Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, join young Kururu, the daughter of Cornet and Ferdinand, on her quest to find true love in Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess! Then, gear up for another dose...
Infinity Nikki is an open-world dress-up game by Papergames. Join Nikki on a fantastic journey, and the power in outfits will find you a path. Miraland awaits!
Rise to the challenge and join the hunt! In Monster Hunter Rise, the latest installment in the award-winning and top-selling Monster Hunter series, you’ll become a hunter, explore brand new maps and use a variety of weapons to take down fearsome monsters as part of an all-new storyline. The PC...
In the dead of night a fierce storm rages across North Wales. Miles from any town, Chris Selwood seeks refuge in a remote roadside cafe. Shortly thereafter Chris experiences a horrific sight as he finds the cafe waitress pinned to the ceiling by something with fierce glowing eyes, he passes...
Sea of Stars is a turn-based RPG inspired by the classics. It tells the story of two Children of the Solstice who will combine the powers of the sun and moon to perform Eclipse Magic, the only force capable of fending off the monstrous creations of the evil alchemist known...
Back in high definition, a one-night mystery that begins with a death The puzzle-solving mystery adventure masterpiece returns! "Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective" was created by Shu Takumi, the creator of the Ace Attorney series, and is now back in a long-requested HD remaster of the original 2010 release! Yasumasa Kitagawa,...
The King of the Cosmos once accidentally destroyed all the stars in the universe. He sent his son, the Prince, to Earth and ordered him to create a large katamari. The Prince rolled the katamari and made the katamari bigger and bigger, rolling up all the things on the earth....
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Take control of the Dual Protagonists Doe and Gram to investigate strange anomalies around the city, or venture into rifts to battle demonic abominations determined to bring...
A desperate mother, a missing girl and a mystical place - a case could hardly be more challenging. To solve the enigmatic disappearance of little Tabitha Marsh, however, the toughest and cleverest detective of all is wanted... but he does not have the time - and so the job goes...
You are on a quest to uncover the truth about your origins. On your travels you meet people from many worlds and make new friends with whom you share your adventures. Eventually, you find yourself facing an inescapable destiny that will determine the fate of planet Regnas. Featuring a dynamic...
Meet Ulbrig Olesk, one of the last scions of the shattered nation of Sarkoris. Armed with the ability to transform into a mighty griffon, he can become a formidable warrior in your party, a trustworthy friend — and maybe even more.
After a difficult journey across a troubled sea, Ardeshir, soldier of the Enduring Flame, returns to his home island of Nahran. A peculiar Mist is covering the entire island and the only way for Ardeshir to progress through is to wield fire as a repellant and carve his way into...
This is a classic Chinese fantasy 2D action game, based on Chinese history, mythology with a dash of surrealism in the mix. At the beginning of the Warring States Period, Tian, an officer under Duke Kang of Qi, set a trap that killed the Duke, exiled Ji, the younger princess,...
Return to Kasalli, where the Endless War continues to rage and powerful new forces converge to determine the fate of the country. Take command of 13 unique heroes, each with a specialization to change the course of every battle. War Theatre 2: Blood of Winter expands classic turn-based strategy gameplay...
War has come to Kasalli. As endless conflict rages, seven warriors discover an ancient power that promises mastery over any battlefield. From the developers of Mecho Wars, War Theatre expands classic turn-based strategy gameplay with RPG elements. Choose your hero and take to battle in single-player campaigns set in a...