Our story begins in one corner of Allraan, a tapestry of nations with diverse cultures and values. By dint of sword, and by way of magical objects known as “rune-lenses, the land’s history has been shaped by the alliances and aggressions of the humans, beastmen, elves, and desert people who...
Atomic Heart is an adventure first-person shooter, events of which unfold in an alternative universe, during the high noon of the Soviet Union. The main character of the game is a special agent, who was sent to a highly secret object by the Soviet government after it went radio silent....
This is an enhanced remake of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. In addition to various battle system revisions incorporating elements from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, the option to play as a female protagonist with various alternative social links and minor story alterations has been added. The game also features...
Inaba—a quiet town in rural Japan sets the scene for budding adolescence in Persona 4 Golden. A coming of age story that sets the protagonist and his friends on a journey kickstarted by a chain of serial murders. Explore meeting kindred spirits, feelings of belonging, and even confronting the darker...
A new dark fantasy Three Kingdoms masocore game from Team NINJA, the developers of Nioh. 184 AD, Later Han Dynasty China. The land is overcome by chaos and destruction. The imperial dynasty that prospered for many years is now about to collapse. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a dramatic, action-packed...
Gunfire Reborn is an adventure level-based game featuring FPS, roguelite, and RPG elements. Players can control unique heroes—each with different abilities—as they adventure through procedurally-generated levels and pick up randomly-dropped weapons. You can play Gunfire Reborn alone or cooperatively with up to three other players (4-player co-op). Every level is...
Discover the Mysteries Learn the story of Minecraft Legends and explore its new, yet familiar world, while experiencing the Minecraft Universe in an exciting new way in this new action strategy game. Dynamic World Explore a beautiful land, both familiar and mysterious, full of diverse life, lush biomes, and rich...
Scorn is a first-person horror adventure game designed around the idea of being thrown into the world. As players explore the dream-like world in a non-linear fashion, they will soon learn that every location has its own story, puzzles, and characters – even the unsettling environment is a character itself....
Welcome to High Isle, a part of Tamriel never-before-seen in the Elder Scrolls. Explore the Bretons' idyllic ocean enclave and seat of chivalric culture as you confront the ruinous forces of the Ascendant Lord.
Explore a land filled with lost legends, ancient powers, and ferocious monsters in TUNIC, an isometric action game about a small fox on a big adventure. Stranded in a ruined land, and armed with only your own curiosity, you will confront colossal beasts, collect strange and powerful items, and unravel...
A new era for fighting games begins in 2023! With Street Fighter 6, players will be able to take their skills around the world in search of their own personal strength. No one starts off as a champion. Even the strongest of fighters had to take that first step. Now...
Eternights an dating action game, blending a love story with adrenaline-driven combat as you make the most out of life during the apocalypse. Scavenge for supplies, explore dungeons... and go on dates! Save the world, and find love along the way.
Rollerdrome is a third person action shooter that seamlessly blends high octane, visceral combat with fluid movement and tricking mechanics into one complementary and challenging whole, to create an original adrenaline-pumping shooter experience like no other.
In this narrative-driven, third-person survival horror game set 300 years in the future, the player will take on the role of Jacob Lee – a victim of fate thrown into Black Iron Prison, a maximum-security penitentiary located on Jupiter's moon, Callisto. When inmates begin to transform into monstrous creatures, the...
SURVIVAL IS JUST THE BEGINNING... Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the 2005 original Resident Evil 4. Reimagined for 2023 to bring state-of-the-art survival horror. Resident Evil 4 preserves the essence of the original game, while introducing modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline, and vividly detailed graphics to make this...
Travel the universe colonising uninhabited planets with the sole goal of setting worlds in motion through the power of automation. Fresh from your spaceship you must harvest stick and stone and begin your colonisation efforts. Create rudimentary crafting items from blueprints and slowly build a number of workerbots to aid...
Load up your Boltgun and plunge into battle headfirst! Experience a perfect blend of Warhammer 40,000, classic, frenetic FPS gameplay and the stylish visuals of your favourite 90’s retro shooters. Play a battle-hardened Space Marine on a perilous mission across the galaxy, as they battle against the Chaos Space Marines...
The story starts three years before the events of the first game and the adventures of De Sardet. This time you play as a native of Teer Fradee, uprooted by force from your island and taken to the continent of Gacane, where the colonists are from. In this old world...
After the Protostar picks up strange readings from a dying star, Dal R’El and Gwyndala race against time to save their friends, their ship, new alien species and an entire planetary system before a supernova destroys them all! When the Protostar’s malfunctioning transporter scatters the crew across three alien planets,...
Fans around the world can't wait to unbox their own L.O.L. Surprise! doll - and you're about to make their dreams come true! Choose your character and bring the L.O.L. Surprise! doll store to life, as you collect fierce dolls with glitter, hearts, diamonds, and more. No matter your age,...
No track is too big, no racer too small! The PAW Patrol are on their fastest mission yet – To win the Pup Cup! Race around iconic locations including Adventure Bay, Jake’s Snowboarding Resort and The Jungle in this 4-player-championship to find out who will be crowned the winner.
Unleash your inner dragon and fly beyond the Hidden World, on a fiery adventure to rescue Thunder’s family and save the dragon kingdoms!
Cursed to Golf is a golf-like adventure where every shot counts. Players are tasked with making it out of Golf Purgatory to become a Golfing Legend. With insane hazards, otherworldly power-ups and tons of replayability, will you make it back alive or will you forever be… Cursed to Golf!?
You take on the role of manager at a small (but growing!) talent agency. As you cultivate and train the newest generation of young pop stars, you'll have to decide who to hire and who to fire, who gets promoted when things go well and who gets reprimanded when things...
The World Knows You Exist. Experience an adventure game with puzzles that go beyond its own window and establish a unique bond with the main character. In OneShot: World Machine Edition, you discover a strange computer operating system with a self-contained world installed. Explore this world to unravel its mysteries...