At Anberyl Girls Academy, there is legend of a mysterious Holy Grail that can grant any wish. The holy grail is hidden deep inside an ancient cave at the academy. The cave, which is usually off limits, is opened only on the anniversary of the academy’s founding. However, while the...
A Japanese light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. The series follows a boy who is sent to a fantasy world following his death, forming a dysfunctional party with a goddess, a wizard, and a crusader to fight against monsters. Aqua obtains a piece of a magic stone that holds...
A story of somewhere not present—. As a soul that abide within the “Necrolamp” which is being controlled by the witch Madam Malta, players will obey her commands, explore and make their way through untrodden, underground labyrinths. The player controls magical beings called the “puppet soldiers” that are neither human...
Girls und Panzer: Senshadou, Kiwamemasu! is a tank battle game, and will feature characters, locations and a Story Mode featuring the teams and schools which appeared in Girls und Panzer. The game contains a similar play style to Bandai's earlier tank shooter Tokyo Wars and World of Tanks, basing on...
Ratchet & Clank Collection contains: * Ratchet & Clank * Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando * Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Experience the classic adventures of the universe's favorite Lombax, Ratchet and his robotic sidekick Clank in this classic PlayStation 2 Action-Adventure trilogy now fully remastered in high definition....
Head back to where it all began for two of the galaxy’s greatest heroes and join Ratchet and Clank in their first big adventure. When robot model B5429671 – or Clank to his friends – makes a daring escape from the production line, wisecracking Lombax mechanic Ratchet’s dreams of adventure...
This is the all-age sequel to FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps-. In the season of first meetings, a girl with a wounded heart, Suou, found a friend and lover who would accept her. However, this friend and lover left the school without telling her the reason at the end of...
Heroine Kayo is the daughter of a food and tea house who is living with her father in Edo. One day, a Tokugawa samurai came with an order of life and death, that is, disguising as the princess and joining in the false bridal procession. The samurai said that Kayo...
Dungeon crawler with Toro and friends. Includes a "Friend Network" free to play social app for the PlayStation®Vita in which you can meet new friends and expand your social network! Guided by PlayStation’s mascot Toro, connect with others on the PSN, Facebook, and Twitter. Work together to build up your...
If you were given another chance, would you take it? Or leave it in the hands of a little girl? Play as Roh, a young girl stuck in a bizarre nightmare of dark and eerie creatures. This short game will have you entangled with its story-driven narrative and puzzles as...
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is a PSP-exclusive game that continues the story of the first Assassin's Creed game and also builds up to its sequel Assassin's Creed II. Unlike the Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles spin-off for mobile and portable devices, it offers the open world and nonlinear gameplay of the original...
The evil pigs from Tomba! are back, and only Tomba can stop them. The pigs have kidnapped Tomba's friend Tabby, and imprisoned her. To find her, Tomba will have to brave puzzles and quests that are similar to the first game's combination of platform side-scrolling and adventure quests.
In this fast and frantic side-scrolling action game you play as the pink-haired, high-jumping jungle boy Tombi. In order to retrieve your lucky golden bracelet from the evil clutches of demonic pigs you'll need to fight hard, duck, climb, explore, and race through a variety of quests. Use your mace...
Included in Borderlands 2. Enter "Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage" and see if you have what it takes to become champion of this brand new storyline in Borderlands 2. Fight for the Big Loot against some of the baddest baddies in Pandora, including hordes of Biker Bandits. Plus, take special...
Included in Borderlands 2. Enter the hostile wastelands of Pirate Bay in search of ancient treasure buried somewhere in the waste, a cache that would make even the most stoic of Pandora explorers hunger for its discovery. It's rumored to be guarded by the largest, most vicious creature on Pandora...
Jak 3 combines elements from a variety of genres, including driving, adventure, action, puzzle, strategy, and exploration. The story begins with Jak's banishment to the Wasteland, a desert environment five times the size of Haven City, with multiple areas, including mines and a volcano. Given the expansiveness and variance in...
A new world of magic, adventure, exploration, and discovery awaits you in Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. A magical substance called Dark Eco transforms Daxter into a furry Ottsel, so Jak and his rodent friend Daxter go on a journey to look for a cure. You'll solve puzzles, collect...
Jak is back in another action-packed adventure, but he's not the same. In Jak II, experiments with Dark Eco gone wrong leave Jak with an uncontrollable dark side, and after two years in prison, Jak seeks vengeance. Accompanied by your trusty friend Daxter, unleash the dark powers on multiple enemies...
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (known as Ratchet & Clank 3 in Europe) is a platform game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony. It is the third installment in the Ratchet & Clank series. The gameplay is similar to previous games in the series but introduces new...
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (known as either Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded or simply Ratchet & Clank 2 in most PAL countries) is a 3D platformer/shooter developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony. Released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, it is the second game in...
PSOne Classics. An overwhelming 100 types of block breaker is now here! Raise permeability with "Squash" and "Board Swaying" function. Have fun playing 2P co-play mode with a friend! The 50 boards in "Arrange Mode" all come with clear theme!! Clear them all and challenge the harder "Extra Mode"!!
PSOne Classics. Arc Arena: Monster Tournament is a spin-off from the Arc the Lad series and a bonus expansion to Arc the Lad II, as it uses the player's saves from the second game so the player can compete in the tournament with his monsters, visit shops, trade items etc....
Pato Box is an adventure/fighting game inspired by the "Punch-Out!!" series. Is a surreal boxing quest with a luck! Test your reflexes as you fight your way through an evil corporation in search for retribution. Uncover their deepest secrets by exploring thrilling 3D environments with a graphic novel/comic book art...
Super Robot Wars is a simulation RPG with various types of robots crossing-over from different anime titles to fight against common enemies. More than 90 titles (including the best version) have been released to date. In 2016, the 25th anniversary of this series was localized for Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong,...
Immerse yourself in a thrilling psychological horror story taking place in the secluded Japanese village of Yasumizu. A heavy mist surrounds the place, preventing everyone from ever leaving. Ancient gods have come back to hunt the villagers down one by one. The feast has begun, can you escape the village...