A romance visual novel game made in collaboration with D3P Otomebu and Red Entertainment, two companies known for their creative range and production of heavyweight visual novel games. Character design and illustrations are by the popular illustrator Teita. The romance revolves around Ninjas who have lived through the Sengoku Period....
ISLAND is an intricate visual novel with multiple routes and endings. Through use of the game's flowchart system, players navigate through the story and uncover clues to unravel the mysteries of Urashima, the titular island. The story of ISLAND revolves around Sanzenkai Setsuna, a young man who wakes up on...
PSOne Classics. Thieves have kidnapped a brood of dragon eggs, while, elsewhere in the Dragon Lands, a gateway to the Forgotten World has been uncovered. Sent to recapture the eggs, Spyro the Dragon, and his best friend Sparx, face a journey into uncharted territory against his most fearsome enemy yet...
PSOne Classics. Spyro is back. After successfully rescuing all of the elder Dragons, Spyro is taking a vacation to Dragon Shores--at least that's where thinks he's going. As Spyro, you'll set off on a journey spanning 30 huge worlds full of puzzles, hidden areas, awesome power-ups, and helpless inhabitants just...
PSOne Classics. He's cute. He's purple. A nasty burp could send those in his vicinity to the burn unit. Allow us to introduce you to Spyro the Dragon. In his debut adventure, Spyro must free his fellow fire-breathers from their crystalline prisons that are located across six worlds. He'll have...
DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours is the latest installment in Taito's DARIUS series of arcade-style shooting games. Blast hordes of alien sea-monsters, and blaze your own trail through branching environments. The richest content in the Darius series: all the arcade content from Another Chronicle EX (AC), plus the all-new Chronicle Saviours (CS)...
Returning from the pages of history, the game that redefined the Turn Based Strategy genre invites you back to the world of Ivalice. Conquer the intricate job system while unraveling the threads of a tale steeped in royal corruption and mystic beliefs. The War of the Lions rages again! Experience...
Dungeon Punks is a fast paced Action RPG with a unique Tag-Team fighting system and Local Player vs. Player Brawl Mode, set in a fantasy world of magic, mystery, and corporate greed. Recruit a crew of six mutant heroes who will blast your enemies senseless with their crazy magical spells...
Rollers of the Realm combines the frantic physics of classic arcade pinball with the character-driven adventure of fantasy role-playing games. Bounce, spin, and battle through scenes of an epic storyline with a band of medieval misfits tasked with reclaiming the world from dark and ancient magic. Supported by a sweeping...
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is a portable update to 1997's turn-based strategy game Final Fantasy Tactics - an undisputed classic that gave birth to the world of Ivalice. In this first title of the Ivalice Alliance, players take center stage as the events of an epic...
Cosmos, the goddess of harmony. Chaos, the god of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two gods had gathered warriors from all lands to lead them in savage war. Cosmos and Chaos were of equal strength. It was believed the conflict would last forever. However, the balance is now broken....
PSOne Classics title. Taking place in the 22nd century, the Mega Man X series is set in a society populated by humans and intelligent robots called "Reploids". A military taskforce called the "Maverick Hunters" is implemented to suppress the uprising of "Mavericks", Reploids that begun to exhibit dangerous and destructive...
The kingdom of Altago is rebuilding their kingdom around a newfound peace after years of war against the merciless armies of Romn. The classic adventuresome duo, Adol and Dogi, arrive in the harbor of Altago City, and quickly find themselves in a scuffle with the Dragon Knights, the kingdom's military...
First released in 1990, FINAL FANTASY III introduced series hallmarks such as the job system and summon spells, and became the first in the series to sell over a million copies. Reborn in full 3D in 2006, this classic installment of the FINAL FANTASY series is now available for the...
This prologue features a single storyline with Lightning and the Warrior of Light as the main characters. It also contains an arcade mode with eight characters, one of whom must be unlocked. Purchasing Prologus is the only way to receive the Assist character Aerith in the full release of Dissidia...
The divine conflict between Harmony and Discord rages on, the fate of the world it's promised prize. Fighting to secure it are brave souls summoned for that solitary purpose. Champions, cut from cloth different from those which form the fabric of our world. These warriors from afar are helpless but...
Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World puts players in the shoes of Nelke von Lestamm, a young noblewoman who has always been fascinated by the ancient legend of the Sage of Granzweit; a tale of the Granzweit Tree which is said to bestow great power upon...
Here comes a challenge! Mutant Mudds Super Challenge!! Over 40 levels filled with malicious mutant mudds. This adventure is designed for super players featuring a host of new platforming challenges and unique boss fights that will test your skills. Max receives special intel, revealing the location of the original meteor...
The game’s story is based on a rumor that alleges that in Tokyo’s “H” district those who receive a death seal will die. There have been cases in which people that had a mysterious mark appear suddenly on their body have died without an explanation, causing the spreading of the...
Dragon Fin Soup seamlessly blends genres to create a fresh experience: half story-driven tactical RPG and half high-stakes roguelike, with a pinch of crass humor and a heaping helping of murder & madness set in a procedurally generated fantasy world. Meet Red Robin - a charming, yet raging alcoholic bounty...
Your Love Awaits Beyond This World. During his vacation from Sakaimachi Academy, Takuya Arima receives a package from his supposedly deceased father. It contains the mysterious Reflector Device which allows the user to travel between parallel worlds. With help from his friends, teachers, and lovers, Takuya must unearth the mystery...
Hitman GO is an award-winning turn-based strategy game with beautifully rendered diorama-style set pieces. You will strategically navigate fixed spaces on a grid to avoid enemies and take out your target or infiltrate well-guarded locations. You really have to think about each move and all the Hitman tools of the...
PSOne Classics title. The year is 21XX and the chaos of the Reploid Wars has passed. Lunar colonization is at its peak. The largest colony, Eurasia, is unexpectedly taken over by an unknown band of galactic terrorists. It's artificial gravity device has been hacked and Eurasia is now on a...
God created the world in seven days. It only took one day for humans to destroy the world. Life as we knew it sank to the depths of the sea…until yesterday. We do not yet know the broken world and the reasons left behind there. An earth where ruins drift...
Bullet Girls Phantasia is the latest entry in the Bullet Girls series. It is an action shooting game where you control the girls of the “Ranger Club,” which is a school organization established with the purpose of defense training, and fight enemies one after the next. In this installment, the...