The Little Acre follows the story of Aidan and his daughter, Lily, set in 1950's Ireland. After discovering clues as to the whereabouts of his missing father, Aidan begins investigating until he inadvertently finds himself transported to a strange new world. Ever the hero, Lily sets off after him, encountering...
Step into the shoes of Mary Gilbert -- world renowned botanist and guardian of Fern Flower -- to once again explore the mythical realm of Slavic fables. Travel to forgotten flying islands among the clouds to stop an evil sorcerer and gain the favor of a thunder god. Save your...
Explore a forgotten mountain village that is teeming with magic and become part of a Slavic legend. You must uncover the dark secrets of an immortal sorcerer to stop his evil rituals and save your niece! Throughout your journey, you'll need to team up with other people and even magical...
Your grandmother is caretaker for the beautiful Heritage Park, a magical place where mythical creatures live peacefully alongside humans. But when an evil force seeks to destroy them, she summons you to use your botanical skills to save an endangered plant that is their last hope for survival. That is,...
Sid Meier's Civilization VI is an entry in the long-running Civilization series of strategy games. It retains most of the features of Civilization V (with expansions), with the World Congress being the only significant omission. On top of this, the game adds a new victory type (religious); separates technological and...
The world is a vast, beautiful, and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunken to the size of an ant. Explore, build, and survive together in this first person, multiplayer, survival-adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?
Welcome to The Hollow, a blighted and dying place, and home to the Drakes. Drakes are the vegetable folk native to these parts, and they need your help. They’re hungry, thirsty, and need a place to sleep. They can literally die of boredom. It’s on you to save them. Build...
Tell Me Why is the latest narrative adventure game from DONTNOD Entertainment, the studio behind the beloved franchise Life is Strange. In this intimate thriller, reunited twins Tyler and Alyson Ronan use their special bond to unravel mysteries of their loving but troubled childhood. Set in the fictional town of...
Introducing Everwild, a brand new IP from Rare. Unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world.
The much-awaited sequel to PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION! Featuring eye-popping 3D graphics and funky visuals, the latest version of the classic game takes chomping and chasing through mazes to a whole new level! Make up to four ghost trains for maximum chompage! New modes include Score Attack and an Adventure Mode...
TURBO CHARGED PINBALL RETURNS! Now with bigger sprites, more baddies, more secrets & MORE BULLETS! Demon's Tilt pushes the limits of the Video Pinball genre with SHMUP & Hack N' Slash elements. Video pinball updated with bigger sprites, more baddies, more secrets and of course MORE BULLETS! Demon's Tilt pushes...
Hero Defense challenges fans from MOBAs, RPGs and Tower Defense games to strategically manoeuvre their upgradeable heroes to destroy hordes of sinister creeps. Take charge of five unique heroes that battle their way through various arenas to defeat Count Necrosis. In order to destroy the world's most powerful vampire, your...
The all-time classic Streets of Rage, known as Bare Knuckle (ベア・ナックル Bea Nakkuru) in Japan, is a trilogy of beat ‘em up known for this timeless gameplay and electronic dance influenced music. Streets of Rage 4 builds upon the classic trilogy’s gameplay with new mechanics, beautiful hand drawn visuals and...
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved is a fast, competitive, multiplayer Sci-fi themed dodgeball game. The top down camera and twin stick shooter controls makes it easy to just pick up and play however the fast-paced nature of the game gives it a high skill ceiling. Players can team up and play against...
Three explorers wander through a post-apocalyptic desert to find a way to save the people in their village. A dark, twisted tower has been pushed up from the depths of the Earth... but does it hold the answers they seek?
Every day in the world of Refactor thousands of puzzle pieces are created for the explicit purpose of playing “The Game”. Requiring perfection, only perfect puzzle pieces are selected for use and those who are imperfect are shunned by society and decommissioned. Thrown into this hostile environment, it is up...
Experience a Loco-Multiplayer top-down Battle Racer packed with Piñata Stampedes, Avocados and mayhem for up to 4 Players! Must Dash Amigos is a humorous, family friendly fun-fest with controls so simple that anyone can play! Leave rivals eating your dust as you blaze past them in Race Mode! Dish out...
Yu and Kay have escaped to a forgotten planet. Play the two lovers settling in an unknown world. Survive together, glide over the plains, camp, restore the planet, fight if you have to. All that matters is to stay together.
Grind on bendy straws, kick-flip over staplers, and carve killer lines through cardboard and sticky tape parks! You're a lonely lil' bird, and your Big Friend has hung up their board for good. Their job sucks, and lately, they're barely ever home to play with you. You're gonna fix all...
Discover the origins of this unprecedented biohazard, and witness its end. Fight your way to freedom from the brink of despair A series of strange disappearances have been occurring in the American Midwest within a place called Racoon City. A specialist squad of the police force known as S.T.A.R.S. has...
Arise is an emotional journey through the bittersweet lives of two people where memories come alive and time bends to your will. Lose yourself in moments of happiness and overcome every hardship as you relive your life’s story. A story of joy and sorrow. A simple story. Set out on...
Deploy for battle in the Variable Armour, a technologically advanced suit of war. With turn-based tactics and quick-fire clashes, lead a strike force of deadly mecha to bring peace to the solar system in a 40-mission campaign. Create your own maps, practice in skirmish, or battle across multiplayer.
Shiness is an Action-RPG developed by indie development studio Enigami, which will let you travel in a captivating universe doomed to destruction ever since the fragmentation of the planet Mahera... - Travel through an enthralling and interactive world as Chado and his 4 companions, and develop your characters - Hyper-dynamic...
Monster Jam Steel Titans comes complete with all the trucks, athletes, stadiums, stunts and massive air that make Monster Jam the BIGGEST name in off-road racing! Train at Monster Jam University and explore 12 stadiums and a massive open world! Drive 25 of the most popular trucks from the Monster...
Monster Jam: Crush It! features a massive variety of game modes with online and offline leaderboards and a colossal emphasis on stadium events, big stunts and destruction. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, the game offers classic, competitive stadium racing and freestyle, and gives gamers the ability to perform gravity-defying stunts...