Bastion is an isometric action/role playing game. It's the story of a city known as Caelondia after it has been destroyed by a disaster called "Calamity". The game follows a silent protagonist known as "The Kid" who tries to create a safe haven (Bastion) with the help of Rucks, who...
In Fragments of Him you experience the lives of four people connected by love and a tragic accident. You walk alongside Will on his last morning and discover the meaning of his final thoughts. With Mary, Will’s grandmother, you learn about his childhood, their conflict, and how they ultimately reconciled...
This unique action adventure game lets you become Haimrik, a young scribe trying to make a living in a medieval town full of warriors, sorcerers, dragons and dragon-riding sorcerer-warriors. But one book changes his whole life. With the help of Masamba, a hungry lioness who will protect him while constantly...
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a military shooter set in a diverse, hostile and mysterious open world that you can play entirely solo or in up to four-player co-op. Experience a military shooter set in a diverse & hostile open world that you can play solo or up to...
Seven years after defeating Carlos Calaca, Juan Aguacate is forced to don his luchador mask again to face a new threat -- this time to the very fabric of space and time. Punch your way through a whole new action exploration-style world and try to save the Mexiverse! Juan has...
Set before the events of Arkham Asylum, ‘A Matter of Family’ allows players to take on the role of Batgirl as you team up with Robin to save your father - Commissioner Gordon - from a lunatic’s trap. In an abandoned amusement park on the shores of Gotham, Batgirl and...
Set after the events of Arkham Knight, play as Nightwing to stop the Penguin from breaking out of the Gotham City Police Department in this thrilling story pack.
Get the Red Hood Story Pack and wage a one-man war against the notorious Black Mask. For the first time in the Arkham series, take on the role of the ruthless vigilante Red Hood and utilize new moves, gadgets and dual handguns as you attempt to bring down a vast...
For the first time in the Arkham series take on the role of Joker’s psychotic side-kick Harley Quinn and wreak havoc inside the Blüdhaven Police Department as you smash, crash and bash your way to a friend very much in need. With this exclusive Story Pack experience events in the...
Play as Batman’s famous sidekick Robin, as he seeks to take down Two Face upon discovering his money laundering operation.
Set after the events of Arkham Knight, prowl the night as Catwoman as she seeks her revenge on the Riddler with this story pack.
Play as Batman with the Season of Infamy: Most Wanted Expansion, featuring legendary super-villains invading Gotham City. In these story missions, The Dark Knight faces the most dangerous super criminals as chaos continues to erupt in the streets of Gotham. This pack includes 4 separate missions with all new story...
Easy to learn, tough to master! Jump straight into fast-paced puzzle action with features fit for both friendly rivalries and competitive tournaments in Puyo Puyo Champions. Challenge your friends and family in local multiplayer or compete against players from around the world through online matchmaking. Built for all ages, this...
Bespin is an expansion pack for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. Join legendary smuggler Lando Calrissian and cold-blooded bounty hunter Dengar in the Cloud City of Bespin. Take to the skies in the new cloud car vehicle and journey through Cloud City and Administrator’s Palace. Hunt enemies within the Bioniip Laboratories...
Death Star is an expansion pack for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. Fire up your starships and ready your blasters as one of the deadliest weapons in the galaxy makes its highly-anticipated debut. Everyone’s favorite Wookiee, Chewbacca, arrives alongside bounty hunter Bossk as the two new playable heroes. Board the Death...
Outer Rim is an expansion pack for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. Blast enemies in the smelting factory or along the industrial pipes and platforms of Sullust or fight through Jabba’s throne room and sail barge garage on Tatooine. New playable hero characters will have you shooting first with Greedo or...
Rogue One - Scarif is an expansion pack for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. Included in the expansion pack are; Maps • Landing Pad 13 • Scarif Beach • Scarif Jungle • Shield Gate Weapons • A180 Blaster Pistol • DT-29 Blaster Pistol Star Card • Sonic Imploder Heroes • Jyn...
The Way is a 2D cinematic platformer, inspired by games such as Another World and Flashback. The player takes control of Tom, a space explorer grieving over the death of his wife. Remembering strange writings about eternal life on a planet he explored, Tom sets out on an adventure towards...
Adventures of Pip revitalizes the classic side-scrolling action platform genre. Pip -- the ultimate digital underdog – is a lowly single pixel in a 32-bit world who proves that you can’t judge a hero by the fidelity of his shaders. During the game, Pip gains the ability to evolve and...
The Sinking City is an adventure and investigation game set in an open world inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of Horror. The half-submerged city of Oakmont is gripped by supernatural forces. You're a private investigator, and you have to uncover the truth of what has possessed...
“The present is theirs; the future is mine.” – Nikola Tesla It’s 1897. Deep in international waters, the Helios stands still. Dark clouds loom overhead as unforgiving waves crash against the hull. Colossal effigies of gold, decorated with magnificent finery, stretch as far as the eye can see. Born of...
Cricket 19 The Official Game of the 2019 Ashes Championship is the complete cricket simulation. Featuring a suite of exciting all-new features that add even greater depth and rich new content to Big Ant Studios’ acclaimed cricket engine, Cricket 19 allows players to truly play the game their way. Take...
The Marvel Universe comes to life in the original match 3 RPG: MARVEL Puzzle Quest! Join the alliance in this unparalleled match 3 puzzle battler that combines your favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains together with deep RPG leveling, player vs. player tournaments, alliance building and more! Be one of...
NBA 2K celebrates 20 years of redefining what sports gaming can be, from best in class graphics & gameplay to groundbreaking game modes and an immersive open-world “Neighborhood.” NBA 2K19 continues to push limits as it brings gaming one step closer to real-life basketball excitement and culture. TAKE CONTROL WITH...
ReCore: Definitive Edition is an updated version of ReCore. It includes new game content as well as various graphical updates. Owners of the original ReCore have the option to download all the new content from this edition for free. The digital release of ReCore became obsolete upon the release of...