Backwards Compatible Title. Prepare for fierce aerial combat with aircraft that span the years since the dawn of aviation. Your timeship's first encounter is with ancient 1910 biplanes; you're outnumbered, but your weapons are superior. Eliminate the entire air fleet; then knock out a mighty zeppelin and you'll progress to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Binary Domain is an original squad-based shooter by Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creator behind some of Sega's most well-known video game franchises, including the critically acclaimed Yakuza series. Campaign play in Binary Domain features a trust based system in which the maintenance of relationships developed with AI squadmates...
Backwards Compatible Title. Step up to the podium and put your smarts on the line. Join Mr. Foxworthy's class and play the Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?™ trivia game. Every question is based on grade school curriculum and the answers are elementary. * Step up to the podium...
Backwards Compatible Title. Switchball challenges players to control an ever-changing ball along a narrow and challenging course suspended in midair. A polymorphous ball exhibits different physical characteristics as it changes form as either a standard Marbleball, a feather-light Airball, an electrically charged Powerball or a dense and powerful Metalball. Players...
Backwards Compatible Title. Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter video game developed by Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games. It is the third title in the Max Payne franchise and was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in May 2012 and for Microsoft Windows in June. Development...
Backwards Compatible Title. LEO is a robot, one who awakes to find that he has lost his memory. All he knows is that he must reboot the heroine robot SELSIE, so he sets forth on a mission hoping to regain his memory. To his surprise, he finds the world is...
Backwards Compatible Title. FEAR (Feer) n. 1) A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined 2) An elite and covert squadron of specialized soldiers recruited from the world’s top secret military organizations, built to respond to national threats of a paranormal...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Secret Weapons Over Normandy, you take the role of James Chase, an American pilot who joins a secret elite squadron of Royal Air Force pilots during World War 2. As a member of the Battlehawks, you must take part in missions in several war theaters including...
Backwards Compatible Title. Everyone loves galactic lemonade ... which means big space bucks for you! How are you going to supply power to your lemonade stand? Better build a solar windmill. How will you pay for the windmill with no space dollars? Outpost Kaloki X is the light-hearted space-station tycoon...
Backwards Compatible Title. Freefall into the depths of the chaotic underworld as a Screwjumper, and drive the aliens back to their home world by destroying their precious mining equipment. Demolish structures in freefall as you increase your destructive power by increasing your velocity. Use dynamite to pick off hazards and...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Advent Rising, you play as Gideon Wyeth, a rookie space pilot. Gideon has a loving fiancée and life smiles at him. That is, until mysterious aliens appear. Gideon and his brother, a hero space pilot, are invited to the historical greeting party. Though the aliens are...
Backwards Compatible Title. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a violent, film-noir love story. Dark, tragic and intense, the in-depth story is a thrill-ride of shocking twists and revelations. His life in ruins, Max Payne finds himself back in the NYPD. During a routine murder investigation he...
Backwards Compatible Title. Conan the Cimmerian, the hero of Robert E. Howard's books, is ready to destroy armies, wage sieges and even battle the ancient gods themselves. Conan's trusty sword will cleanse the earth of ancient evil, using a variety of bone-cleaving moves. He will go through deserts, fight on...
Backwards Compatible Title. Manhunt is a stealth-based psychological horror video game with a third-person perspective. The game consists of twenty levels, and four bonus levels that can be unlocked; the levels are referred to as "scenes". Players survive the Scenes by dispatching enemy gang members known as "Hunters", occasionally with...
Backwards Compatible Title. MX vx. ATV Untamed kicks it up a notch and shifts into high gear! Rainbow Studios has evolved their legendary Rhythm Racing engine to include throttle based power slides, near upside-down whips and new scrubs at full speed, all while retaining the smooth and authentic feel not...
Backwards Compatible Title. This heroic fantasy hack 'n' slash takes you on a continent ravaged by a war that held ten years ago. The four Kingdoms of Men, Elves and Dwarves lay in ruins, preyed on by raiders and looters. In this chaos, a new, unknown threat is looming... trying...
Backwards Compatible Title. SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam! is a fast-paced, side-scrolling multiplayer slapstick collect 'em-up, set deep in the ocean. An incredibly powerful storm current has disrupted a Royal Laundry shipment of the undergarments of Neptune, Lord of the Sea, and has spread his unmentionables across the bottom of the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Birds of a Feather party together! From the makers of the hit ICE AGE series comes RIO, a 3D comedy adventure about Blu, a rare domesticated bird who travels to the exotic land of Rio. In this multiplayer video game, Blu goes on the adventure of his...
Backwards Compatible Title. The First Templar is a co-operative action adventure game, it portrays a dark and gritty view of the late 13th century where old friends become enemies, corruption spreads throughout the Church and fallen knights oppress the weak and renounce their oaths. The First Templar follows the story...
Backwards Compatible Title. Based on the events of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, there are three main characters: Rhys Dallows, Vana Sage, and Nym, each with their own perspectives on the events surrounding the battle for Naboo. Each character has their own ships for you to fly, with...
The spider - mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Assemble your arsenal of increasingly excessive weapons, track spiders across suburbia, and burn everything in your path! To defeat spiders you must exploit their one weakness: FIRE. Or...
The planet used to be beautiful, with gorgeous cities and gleaming countrysides. Until the Aliens attacked! With fire, bombs, and napalm they devastated the world! They made the planet so abominable that it became an outcast in the universe - the Forgotten World. Until you, the Nameless One, appear. You're...
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires – the strategic battle experience in the highly-revered DYNASTY WARRIORS franchise. Conquer castles with wisdom and courage by combining use of strategy and the sword. Freely live your very own “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” experience. Exhilarating 1 vs. 1,000 action meets strategy simulation in the...
he criminal organization, SH1FT3R, is on the rise, now it’s time for you to stop their plans! Get ready to trigger traps, hit speed boosts, and out-race the competition to claim victory. To be the champion, you’ll need to beat the growing threat of SH1FT3R in a high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled racing...
Even knights still have to pay taxes, loans and alimony. Help the brave knight in his sacred mission to find the Holy Grail (and then sell it). Explore dungeons, slay enemies, avoid traps, stay alive and get rich! - Explore dangerous dungeons filled with traps, treasures and ... food? -...