Backwards Compatible Title. Sketch Turner is an artist in New York City. One day, Sketch is drawing and then there is a huge thunderstorm in the city. A bolt of lightning hits Sketch's image, and brings it to life. That image is Mortus, a megalomaniac mutant who wants to become...
Fractured Minds is an immersive artistic short game, exploring anxiety and mental health issues. Winner of the BAFTA Young Game Designers Award, Fractured Minds is a game created by Emily Mitchell, then 17-years-old, with the hope of aiding understanding and awareness of mental illness. Embark on a journey through the...
Circuit Breakers is a fast-paced multi-player top down shoot 'em up. Get together with five of your friends and fight to rid the universe of an intergalactic robot army! Far in the future, advances in artificial intelligence have created the first truly sapient AI, FIRST- short for First Intelligent Robotic...
Snakeybus is a casual arcade game that requires a balance between reflexes and forethought. Weave through the city streets and pick up as many passengers as you can. Drop your passengers at their destinations to cash in. The more people you drop off, the more your bus grows in length....
A serene first-person explorer unfolding in a world that grows around you. Journey through a psychedelic and colorful ecosystem of flourishing flora, rambling waterfalls, burgeoning mountains, glowing monoliths and graceful creatures. A 1-3 hour escape from work, anxiety and stress.. Note: Immersion, exploration and contemplation form the core of Shape...
If you always thought that there were too few loot boxes in other games, this game is for you! Shadow of Loot Box is an attempt to present what video games can become in the near future. Each level of this shooter is a reference to a popular trend in...
Join retired salesman rabbit, Hank, and his canine pal, Larry, in part one of this story-driven game series as they use their knowledge of influence and persuasion to make their way through the apocalypse—without having to risk their own skin. With a mixture of dark comedy and the use of...
Rush Rover is a 2D top-down shooter game. Compared to other similar games of the genre, the shooting experience is closer to traditional shoot'em up games. It includes random map generation, unique weapons, lots of different enemies, exciting boss battles and a dynamic chiptune soundtrack. In the universe of Rush...
There once was a princess named Layna in a magical kingdom. Unable to take the throne before coming of age, her advisors first held the reigns while she spent her days in worry-free bliss. Layna was looking forward to her coronation more than anything. When it finally came, she knew...
An all-round bouncy adventure! If you love roguelikes & Peggle, then Roundguard is for you. Castle Springbottom is under attack and it’s up to the Roundguard to save the king and -- more importantly -- recover his gold! Fling your hero into the face of danger and bounce off hordes...
Ritual: Crown of Horns is a slaughterhouse: a fast-paced action game set in an alternate Wild West, a demonic version of a hellish frontier. This arcade-inspired title unravels a tale about an unlikely duo: a bounty hunter who comes back from beyond the grave, yearning to exact revenge on his...
Rento is online multiplayer business dice game. It is board game for 2 to 6 players. Trade lands, build houses, win auctions, roll wheel of fortune, risk in Russian Roulette and most importantly - have fun. Obtain monopoly over the game board and bankrupt the other players in order to...
Welcome to the Rover Blaster Tactical Team. It’s your job to protect Qubit, a suburban robotic canine used for the transportation of important surveillance data! Your mission is to ensure the safe delivery of Qubit and these communications to the Resistance. Be careful! He may have a tough exterior, but...
Meet Ted. A hard working citizen and a family man. Hello Ted! Don't be shy! Wait a minute, what's that sound? OH NO! It's the nuclear bomb alarm! Not to worry, Ted knows what to do! Government's superb early warning system gives Ted 60 seconds to take cover in the...
Hunt: Showdown is a competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting game with heavy PvE elements, from the makers of Crysis. Set in the darkest corners of the world, it packs the thrill of survival games into a match-based format. Hunt’s competitive, match-based gameplay mixes PvP and PvE elements to create a...
Bendy and the Dark Revival (abbreviated as BatDR) is an upcoming second episodic installment of the main core series from the Bendy franchise, currently under development by Joey Drew Studios Inc.. It was first announced from the "From the desk of Joey Drew - February 10th, 1931" video on February...
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the highly anticipated massive expansion to Monster Hunter: World, the best-selling Capcom title of all time with more than 12 million units shipped worldwide adding to the series total of more than 53 million units to date. This gargantuan follow-up rivals the gameplay volume from...
Included in Nier: Automata – Become as Gods Edition. This DLC pack adDS “Revealing Outfit” costume for 2B, “Young Man’s Outfit” costume for 9S and “Destroyer’s Outfit” costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while wearing these costumes from NieR...
Backwards compatible DLC. Lonesome Road brings the courier's story full circle when you are contacted by the original Courier Six, a man by the name of Ulysses who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of New Vegas. In his transmission, Ulysses promises the answer as to why,...
Backwards compatible DLC. DLC for Fallout: New Vegas In Old World Blues, you will discover how some of the Mojave's mutated monsters came to be when you unwittingly become a lab rat in a science experiment gone awry. You'll need to scour the Pre-War research centers of the Big Empty...
Backwards compatible DLC. Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, you become embroiled in a war...
Backwards compatible DLC. As the victim of a raw deal you must work alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. In Dead Money, your life hangs in the balance as you face new terrain, foes, and choices. It is up to you...
Backwards compatible title. Fallout: New Vegas is a role-playing video game in the Fallout series developed by Obsidian Entertainment (many employees of which worked for Black Isle Studios on Fallout and Fallout 2) and published by Bethesda Softworks. This is a game that is based in the state of Nevada...
Backwards compatible DLC. Enter the simulation pod and embark on one of the greatest military campaigns of the Fallout universe: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese Communist invaders. Experience harrowing winter combat using Fallout 3's patented V.A.T.S. targeting system, and employ powerful new equipment such as the Gauss...
Backwards compatible DLC. Pittsburgh was once the industrial center of the pre-war world. The city was spared the horrors of nuclear fire, only to have its people infected by a nightmare plague of disease, infection, and mutation. Travel to the ruins of this industrial city, now called The Pitt, and...