This War of Mine: The Little Ones explores the hardships of wartime survival as seen from an entirely new perspective―that of a child. This DLC puts you in charge of a group of adults and children stuck in a besieged city, struggling with basic necessities. TWoM: The Little Ones focuses...
Delve into the crime-ridden underbelly of South Park in South Park: The Fractured but Whole, the sequel to 2014’s award-winning adventure South Park: The Stick of Truth. Created alongside South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, The Fractured but Whole once again lets players become the New Kid in...
Welcome to the World of Dangerous Golf, an arcade style sports game with a very explosive twist. Play through a variety of indoor courses – make a mess in the Kitchen, wreak havoc in a Palace, cause chaos in a Castle and set fire to a Gas Station. Rack up...
The game follows private investigator Edward Pierce as he investigates the death of an entire family on Darkwater Island near Boston, Massachusetts, and discovers the impending revival of the Great Old One Cthulhu. The game features a semi-open world environment and will incorporate themes of Lovecraftian and psychological horror into...
Backwards compatible title. Pirates! offers players the chance to take on the role of a privateer the Caribbean. From here, the game is pretty much up to you. You can get involved in trading, treasure hunting, ship fights, town assaults, duels and all manner of other activities. The game is...
Included in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. You are Ryu, a Street Fighter. Your goal is to travel to 5 countries (Japan, USA, England, China and Thailand) and beat 2 enemies at each of them. Many of these characters, such as Adon, Gen, and Birdie, are later seen in the...
What is the fate of those who have acquired divine power? Discover it in a fantasy RPG featuring stunning 3D battles! Caine enters a ruins site in search of a feral relic said to be left behind by the gods and meets a mysterious girl in a mask. This strange...
For bikers, there are two types of speed races: the Isle of Man TT and the rest. No other race is as gruelling for the motorbikes and demanding for the riders. Take up the challenge of the Snaefell Mountain course: all 37.73 miles faithfully reproduced with the champions and their...
Double Kick Heroes mixes a rhythm game with a shoot'em up! ARCADE MODE Jump right into the action and play your favorite tracks from the game. THE HELLGATE HAS OPENED: 6 licensed tracks directly playable in the game! -Kammthaar by Ultra Vomit -The Scarecrow Paradox by Fundamental Wisdom Of Chaos...
The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness. Monitor your Condition, search for life-saving supplies, and master survival skills like fire-building, maintaining your gear, hunting, fishing, and landmark-based navigation. There are no zombies -- only...
The tears of a young witch have been turned by a demon into a key that opens up a gateway for the evil in this world. The King Alfonso VI of León has gathered his loyal knights to get to Tolomera del Rey and finish the nightmare using the power...
Your flight crashes after passing through a mysterious portal. As the sole survivor, you awaken to an unfamiliar land lit by stars you’ve never seen. This land is Escario, the city of swords. Quickly marked as the Chosen One, the Stranger of Sword City, you must defend this place, and...
Inspired by 60s pulp sci-fi movies, Albedo: Eyes From Outer Space is a first-person adventure game. Working as a night-watchman at a partially abandoned, secret research facility, you are knocked unconscious by a nearby explosion. Waking in the complex’s basement you look up and see a gaping hole in the...
Backwards compatible title. Shred the slopes of the world's biggest mountain - at least in the SSX world - as you attempt to become the greatest snowboarder of all time. Unlike the previous two entries in the series, you must venture around the mountain, completely free to do what you...
Included in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Street Fighter II is a fighting game. Players select from one of eight characters: Ryu, Ken, Blanka, E. Honda, Zangief, Chun Li, Guile and Dhalsim to do battle with. They must then use their combat strengths to defeat the other seven fighters followed...
The hero journey turned on its head! Underhero is an RPG-platformer where the chosen hero has failed, and an underling of the evil king reluctantly takes his place as the new hero. Use timing-based combat to defeat enemies as you venture across the land, face off against quirky bosses, and...
Every battle defines you. Power up and build the ultimate version of your favorite DC legends in INJUSTICE 2. With a massive selection of DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains, INJUSTICE 2 allows you to equip every iconic character with unique and powerful gear earned throughout the game. Experience an unprecedented...
Fear Comes Home When Ethan Winters opened his inbox, the last thing he expected was to find an email from his wife; she had been missing for three years. The message was simple: "Come get me," and an address in Louisiana. This leads Ethan to a decrepit mansion in the...
Super Hydorah is a nonlinear horizontal shoot em up designed to offer a challenging and memorable experience, sublimating the wisdom and richness of traditional shmup classics. The game has direct action, nostalgic art and a wide variety of unique spatial content and situations. It is hours of intense fun, alone...
Set after the events of Arkham Knight, prowl the night as Catwoman as she seeks her revenge on the Riddler with this story pack.
Backwards compatible title. Fools they were, to tread where knowledge should stay forbidden. For what emerged was not a man-it was Splosion Man. "And all who saw him were 'sploded, for he was the fire and they were but meat." Able to 'splode himself at will, Splosion Man launches his...
Backwards compatible title. For the first time in gaming history, after countless games depicting various aspects of the rich Star Wars universe (including some we never wanted to see), players have the chance to step into the boots of the average soldier in the wars that raged across the galaxy....
Included in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. This version of Street Fighter II is similar in most aspects to the original, save that all 12 characters are selectable from the get-go and the game engine has been revamped. From the corners of the globe come twelve of the toughest fighters...
Skylanders SuperChargers expands upon the franchise's signature gameplay to introduce vehicles-to-life -- an entirely new way for fans to experience the magic of Skylands. For the first time, kids can explore and navigate the mountainous terrains, deep sea environments and big blue skies of Skylands like never before with amazingly...
From the developers of NeuroVoider, ScourgeBringer is a fast-paced free-moving roguelite platformer. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a mysterious entity wreaked havoc on all humanity, ScourgeBringer puts you in the shoes of the deadliest warrior of her clan: Kyhra. Help her to explore the unknown and slash her way...