Featuring an original narrative set in the DC universe, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League takes place in a richly detailed open-world Metropolis. The story follows Suicide Squad members Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark who must take on an impossible mission to save Earth and kill the...
The first strategy videogame adaptation of Age of Sigmar’s dark-fantasy universe. Lead your highly-customisable force, and unlock new units, equipment and skills in this dynamic turn-based game packed with fast-paced warfare. Conquer the Mortal Realms! Become the commander of one of the extraordinary factions of Warhammer Age of Sigmar -...
Welcome to the brink. Welcome to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - the direct sequel to the original and fan-favorite Call of Duty: Black Ops. Campaign Black Ops Cold War will drop fans into the depths of the Cold War’s volatile geopolitical battle of the early 1980s. Nothing...
Raised on the streets of Kolkata, India and haunted by visions of her own death, Haroona struggles to understand her mysterious innate abilities to manipulate the unseen. A mentor soon helps Haroona hone her gifts, teaches her to access the mysterious hidden dimension known as The Fold and propels her...
NBA 2K21 is built from the ground up for PS5. Get ready for Next Gen graphics, load times, and power.
Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead combines the legendary and challenging puzzle gameplay of Bridge Constructor with the post-apocalyptic zombie universe of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Prepare for the ultimate mashup experience! Join a group of survivors as they fight against hordes of undead walkers and a hostile human community. Build...
Little Nightmares 2 is a sequel to the first, taking place after Six escapes from the Maw. She later meets Mono and must work with him to reach the Black Tower, which is controlled by the mysterious Broadcaster.
The gigantic robot brawler is Mech-ing a super-charged comeback in Override 2: Super Mech League! Seven years after the Xenotypes that invaded Earth have been eradicated, the giant mechs that were once the planet’s defenders are now their entertainers in global mech battle leagues. As a new pilot of these...
Just Dance® 2021 is the ultimate dance game, with 40 hot new tracks from chart-topping hits like "Don't Start Now" by Dua Lipa, "Feel Special" by TWICE, "Señorita" by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello and more! Start a dance party your friends and family can enjoy! Key Features: One month...
Two Legends Reunite for the Ultimate Puzzle Match Japan’s beloved puzzle game series Puyo Puyo and the world-renowned Tetris® game franchise have teamed up again to deliver even more Puyo-popping and Tetrimino-clearing fun in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. Playing is easy: match 4 or more same-colored Puyos or complete a...
Win as one in EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21, powered by Frostbite™. Whether it's on the streets or in the stadium, FIFA 21 has more ways to play than ever before, including the UEFA Champions League and CONMEBOL Libertadores. ● Career Mode Manage every moment of your team’s journey to the...
Experience all the Onion Kingdom has to offer, Overcooked! 1 & 2 infused with 4k goodness running at a smooth 60 FPS. Fully remastered and cooked up from scratch. Enjoy 200+ levels (22 new) and 80+ chefs (3 new), this is the ultimate Overcooked! experience.
Explore a land of fantastical creatures and wondrous places. Developed by Playground Games for Xbox Series X and Windows 10.
Now with all-new co-op and competitive online and local multiplayer modes! This is Tetris® like you’ve never seen it, or heard it, or felt it before—an incredibly addictive, unique, and breathtakingly gorgeous reinvention of one of the most popular puzzle games of all time.
What is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2? It’s a unique blend of FPS, immersive sim and horror with a really thick atmosphere. One of the biggest open-worlds to date is yours to explore — along with an epic branching story with multiple endings. Which platform is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 going to be released on?...
Avowed takes place in Eora, the setting of Obsidian’s 2015 game Pillars of Eternity and its 2018 sequel. But it’s swapping Pillars of Eternity’s old-school isometric perspective for first-person gameplay, apparently including swordplay and spellcasting. A trailer doesn’t give away much detail, but it offers a sense of the game’s...
Paris, 1789. The French Revolution has been suppressed with bloodshed by Louis XVI and his merciless mechanical army. Aegis, a mysterious automaton masterpiece, must confront the king's army alone to save history in this challenging action-RPG.
Welcome to Yara, a tropical paradise frozen in time. As the dictator of Yara, Anton Castillo is intent on restoring his nation back to its former glory by any means, with his son, Diego, following in his bloody footsteps. Their ruthless oppression has ignited a revolution. FIGHT FOR FREEDOM Play...
Dustborn is a third-person, single-player, story-driven, road-tripping action-adventure about hope, love, friendship, robots — and the power of words. Set in a vibrant and perilous post-infodemic America inspired by graphic novels, a band of misfits and outcasts must cross a divided continent to transport a mysterious package from California to...
Los Santos: a sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of self-help gurus, starlets and fading celebrities, once the envy of the Western world, now struggling to stay afloat in an era of economic uncertainty and cheap reality TV. Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and...
Part human, part demon, and obsessed with vengeance. Become The Unknown, and fight through the fiercest domains of Hell. Destroy the demon hordes and their leaders to set yourself up for an epic showdown with The Red Judge herself. Every legend has a song. And yours is one of metal,...
The Demon World is inhabited by all kinds of nasties… Most of them lumped into gangs battling for dominion, each led by its own head honcho. Yet even these bad dudes are no match for the Demon King himself! Instead the task falls to Beebz, a young demon barely a...
Return to the ultimate medieval battlefield Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from the thunder of cavalry charges, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and...
After a secretive agency in New York is invaded by an otherworldly threat, you become the new Director struggling to regain Control. This supernatural third-person action-adventure game will challenge you to master a combination of supernatural abilities, modifiable loadouts and reactive environments, while fighting through a deep and unpredictable world....
HITMAN 3 is the dramatic conclusion to the World of Assassination trilogy and takes players around the world on a globetrotting adventure to sprawling sandbox locations. Agent 47 returns as a ruthless professional for the most important contracts of his entire career. Supported by his Agency handler, Diana Burnwood, 47...