Backwards Compatible Title. The game follows the titular Nier as he attempts to find a cure for an illness, known as the Black Scrawl, that his daughter Yonah has succumbed to. Partnering with a talking book known as Grimoire Weiss, he journeys with two other characters, Kainé and Emil, as...
Backwards Compatible Title. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (MK vs. DC) is a crossover fighting game from Midway Games (in its last project before being bankrupt and sold the rights), and Warner Bros. Games (in its project debut and unrestricted ESRB rating with DC Comics). The game was released on...
Backwards Compatible Title. A Japanese fan favorite now coming to our shores! The sexy sister duo Aya and Saki use their swords and their hotness to defend their city against a legion of killer zombies. The prequel to Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers, Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad features Aya, a descendent...
Backwards Compatible Title. Follow the epic storylines of the original The Lord of the Rings trilogy reimagined with the humor and endless variety of LEGO gameplay. Relive the legend of The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King through LEGO minifigures, as they explore...
Backwards Compatible Title. Munch, the Gabbit with "odditude," and his sidekick Abe lead an off-beat revolution to save the world. With their sacred land in jeopardy of being destroyed by the greedy Glukkons, Munch and Abe team up to teach those rascals a lesson by using their chanting prowess to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Fast-paced first-person shooter, developed by Free Radical. TimeSplitters 2's storyline takes you through time itself. Two time-travelling heroes are on the tail of some plotting aliens who just so happen to have been jumping through time, no doubt scheming after something or another. So with this in...
Backwards Compatible Title. Mr. Krabs has entrusted SpongeBob with his recipe for the Krabby Patty, but in all the excitement, SpongeBob loses it. He must now rely on the unlikely help of Plankton, who wants the recipe for himself, to locate it using his memory machine to locate it using...
Backwards Compatible Title. Protect the stronghold! Defend your castle walls from the destruction of fast-flying fireballs with your mighty shield. Move the shield around the perimeter of your castle with precision and speed to deflect the fireballs or grab onto and charge fireballs to release even more devastating attacks back...
Backwards Compatible Title. Islands of Wakfu is an action/adventure game set in the universe of the world-famous DOFUS and Wakfu MMORPGs. Gameplay revolves around the complementarity between the two principal characters: Nora, the young Eliatrope, and her brother dragon, Efrim. Nora is a close combat fighter, relying on her fists,...
Backwards Compatible Title. Inspired by the Disney/Pixar feature film, Toy Story and the 4D Toy Story Mania attraction at Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort, Toy Story Mania! is now available for PC. In addition to galleries adapted from the attraction, the game includes new and original galleries and...
Backwards Compatible DLC. F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn is a DLC expansion pack for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, available to be purchased on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (the respective market places are Steam, Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network Store). The expansion pack includes 4 new single player levels. In...
Backwards Compatible Title. Gunvalkyrie is an alternate history/science fiction video game. It takes place in 1906 when the British Empire rules all of Earth and several extrasolar colony worlds, powered by technology brought to the planet by Halley's Comet. The game itself follows members of an elite military force known...
Backwards Compatible Title. Set in ancient Japan and steeped in real-life folklore and mysticism, Otogi: Myth of Demons is the story of Raikoh, a hero who must stop a ferocious demonic army unleashed upon the Earth. As a long-forgotten doomsday myth materializes, Raikoh must quickly dispatch hoards of demon warriors,...
Backwards Compatible Title. Avatar: The Burning Earth continues the epic adventure of Aang and his courageous fight against the evil Fire Nation in order to restore balance in his war-torn world. Based on the second season of the Avatar animated series, players will join Aang and his friends as they...
Backwards Compatible Title. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is a third-person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows. It is part of the Resident Evil series, being set around the same time as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and featuring the characters from these two games, though it...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Jedi Outcast, you once again play Kyle Katarn, star of LucasArts' Star Wars-inspired 1st-person shooters Star Wars: Dark Forces and Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II. Kyle has retired from being a Jedi fearing consequences from the Dark Side of the Power found within...
Backwards Compatible Title. Dead or Alive 3 is a fighting game in the Dead or Alive series. It was released in 2001, exclusively on the Xbox as a launch title. The basic gameplay controls and commands remain essentially unchanged from Dead or Alive 2; however, some minor tweaks have been...
Backwards Compatible Title. After centuries of Mortal Kombat, Emperor Shao Kahn has finally defeated Raiden and his allies. Faced with extinction, Raiden has one last chance to save Earthrealm. To undo the Emperor's victory, he must strike Shao Kahn where he is vulnerable...the Past. Driven by an all new graphics...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Rock of Ages the player takes the role of a rock who battles against famous figures of world history. The background story is about Sisyphus who got into conflict with Kronus, but there is no actual story development during the game. However, one motivational factor are...
Backwards Compatible Title. Konami's legendary tactical RPG series returns with the all-new Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network! On the continent of Sostegaria, two rival kingdoms stand on the brink of war. In a small town on their border is a simple church orphanage,...
Backwards Compatible Title. F.E.A.R. (an acronym for First Encounter Assault Recon) is a psychological horror first-person shooter developed by Monolith Productions and published by Vivendi Universal and the first game in the F.E.A.R. series. It was released on October 18, 2005, for Microsoft Windows, and ported by Day 1 Studios...
Backwards Compatible Title. The sequel to F.E.A.R. continues the original game's spine-tingling supernatural suspense story of an escalating paranormal crisis that threatens to destroy a major American city. At the center of the calamity is the mysterious Alma, whose rage against those who wronged her triggered a chain of events...
Backwards Compatible Title. Gladius is a dynamic combat RPG featuring brutal turn-based gladiator battles. The single and multiplayer game is set in the ancient Rome-inspired city of Imperia, where the world's toughest gladiators gather to train and compete in a series of rigorous do-or-die tournaments in the city's fabled arenas....
Backwards Compatible Title. Risen is a third-person action RPG created by Piranha Bytes. Risen is considered a spiritual successor to the Gothic series, and features many resemblances to the franchise. The story takes place on Faranga, a fictitious volcanic, Mediterranean island with different sub climates and vegetation zones. The island...
Backwards Compatible Title. A blazing arcade-style third person game fueled by precision gunplay, Red Dead Revolver is a classic tale of vengeance on the untamed frontier. The addictively fun, innovative combat scheme rewards accurate and ruthless elimination of backwater lowlifes. Ride down outlaws on horseback, fight bloody duels aboard trains,...