Backwards Compatible Title. From the team that created the award-winning Greed Corp, comes Gatling Gears. Set within the same Mistbound universe featuring signature elements like collapsing land, walker units and warring factions, but now with twin-stick shooter controls and a new hero, Max Brawley. In this eclectic steampunk setting, players...
Included in The Orange Box. Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second episode in a series of sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. Episode Two gameplay consists of expansive environments, travel and reduced linear play, continuing Valve's policy of orienting each episode around a particular...
Included in The Orange Box. Half-Life 2: Episode One is a first-person shooter video game, the first in a series of episodes that serve as the sequel to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called Half-Life 2: Aftermath, the...
Included in The Orange Box. Half-Life 2, the sequel to Half-Life, is a first-person shooter video game and a signature title in the Half-Life series. It is singleplayer, story-driven, science fiction, and linear. Developed by Valve Corporation, it was initially released on November 16, 2004, following a protracted five-year, $40...
Included in The Orange Box. One of the most popular online action games of all time, Team Fortress 2 delivers constant free updates—new game modes, maps, equipment and, most importantly, hats. Nine distinct classes provide a broad range of tactical abilities and personalities, and lend themselves to a variety of...
Included in The Orange Box. A unique take on puzzle gameplay by the makers of Half-Life. Portal is a new type of single player game that changes how players approach, manipulate, and surmise the possibilities in a given environment in a manner similar to how the Gravity Gun changed our...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Orange Box is a video game compilation for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Mac OS X and PlayStation 3. The Windows and Xbox 360 versions were produced and published by Valve Corporation and released on October 10, 2007 as a boxed retail copy. A Windows-only download through...
Backwards Compatible Title. Make rectangles of the same type of yosumin to make them disappear in this mind-bending puzzle game. The more you get, the better you'll feel! Yosumin!, Square Enix's puzzle masterpiece, is here! Simply select rectangles of the same type of yosumin to make them disappear in this...
Backwards Compatible Title. Battle through line after line of the emperor's minion horde, destroying absolutely everything you can! Blast through bunches of robots, crush colonies of aquatic monsters, smash swarms of UFOs, and demolish devastating bosses. It's a continuous adventure through four immense, strikingly vibrant worlds, and you can fight...
Backwards Compatible Title. Saints Row is an action-adventure open world video game developed by Volition, Inc. and published by THQ. It is the first title in the Saints Row series. Set in Stilwater, a fictional city based heavily on the likes of Detroit and Chicago, the game begins with the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Shadow Complex follows the main character Jason Fleming and his girlfriend Claire in their fight against an organization called the Restoration. After the two went out into the mountains to explore a cave, Claire gets kidnapped by some mysterious men and Jason infiltrates their complex built into...
Backwards Compatible Title. The real Ghostbusters return in this videogame sequel to the Ghostbusters movies. Stars Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray reunite to reprise their roles as Spengler, Stantz, Zeddmore and Venkman. Supporting the ghost busting crew are the talents of Annie Potts, Brian Doyle Murray...
Backwards Compatible Title. This game is based on Bellator Fighting Championships, a single elimination Mixed Martial Arts tournament. It is a first of its kind, a fast paced arcade style MMA fighting game with easy to understand controls that enable players to quickly master the clinch and ground game. Design...
Backwards Compatible Title. Battlestations: Midway offers a totally new approach to air, sea and underwater combat, accurately reflecting the atmosphere and situation in the Pacific during 1942. Players take direct control of battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines and planes in a 'free-control' environment, with seamless switching between any of the units...
Backwards Compatible Title. In 2013, the U.S. Army will implement the Integrated Warfighter System evolving what we know as the modern soldier. IWS combines advanced weapon systems, satellite communication devices and enhanced survivability into one fully integrated combat system. The IWS program has been developed to meet these new threats...
Backwards Compatible Title. Darksiders is a single-player action adventure in which the player takes control of War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In third-person perspective, the player engages in combat, puzzles and exploration. The world is divided into separate locations with many areas at first initially inaccessible...
Backwards Compatible Title. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the 2011 release in the best-selling Call of Duty First-Person Shooter action series. The game is a direct sequel to the previous game in the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with a campaign storyline continuing the struggle of...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Cave is a platform adventure game that tells the story of seven characters who descend into an ancient, self-aware cave to pursue their deepest desires: the Adventurer, the Time Traveler, the Knight, the Twins, the Hillbilly, the Scientist, and the Monk. Alone or with up to...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Earth Defense Force 2017, you are given control of an Earth Defense Force (EDF) soldier part of the unit known as Storm 1. Your goal is to exterminate an alien race, known as the Ravagers, who are attacking Earth. The aliens are powerful and heavily outnumber...
Backwards Compatible Title. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is a completely re-imagined version of the first game in the series that adds updated high definition graphics, a re-mastered musical score, and full voiceover. Welcome to the Port of Melee, Mr. Guybrush Threepwood. So ya think you've got what...
Backwards Compatible Title. Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds -Cocoa's Nightmare Attack- is a side-scrolling beat-em-up released worldwide on February 27, 2013 at the price of 800msp. It is a spinoff of Phantom Breaker, a fighting game released by 5pb. Battle Grounds sports a retro-styled presentation, with chiptune music, pixel art characters,...
Backwards Compatible Title. Story Mode No toy gets left behind as you run, ride and fly through scenes from Toy Story 3! Play as Woody, Buzz or Jessie. Each one has different and unique abilities. You can swap control between the characters at any time. You can also perform cooperative...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Faery: Legends of Avalon, the player plays as an elf or a fairy that will evolve during the story, through numerous quests and epic turn-based battles. Throughout the adventure, the player will customize his avatar thanks to a unique system changing not only the whole look...
Backwards Compatible Title. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood transports players from a ravaged Civil War-era Georgia to the Aztec ruins of Mexico. In the wildest West ever depicted, players can embody both McCall brothers in an intense storyline full of greed, lust and lawlessness that takes place during a...
Backwards Compatible Title. Half-Minute Hero was re-released for the XBLA on June 29, 2011 as Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax. This version contains the "Super Mega Neo Climax" mode which allows the game to be played with enhanced graphics more akin to anime than 8-bit RPGs. Additionally, the "Evil...