Backwards Compatible DLC. The Ballad of Gay Tony injects Liberty City with an overdose of guns, glitz, and grime. As Luis Lopez, part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince (a.k.a. "Gay Tony"), players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the...
Backwards Compatible Title. Grand Theft Auto IV is a sandbox-style action-adventure video game developed in the United Kingdom by Rockstar North. It was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles in Europe, North America, and Oceania on 29 April 2008, and in Japan on 30 October...
Backwards Compatible Title. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -- the sequel to the award-winning next-generation first-person shooter -- returns to Sin City. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is your last chance to rescue America's sexiest city from an escalating terrorist siege that will force you into heart-pounding action...
Backwards Compatible Title. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is a 2008 iteration of Civilization developed by Firaxis Games with Sid Meier as designer for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Windows Phone, and iOS. A Wii version was originally expected but was put on indefinite hold. The lack of a...
Backwards Compatible Title. Rev it up in Mad Tracks, an action-packed toy-car racing game. Races take place in everyday environments such as toy stores, mini golf parks, and restaurants. Extra challenges add to this car arcade party game's fast-moving fun. Play with friends on a split-screen, and gather up to...
Backwards Compatible Title. I Am Alive is a survival horror video game developed by Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft. The game focuses on facing the permanent insecurity of a dystopian, decaying and hazardous world, and humanity's darkest inclinations towards brutality and materialism. The player controls the main character from...
Backwards Compatible Title. In Greg Hastings Paintball 2, players take to the field in 12 global paintball locations, each containing three to six different fields. Seven single-player game modes challenge the most experienced "ballers" to hone their skills and then test them against up to 19 others in seven different...
Backwards Compatible Title. You can play as an FBI agent investigating serial killers in Condemned: Criminal Origins. Condemned: Criminal Origins is an atmospheric thriller in which you need to employ both fighting and crime-solving skills to stay alive. Next-generation lighting effects and physics create spooky environments in which to explore...
Backwards Compatible Title. Left 4 Dead 2 takes place one week after the events of the first game and three weeks after the first infection. Instead of following the journey of Zoey, Francis, Louis and Bill from the first game, the player gets to control Coach, Rochelle, Nick or Ellis....
Backwards Compatible Title. The spiritual successor to the massively popular freeware top-down shooter BaboViolent2, Madballs in Babo:Invasion is an arena based 3D shooter offering players a satisfying and immersive experience in both single-player and multiplayer, including 'Invasion Mode' where players are able to design their own combat maps almost instantaneously...
Backwards Compatible DLC. Follow up to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Reverie. Gabriels fate and that of the Belmont clan is laid bare, as he battles the evil demon known only as The Forgotten One. Imprisoned by the original founders of the brotherhood, this evil is now breaking free from its...
Backwards Compatible DLC. After the events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Gabriel Belmont stands on the edge of an abyss contemplating his fate. In the darkest shadows of his mind, he hears her cry for help. Laura, the vampire child who had spared him during his quest, is in danger....
Backwards Compatible Title. Gabriel Belmont is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, a group of holy knights who serve to protect the innocent from the forces of evil. His wife Marie, recently murdered by the same evil, now lies trapped between the Earth and the Heavens. Her soul along...
Backwards Compatible Title. The adventures of Sam Fisher continue in the fifth entry of the stealth-based series. In this game, all of the rules have changed, as the storyline takes a dramatic turn that will reinvent the Splinter Cell franchise forever. Fisher can no longer rely on his trusted bag...
Backwards Compatible Title. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based tactical strategy game that incorporates role-playing elements and it is a reimagined remake of X-COM: UFO Defense. The game is set in the near future when Earth is invaded by aliens. The player is put at the head of the elite...
Backwards Compatible Title. This "Real Martial Arts" shooting game takes to the blue skies as six of your favorite "The King of Fighters" main characters fight to stave off the resurrection of Orochi. Each character retains their own normal shots, as well as ultimate techniques. Each character's special move has...
Backwards Compatible Title. The government is attempting to silence the kids of Tokyo, but with their Overdrive Magnetic-Motor Skating Shoes, the cops will have to catch 'em first. The Jet Set Radio program keeps the kids unified and inspired to fight for their rights of expression, which includes graffiti art....
Backwards Compatible Title. In-between Balance and Chaos stands one man, whose efforts will either bridge the ancient divide or doom the world to destruction. Outland is an ambitious 2D-platformer with mind-blowing graphics and a unique, polarity-switching gameplay system. Your adventure will shift between light and darkness as you struggle to...
Backwards Compatible Title. Sniper Elite V2 is both a sequel to and a remake of Sniper Elite. It takes Karl Fairnburne, the protagonist of the first game, and offers a setting in the same period of the original title. The gameplay and levels are however entirely new, so it is...
Backwards Compatible Title. Call of Duty: Black Ops is the seventh edition of the Call of Duty FPS franchise, which is set during the Cold War theater, and casts the player in the role of various special forces soldiers conducting covert top secret operations colloquially known as 'black ops' that...
Backwards Compatible Title. Experience the Tenchu universe like never before in Shadow Assault Tenchu! Play single-player or with up to three other players in unique Japanese-themed environments as you employ stealth and strategy in an effort to take out your enemies.
Backwards Compatible DLC. Ilo and milo have decided to go for a nice autumn stroll. While wandering through the autumn landscape, they discover a trail of leaves. The two friends excitedly follow the trail, hoping to find something new and exciting. Before they know it, the trail has split in...
Backwards Compatible Title. Explore the visually lush dream world of IloMilo. Challenge yourself with exciting puzzles as you dive deeper and deeper into the story. Play along with a friend or family member and share the journey. Beautiful and full of charm, the game is equally appealing to seasoned gamers...
Backwards Compatible Title. The All-Star dream battle is here at last: It's King of Fighters '98! Here come 38 of your favorite characters from the King of Fighters series. Your favorite characters and teams are back! Filled with new surprises like the Roulette Team Edit and Advantage System, King '98...
Backwards Compatible Title. Shank 2 returns with a story of redemption as Shank, a former mob hitman with a dark and vengeful past, is thrust back into action when the lives of those close to him are endangered. Expanding on the original game with a rich and intuitive combat and...