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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Let's see, I will make a description of myself, short and easy to understand for any living being (including humans). Okay, Let's Begin : 40% of my daily time I spend it playing video games, 40% working, 10% sleeping, and the last 10% of my time I spend it doing things like: eat fruits, drink water, breathe, wash the vessel of my rotten soul, etc, etc., you know, the usual stuff.
If I'm on this website, I guess I don't have to say that I like video games, even though I just wrote that I spend 40% of my time playing video games ._. so anyway, I don't have a favorite genre, since all genres have their iconic titles, and is freaking hard to only choose one, but I guess we all agree with that, and if you don't you can f-f-fade away ~ (joke).
By the way, my favorite food is cow and pig Intestines, in other words "sausages". My full name is: %¢€| @€=£×÷|€° Mcknight and I was born in Woop Woop in |π•√ Thanks for reading, have a bad day._.
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List Of My 10 Favorite Video Game Characters
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12 Among the Sleep
11 Silvyo
10 Alan Wake
09 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
08 Silent Hill 3
07 DreadOut
06 The Suffering
05 Dead Space 2
04 Doom 3
02 Penumbra: Black Plague
01 Amnesia: The Dark Descent
20 Yuuki Terumi | BlazBlue
19 Marie | Skullgirls
18 Sephiroth | Final Fantasy VII
17 Bass.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network
16 Hector | Riviera: The Promised Land
15 Luther Lansfeld | Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
14 Lucifer | Dante's Inferno
13 Lucian The Gilded | Zwei The Ilvard Insurrection
12 Gulcasa | Yggdra Union
11 Ethereal Queen | Valkyrie Profile
10 Princess of Doom | Tokyo Xanadu eX+
09 Master of the Labyrinth | White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
08 Galiza | Hexyz Force
07 Dark Falz | Phantasy Star
06 Shodan | The System Shock 2
05 Mezner | Dark Sector
04 The End | Lost Dimension
03 Supreme Hunter | Prototype
02 H30 | Remember Me
01 Alma Wade | F.E.A.R
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