An animated Musical adventure through dimensions of time and space-time space! Join the robot Bunny, brought to artificial life and debatable intelligence by a Gates-Compatible virus, as he unravels a plot of treachery and deceit perpetrated by none other than THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN of the KNOWN UNIVERSE, and Earth! Armed...
These are the days of darkness... These are the trials of Strife. A shadow has fallen over the Plane of Strife. An ancient evil, the Dharkwave horde of Sheol, is rumored to have arisen once more. The only thing that stands between the peaceful races of Strife and the threat...
A game about survival, sacrifice, and perverts... Lisa is a quirky side-scrolling RPG set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Beneath the charming and funny exterior is a world full of disgust and moral destruction. Players will learn what kind of person they are by being FORCED to make choices. These choices...
Tonka Joe and his animated pals guide children through a variety of construction projects using "real" Tonka brand trucks in this game from Hasbro Interactive. There are rocks to crush, skyscrapers to build, and roads to pave spread throughout the five environments of Tonka Land. Kids can dig, plaw, blast...
A frantic "Arcade Tower Defense", McDROID starts gently then progressively challenges both your trigger finger and your wits as you multitask like a robotic spider-doggy: running, shooting, building your base, controlling, healing, harvesting, repairing, planting, upgrading and researching - all at the same time. Defend your shuttle against a variety...
Crypt of the NecroDancer is a hardcore rhythm-based roguelike game. Can you survive this deadly dungeon of dance, slay the NecroDancer, and recapture your still beating heart? Or will you be a slave to the rhythm for all eternity? Players must move on the beat to navigate procedurally generated dungeons...
Pillars of Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur's Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment. Combat uses a tactical real-time...
Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection includes the original Zoo Tycoon game and the Dinosaur Digs and Marine Mania expansion packs. Let your imaginations run wild as you care for more than 100 land, aquatic, and prehistoric animals in your own beautiful zoo. Additionally, Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection comes with loads of...
Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs is an expansion pack released for the PC game Zoo Tycoon. It included dinosaurs and ice age creatures, as well as prehistoric themed items Dinosaur Digs includes 20 new prehistoric animals to choose from including mammoths, saber-toothed cats, and varied dinosaurs as well as prehistoric-themed items...
For months Prince Alexander of Daventry has shut himself away from the world, thinking only of Princess Cassima, who he met while imprisoned in the previous game. Eventually he can take it no longer, and he hires a ship to search for the Land of the Green Isles located on...
Dark powers summon a cold wind from the north. The terrifying gust surrounds Sir Graham's castle, and mysteriously sweeps his fortress and family into the prison of oblivion. It's a bitter omen that chills the bones of every man, woman and child in the once peaceful Kingdom of Daventry. Who...
The goal of Zoo Tycoon is to create a thriving zoo by building exhibits to accommodate animals and keeping the guests happy. Exhibit-building is one of the primary goals of Zoo Tycoon. To keep the guests and animals happy, exhibits should be suitable to the animal; for example, a lion...
Half-Life 2, the sequel to Half-Life, is a first-person shooter video game and a signature title in the Half-Life series. It is singleplayer, story-driven, science fiction, and linear. Developed by Valve Corporation, it was initially released on November 16, 2004, following a protracted five-year, $40 million development cycle, during which...
Become a certified badass. Abducted by a race of hostile aliens, Lt. Kai Tana must use her quick reflexes and the teleporting power of the Quarp Jet to free her fellow prisoners and find a way home. Swapping back and forth between top-down vertical shoot ‘em up and side-scrolling action...
Award-winning developer Gray Matter Interactive follows up on the success of Infinity Ward's Call of Duty - winner of over 80 Game of the Year and 50 Editors' Choice awards worldwide - with Call of Duty: United Offensive. Take the role of American, British, and Russian soldiers in some of...
Quest of Dungeons is a turn based dungeon crawler game featuring a good old 16-bit retro artistic look. That thing people usually skip... An unspecific evil Dark Lord has stolen all the light, so your mission is to enter his lair and defeat him. That's it, now go get him....
Developed by IO Interactive A/S, a Square Enix studio, Hitman: Sniper Challenge is not part of the main game, but a stand-alone experience to reward fans who pre-order Hitman: Absolution. Players can don the suit of Agent 47 as he takes on an exclusive assassination assignment. From a balcony overlooking...
Home is a unique horror adventure set in a beautifully-realized pixel world. It’s a murder mystery with a twist—because you decide what ultimately happens. Awakened by an oncoming storm, you open your eyes to discover yourself in a strange, dark room—tucked away in a house that’s not yours. As you...
Roundabout is a '70s B-Movie game where you drive a constantly revolving limousine! Pick up passengers, find secret collectibles, take on dangerous missions, and fall in love in an open world puzzle adventure. Roundabout is the debut title from No Goblin, a studio founded by designers of games like Destroy...
The celebrated Elder Scrolls series is online for the first time in The Elder Scrolls Online. Discover more of Tamriel than you’ve ever seen, from the frozen peaks of Skyrim to the murky depths of Black Marsh—and do it all with your friends by your side! With a vast (and...
Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital strategy card game that anyone can enjoy. Players choose one of nine epic Warcraft heroes to play as, and then take turns playing cards from their customizable decks to cast potent spells, use heroic weapons or abilities, or summon powerful characters to crush their opponent...
While seeking life on a distant planet, an astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon... Lifeless Planet is a third-person action-adventure that features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments in...
Crimsonland is an intense, addictive and immensely gratifying top-down dual stick shooter where your screen is filled with literally hundreds of aliens, giant spiders, mutant lizards, and more. Complete sixty quests to unlock an array of weapons and abilities, then unleash your arsenal in five survival modes with leaderboards. All...
Rogue Legacy is an indie platformer with roguelike elements. The goal of Rogue Legacy is to explore a randomly generated dungeon, defeat four bosses in each of the four unique environments of the dungeon, and defeat the final boss. Due to the difficulty of the game, the player is expected...
StepMania is a cross-platform rhythm video game and engine. It was originally developed as a simulator of Konami's arcade game series Dance Dance Revolution, and has since evolved into an extensible rhythm game engine capable of supporting a variety of rhythm-based game types. The primary game type features the following...